Someone Should Do Something.

Get Away.



He found her in the middle of the street, wearing nothing but a over sized sweater and tights. Cars and their people were yelling at her to get out of their way, but she merely stared at them blankly, unmoving. She didn’t seem to care that her dirty blonde hair blowing every which way in the wind, she didn’t seem to care that it was cold and rainy and she was outside wearing almost nothing. He didn’t know why but he couldn’t stop staring at her, ‘someone should do something’ he thought. It was a couple of seconds before he realized, he should be that person. He walked onto the street, making hand gestures and apologizing the whole way. He grabbed her by the wrist not even talking to her and pulled her off the bust street, she said nothing, did nothing, just followed him. When the two were safely on the street he asked for her name, she blinked and stood there, so he introduced himself to her first. “I’m Sungjong, who are you?” She didn’t reply, she only looked at him and blinked more. After a couple of seconds of silence she spoke for the first time, “I don’t know my name....”

“Do you know where you came from?” She just shook her head, he sighed a bit, he couldn’t leave her out in the cold and rain, “Come with me.” Sungjong commanded as he took her by the wrist again. He took her to his house that he shared with his brother ‘I explain it to Yunho later, if he decides to come home tonight” he thought as he instructed the girl to sit down on the couch in the living room. He went to the kitchen and made her some tea, “To help warm you up,” He told her as he handed her the mug and sat next to her. “I guess you can stay here for tonight, I don’t think my brother is going to come home till late so you can sleep in our spare room.” She nodded her head again. Sungjong got up and looked around the house, “I don’t know if we have anything that will fit you” he complained as he went through the clean laundry. After about twenty minutes he emerged from the laundry room with a shirt, sweater and a pair of pajama pants. He handed them to her and smiled, she immediately started to take off her sweater. “No!” He shouted covering his eyes, “Go change in the bathroom over there.” He pointed to the room in question. She nodded again and went to go change in the bathroom. As she was getting changed Sungjong called his brother, he waited a couple of minutes before getting frustrated and hanging up, ‘He really isn’t going to come home again.’ he thought kicking the coffee table, ‘He’s just going to work through the night.’ he sighed.

The girl came out from the bathroom and smiled at Sungjong, “Are you okay?” she asked him looking at him worryingly, he gave her a smile back and nodded “I’m fine, do you want anything to eat?” he asked. She made a face, “I don’t know of anything particular that I like or hate so whatever you want is fine with me.” He laughed a bit and headed for the kitchen, he searched the almost bare cupboards until he found a box of pasta, ‘This will have to do.’ Sungjong thought as he boiled water. The girl followed him into the kitchen, “You really don’t remember anything?” Sungjong asked her.

“I don’t... remember anything at all... I only remember you helping me.” “Aish~ Well tomorrow I have a day off so i’ll take you to the police station, maybe someone is looking for you.”

“Yeah.” She replied. “Whats your brother like?”

Sungjong thought for a bit, “He’s a good brother, but he works to hard, he’s never really around. He works to really late and he gets up and leaves before I do. Sometimes I don’t even see him till the weekend.” He gave her a bitter smile, “But he is really kind and nice and protective. He’s a great older brother.”

“He sounds nice.” She said smiling. Sungjong nodded.

“Ah! we’re done!” He said as he plated their dinner. The two sat down at the counter and began eating in silence. Sungjong had finished eating and was already cleaning up when he heard a knock at the door, “Is that your brother?” she asked, he shook his head “If it was Yunho he would’ve just walked right in... I wonder who it is...” He said as he opened the door.

There was nothing outside, only more silence, he timidly stepped out and looked around, the neighborhood was completely still. He frowned. ‘It must have been a prank’ he told himself as he shut and locked the door. The knock at the door bugged Sungjong, it bugged him as he finished cleaning the dishes, as he showed the girl where to sleep and as he began his homework. He couldn’t stop thinking about, ‘Should I try calling my brother again?’ He thought for the sixteenth time in the last hour, he knew his brother wouldn’t answer but he felt that he should try again. He rested his chin on his textbook and let out a huge sigh. He walked to the living room where his phone was and quickly check on the girl who was fast asleep. “I don’t know how i’m going to explain this all” he said out loud to no one in particular. He rested his hand on his hip and listened to the phone begin it’s monotonous ring, it rang and rang and rang.



“Ah, Sungjong. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

“I was studying.”

“Okay. Well, stop studying. If you were calling to ask when i’ll be home, i’ll be home soon. I just need to finish a few things and then i’ll make my way home.”

“That’s not why I wanted to talk to you though.”

“Well, we can talk about it tomorrow. You, need to sleep.”

Sungjong bit his lip, there was no use talking back to him, “Okay. Bye.”

“Bye. Good night.”

Sungjong let out another huge sigh, he put his phone in his pocket and decided to go to sleep, hopefully he was just being paranoid. He put on his pajama’s and climbed into bed. ‘It’s been a really weird day. I hope it doesn’t get any weirder.’ he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

“We found her.”

“Where is she?”

“With some guy. Don’t worry boss we’ll get here tomorrow.”

“Good. If the guy gets in the way just take care of him. I don’t need any witnesses.”

“Sure thing. He looks like he’d be easy to get rid of anyway.”

“Don’t get too cocky, looks can be deceiving.”


[A/N- Merry Christmas everyone~! Hope everyone is having fun ^_^ oh and yes~ the pairing is YunHyo because there are never enough YunHyo stories~] 

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please please please update soooooon! :D
fymemine #2
yunhyo is neww but interesting and yeayy kyu plus soo are here too ^^
aristal #3
I'm so happy that this is going to be yunhyo. And i totally agree that there are too little yunhyo stories. And with sungjong, this gonna be a huge fun, update soon! (:
woooo! so good! *_____* hehehe and i agree not enough stories of YunHyo! ^^
omg this so cool!!!! update sooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe
yaayyy! please update soon! just like LOveHyo_green32 i hope there is going to be Yunho+Hyoyeon ;) hahaah please update soon!
woot first subscriber and first comment<br />
this is interesting<br />
hope you update soon