The Light Thief


When you're running away from your destiny you're entire life, it has a funny way of catching  up to you. Baekhyun is running, he has been for years , it's not easy keeping your self a secret when you're one of the most valuable beings in the world. Especially when you're being hunted for your power.


Title: The Light Thief
Length: Chaptered
Rating  Pg13 to M
Genre: Adventure,Romance,Angst,Epic, Mama Au, Action ,love square ?
Pairings: Chanbaek, Krisyeol, Kaisoo, Kaibaek(slightly) others along the way.

Authors note: Inspired by this prompt (below)
Certain parts sound really good with music so at the beginning of those chapters i'll put a song ( optional use). Also the setting for this story is present day but with heavy mythical almost medievil themes! Pathcode cities will be used :3 Watch this to set the mood of the story :D



Baekhyun closed his eyes and just sank into his surroundings. He was weak very weak, he had been running  for so long it was starting to take its toll on him. This wasn't the best bed or favorite way to absorb energy but it would have to do for now. He outstretched his hands and let the strobe lights buzz over his skin. He could feel the artificial light course through his veins and pump through his body. He felt prickly but it would do the job.

It made him woozy, artificial light wasn't a good source  for a "Light elemental", but it was all he could manage to get now in days.  He never went outside anymore during the day. It was too risky and expected. He found a solace in the night, he felt safer. So he continued  to absorb the bright colored lights in the club. He saw the lights flicker a bit and briefly wondered if it was his doing.

Baekhyun was just about to get his fill for the night, when he heard the familiar sound of space and time being bent. There was a clear warping sound, along with dark whisky shadows. A tall man dressed very similar to Baekhyun appeared beside him.

"They're here"  the man spoke with a curt urgency. Baekhyun  whipped his head towards the male. He quickly put his hands at his side and stared in slight fear.


Warning : Im not going to mark this as M just yet, but there will be blood and violence later on in the story, aswell as ual themes. But for now its pretty Pg13


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Chapter 1: Please continue! This is amazing!!
bookwonderer24 #2
Chapter 1: I like this story, hope you update real soon
PattyLR98 #3
Chapter 1: Omgjdow I like this story okckekdks it reminds menofbthe pathcode teasers...
AdriannaAS #5
Chapter 1: LEGASPPPPPPPPPPP aksjabdshfkesjndfckjdbwfak I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE >.<