on the snow

First and last

There had been snow falling down, little flakes of white that landed softly on flushed cheeks. Everything had been covered in white, and only the streetlights had lent a soft glow to keep the darkness at bay. The silence of the late hour had been broken only by the distant sound of cars from several blocks away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you,” he could remember Chanyeol saying. His deep rumbling voice had been unusually shy, still getting used to being able to voice out his feelings without fear.

“I love you too,” Baekhyun had replied, giddy with the thrill of being able to say it.

Chanyeol had given him a grin, bright and happy, putting his hands in his coat pockets to keep them warm.

He hadn’t looked at the street before he crossed, walking backward to keep his eyes on Baekhyun, and Baekhyun would forever remember that, would remember how the sudden bright lights of the oncoming car had shone on his face, would forever remember how his eyes had widened before his whole face had contorted in pain. He would forever remember the screeching of tires against damp pavement, the smell of burnt rubber, the bright splash of red against pristine white snow.

“Remember, Yeol? It snowed the day you said you loved me,” Baekhyun said as he knelt in front of a grave, his tears soaking into the snow-covered ground of the graveyard. His sobs mixed with the sound of church bells ringing for Christmas.

“It’s been a year and I still miss you so, so much.”



It also snowed on the day he left.

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nicoholic #1
This is so sad :(((( But so innocent and beautiful in a way. Thank you for sharing this! :)
Chapter 2: Oh whyyyy :'(
Chapter 2: my heart,,, sobs.
Chapter 1: *ugly sobbing*
JemimahGuerrero #5
So good it made me cry T.T