Just in case

Just in case

Moonbyul was always worried about Solar. She knew that Solar could be pretty reckless. It was just her nature. She would never want to change that about Solar, so instead she decided to just compensate for her. She’d have her back just in case Solar did something careless.

Whenever they went out, Moonbyul always remembered to bring sunscreen, snacks, and water. Solar often had random urges that could lead them anywhere. Even when the sun was fierce, Solar might feel like walking the down the Han River for hours.

If they went out with friends, Moonbyul never drank too much. Solar’s alcohol tolerance was pretty low to begin with, and she didn’t know her limit. She often gets loud and rowdy. So just in case things got out of hand, Moonbyul liked to keep a level head. She was the only one that could get her girlfriend down to a civil level.

Solar didn’t like rude people. That was something everyone learned about her even if you only knew her for a short amount of time. Moonbyul was the type to stay in her lane, while Solar wasn’t afraid to put someone in their place. Sometimes this could get her into small predicaments. Small only because Moonbyul was there to contain her fiery girlfriend. She always downloaded knew pictures of cute animals just in case she had to calm her down.  

Solar was generally a very happy person, but sometimes problems at work could get her down. Those were the hardest times for Moonbyul because her girlfriend, who usually ate well, would lose her appetite and would basically become bed ridden. Moonbyul was always there to feed her and make sure she showered. Moonbyul always managed to make Solar smile during these times. And she always made sure she told Solar that she loved her, just in case Solar didn’t feel appreciated.  

Moonbyul thought that she would only have to excessively worry about one person, but eventually they got kids.

Soon she started saying things like, “I put extra money in your backpack just in case you lose your lunch box.” She gave them phones with every emergency contact one might need, plus she made sure they memorized their mothers’ number by heart just in case they lost their phones.

One day, Moonbyul was stressing over getting ready for their son’s first overnight trip, when Solar came up behind the taller girl to massage her shoulders.

“Don’t stress so much, Love. We raised our kids well. They’re almost as responsible as you,” Solar murmured trying to sooth her wife’s nerves as she’s done so many times before. Sometimes it seems like more work than her full time job.

“I just want to make sure he’s prepared for any unexpected situation.”

“Let me guess: Just in case they’re all stranded in the middle of nowhere and he has to make his way back with only the things you managed to pack him.”

Moonbyul only responds with a huff. Luckily, Solar’s massage works wonders. Soon Moonbyul was able to lean back into Solar’s arms. Solar holds her tight with one arm using the other to Moonbyul’s hair at a soothing tempo. If she hadn’t gotten Moonbyul to calm down, Moonbyul would constantly be fixing her hair. She tends to do it when she has too much on her mind.

“You know sometimes it’s good to deal with something you’re not prepared for. It makes you stronger, and sometimes it leads to something good.” She said this knowing Moonbyul would catch that she was hinting at the way they met.

It had been raining pretty hard that evening, and Moonbyul had forgotten her umbrella at home. Solar had seen this girl soaking in the rain waiting for the bus, hunching over trying her best to keep her backpack as dry as possible. She had her expensive textbooks in her bag, and she was trying desperately to keep them safe.

Solar took pity on the girl walking over to her holding the umbrella over the both of them. Moonbyul, now able to stand straighter, looked down at her savior thanking her profusely. Solar simply laughed making the most beautiful smile Moonbyul has ever seen, saying it was no problem.

Once they were finally safe on the bus, Solar held out the umbrella and told her to take it.

“No, I can’t do that. You’ve done enough. Thanks though.” Moonbyul gently pushed it back towards Solar.

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t have anything that can be damaged right now, and I know those books cost a lot. Keep ‘em safe,” she insisted.

“You might get sick,” Moonbyul shook her head still refusing.

“I’ll eat some warm soup right away. I’ll be fine.”

Moonbyul looked down at her books and thought about the trek home. She finally relinquished.

“Alright, but I’m going to return it.”

Solar laughed at the adorable stubborn girl.

“Really. Don’t worry about it.”

“Just give me your number. I’ll buy you food and return it.”

They’ve been together ever since. They still have the umbrella. It’s both of theirs now.

So Moonbyul couldn’t argue with Solar on that.

“Alright. I’ll try to let go a bit.”

Moonbyul kept her word the best she could. Even though forgetting an umbrella led to the best thing in her life, she still learned from her lesson and never forgot one for one of their family outings. She even brought one when there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. Just in case.

That was until Moonbyul decided to relax a little. But like Solar had said, it led to one of the most memorable days with their young kids. They played in the puddles, had a mud fight, and even made mud pies. They couldn’t wipe the grins off their faces even if they wanted to.

There youngest daughter did catch a pretty bad cold. Of course, Moonbyul felt guilty about letting that happen. But when she looked back on the day, she didn’t want to change a thing. She knew her daughter wouldn’t either after recovering. So Moonbyul figured that next time she’d take rain ponchos instead. Just in case. 

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dyamiilah #1
Chapter 1: seems to me Byul would really fuss about those things in real life.

This is sweet and fluffy. Like marshmallows ^_^
Chapter 1: This Byul is overprotective <3 she's so cool and cute with this attitude >3<

Thanks for writing it! *3*
Chapter 1: cute cute cuteeee

this is why I love moonsun shipper. fluff and sweet and romantic everywhere ahhh
frenzymenzy #4
Chapter 1: Aaaawwww its cute cause they have kids together...XD..
Savemefrommamamohell #5
Chapter 1: Cute! ... but it makes me think, byul sounds like the overly worried mom who would't let her kids go anywhere once they're in their teens - pls go easy on your kids, byul^^.
kemmyy #6
Chapter 1: So cute and fluffy