That first kiss

That first kiss

Taeyeon was scared.
She was scared that her parents was suddenly going to jump out of one of these bushes and tackle her – or they were going to tackle Tiffany. But at the same time, there was this feeling building inside her body. It was something she hadn't felt in a very long time; excitement. Her fingers were tinteling, her heart was racing, her body aching to press itself against Tiff's when she saw the other girl bowing closer. Taeyeon did the same, but due to nervousness she let Tiffany close most of the distance. The younger girl made sure Taeyeon was okay with it though; their eyes met a couple of times and she gave Taeyeon enough time to pull back if she wanted to. But Taeyeon didn't. God, she didn't. She wanted to feel that burning fire, those fireworks. She was aching for it, for Tiffany. And Tiffany went to slow, way to slow to Taeyeon's liking. She wanted her now. Eventually, Taeyeon was the one who crossed those last few inches and let their lips meet and the dream start.

Kissing Tiffany was like kissing clouds; you could barely feel that her lips were there. But Taeyeon did notice and God, they were soft. They were soft and tasted like a mix of strawberries and mint; like summer. It was the best thing she had tasted in a very long time. It was a taste she'd never forget.
She felt Tiffany's hand in her neck, cupping her cheek, carassing it with her thumb. If her lips were soft, then her hands were even softer. The coldness of Tiffany's skin made Taeyeon shiver, but damn it was a good shiver. She never wanted to shiver so badly again. Taeyeon moved a bit closer, let both of her arms softly rest on Tiffany's shoulders. She wasn't even aware she did it.
Their lips moved slowly over each other, sweetly and tenderly. They felt eachother completely. Neither of them wanted a hasty kiss or a kiss filled with lust. They wanted a real kiss. A kiss that would make them feel loved again, this time by the right person. A kiss that made them feel every emotion that existed in the world at the same time.

When the need of oxygen finally became bigger than Tiffany's lips, Taeyeon pulled back. Only far enough to breath though; she kept her face close, ready for another kiss as soon as she had catched her breath. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately found the identical brown ones of Tiff. She never knew that brown could be such a deep beautiful colour. Their foreheads rested against eachother while they gasped, not wanting to leave. Tiffany's hand stayed on Taeyeon's cheek.
Oh how Taeyeon felt like a fool right now. How long did she know Tiffany for? A few weeks? A month? Tiffany would only be here for summer, she had told Taeyeon that the first day they met. And Taeyeon had told herself not to fall for this mystical beauty that had suddenly barged into her life, telling her that she 'just wanted to dance with her'. How could all her feelings for her boyfriend have completely dissapeared and transformed themselves into burning hellfires for Tiffany in such a short period of time? How could she have let herself let those feelings become so strong? But God, how she wanted to feel Tiffany's lips upon hers again...
"I wish we had a place to go..." Tiffany muttered. It hit Taeyeon that they indeed had no where to go except the streets. Tiffany's parents were back at their hotel so they wouldn't have any privacy there and Taeyeon's parents would kill her if they found out they had kissed. Was no place safe enough to express their feelings?
"We can stay here for a while... I think I want to re-do what we just did..." Taeyeon muttered in response. If they couldn't go anywhere, they might as well continue here. And she damn well wasn't going to let Tiffany walk away without a second kiss.

She just made out Tiffany's small smirk before she pressed her lips upon hers again.

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Chapter 1: Dawww, this was short but oh so very sweet. I love how you can get so many thoughts/feelings/emotions out of one kiss. I applaud you and aspire to write something like this myself in the future *bows*
Chapter 1: This was really nice! I liked it a lot~