Friends and Enemies

In Be-Twins

"Here you go" said Dee while offering me a drink. I took it and sighed deeply. "There, there cheer up. You really don't know anything do you? I wonder how long will you survive here being that oblivious?"asked Dee while taking a sit next to me.

I stared at her furiously. "Yah! I really don't know anything ,okay? How was i supposed to know that those twins, which i didn't know too were so loved by the students here? and that they were so famous. There wasn't a sign or a rule said 'BEWARE OF THE TWINS FANS' when i signed up, ok. Sheesh, Give me a break, will ya?".

Dee laughed. "Well you're words are true but i can't believe you never heard of them. You seriously don't know a thing about them? even a little?" replied Dee while making a gesture showing her disbelief in my zero knowledge of the twins. "No, Zero, not a zitch. I just moved here from my hometown okay? and besides why should i know them? are they like actor or something?" i asked Dee.


I turned around to face the person that said that. "Oh, Hi Sara, Ana.haha i know right. If the fans hears this they are going to skin her in seconds" said Dee while waving to them.

"The twins are  famous people okay? There starred in over 300 hundreds comercial since young and they are about to debut in a group called Boyfriend. So yeah Star Comercial and Soon-to-be-famous-idol those boys are.So you better watch your mouths cause their fans are some scary people. You got lucky to be saved by Youngmin before you started a world war 3 with Kwangmin. He rarely interfere with anything his little brother does but i bet you did make a few enemies at the scene. I'm Sara by the way that's Ana" Sara answered to my question while pointing to Ana and waving at Dee.

"Hi I'm Ana" smiled the shortest among all of us. " Hi, I'm HyunRa but you can call me by my nickname Zii and don't ask me how i got that nickname it's a long story. So the one who saved me was Youngmin?". I blushed while remembering how i was saved.

" Well Zii, I hope you survive here. You really got guts to make the Twins' Fans angry" replied Ana with a suspicious smirks.

"What? What did i do? and wait, what did you meant by enemies, Sara?"

Sara sighed. "Zii , Youngmin saved you which he never ever does to anyone before and he even patted you, not to mention how Kwangmin got so close to you. That's enough to get you some antis. Heck, that's enough for you to be skin alive by them" replied Dee,frustrated by pabo me.

"THANK YOU" said Sara. "but but but It wasn't me who asked him to save me and it wasn't me that got close to Kwangmin"

"but it was you who was saved,touched and got close to them. Don't you get it? shouted Sara. 

I was startled by Sara's loud voice. I still don't know why those fans will hate me but then remembering what happened, how Youngmin saved me, how he patted my head lightly with those gentle hands of his while smiling sweetly and how close was that snob Kwangmin was, i think i understand what Dee,Sara and Ana meant. They are famous and i can't deny their looks espcially Youngmin.He's like my ideal guy.

Another sighed came out of my mouth this time deeper. "I'm dead, am i?"

All of them nodded back. I look down to the ground. "Urgghh, My first day in school and I gained antis, What could be more worst?"

"Umm I don't know maybe get death threats from your antis" Ana said jokingly. "Not funny, Ana" I glared at her."Yeah Ana. That was kinda harsh. Don't worry Zii. We got you're back. We're friends after all right, guys?" said Dee.

"Yup" both of them replied while smiling.

" Really? Thanks guys". I started to teared up." Hey Hey, Don't start crying now, you cry baby! and besides i'm looking forward to what's going to happen to you." teased Sara.

" YOU GUYS ARE EVIL" i said loudly and all of us started to laugh.


I'm sorry for the long and lame chapter.. like i said i'm not a writer k bye~!

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please make some sequels , by the way, i am reading this :)