2. The Mission

Fighting the Romans

Ominiscient POV:

     Zia walked with Holly towards the meeting lounge. The whole way, Zia was swearing at Liz. Holly was just eyeing her, scared that she would explode. They walked into the room and everyone looked up. They were the last ones there. Zia blushed with embarrasment and walked over to an empty seat next to Chelsea, Holly sat down next to Zia. Alexandra was glaring at them from across the table, Zia refused to meet her gaze.

"Now, that we're all here, we can finally begin the meeting." Elizabeth said. Zia just glared at her.

"Why are we here?" Zia asked, annoyance seeping through her words.

"We are here to announce who your rival Brotherhood is." Elizabeth said calmly however, her eyes said otherwise. Elizabeth's eyes were flaming.

"This," Elizabeth said as she picked up a package, "is your rival." She threw it on the table where it landed with a soft thump. Alexandra took it into her hands and began to open the package. Inside were a couple pictures of them and their personal information. Zia walked over and took one of the photos, dropped at what she saw.

Zia's POV:

    I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My eyes must have been decieving me. This??? This was them???? There was no possible way! The picture I was holding contained six guys that looked very feminine, well, all except one. They were laughing and looked really gentle. One of them looked so much like a girl that I doubted he would ever hurt anything! They were smiling and laughing in the camera, as if nothing in the world mattered. Well, it won't soon. They're all going to die. Madeline came and looked at my picture and gawked too. Honestly, the picture made them look to happy to be Roman warriors.

Why do I say that? Well, Romans are so much more agressive then Greeks. Basically everything that composes a Roman is the opposite of what composes a Greek. For example, during battle Greeks like to slash through enemies, making swift clean cuts. Romans resort to the stabbing. ._. Slashing is so much more efficient then stabbing. But anyways, this group of 6, besides the big buff one, all looked so gentle that it was a humorous thought they were going to kill us. Or, attempt it. It was made clear in the begining right after the casting three years ago. These were the rules of the sisterhood:

1. Never hesitate when killing.

2. Never keep your guard down.

3. Never let your rival group survive.

Breaking rule #3= our death. It literally is a fight till the death.

"So, what are we going to do?" Alexandra asked, looking at Liz.

"You are going to go to the armory and picking gear. Then you will take gold and money. From there, you will fly to Korea and scout for your rivals." Elizabeth said. I had a feeling that after we left, it would be a VERY long time before we got back home...if we survived anyways.

"We have to go to Korea?" Holly asked.

"Yes, that is where their current hide out place is." Liz said, all the while looking at the clock. "Well, this meeting has come to an end. You MUST dispose your enemies. We all know the consequence if WE loose, right?" she asked. Smirking evily.  "What are you waiting for? Get to the armory!" Liz ordered. We filed out of the cabin.

We followed the trail to our left and kept going till we arrived to the armory. We already had our personal weapons on us...now we needed the updated gadgets. Alexandra picked up 6 boxes of contact lenses. Well, this will be fun. The contact lenses do whatever you program them to do. Face recognition, tracking, scanning, copying, anything. We walked to a shelf and picked up an iPhone for each of us. For contacting purposes, of course, and to track. The thing is, not only does a sisterhood have a specific rival brotherhood, it also has a specific member of the group to attack. That's where the tracking device comes in, we just have to place it. The phone would tell us which member we were suppose to kill. We each grabbed a backpack. It was the middle of fall so we grabbed the packs from the "chilled" section. A couple packs of beef jerkey, a waterbottle, and dried fruit. Of course we opened up our sisterhood's safe and took out most of the money and gold. We all had a hunch it would be a while till we could get back.

"Are you guys ready?" Alexandra asked while unlocking her iPhone. We all nodded as we unlocked ours. We searched the apps until we found a file labeled: rivals. I tapped it and it asked for a verificationcode. I looked up to Alex.

"187bFk893." She said without even looking at me. I typed that and then tapped my name. Immediatley this picture showed up:

Huh, I got a pretty boy. To bad cuz he was going to die soon. After we packed a couple pairs of cargo pants, sweats, and t-shirts (short sleeved and long sleeved), we headed out. Charles was waiting for us at the gate. He was also Penelope's brother.

"You guys ready?" He asked. Worry dancing all over his face and his eyes. He was obviously worried, mainly for his little sister. We just nodded and he led us to the camp's only car.

Arrival at the airport

Alexandra's POV:

We walked up to the check in and to the first open window.

"I'd like six tickets for the next flight to South Korea." I said. The ticket lady just looked at me like I needed help. "Is there something wrong?" I questioned. "No, but I'm afraid that might be too much you can pay for." I took out the camp's credit card and showed it to her. At the sight of the name she just shut up. Honestly, the people at the Boston Airport needed to get use to having a bunch of teens who spent insane amounts of money almost on a daily basis to travel around the world. But they new the camp and card so they did not question.

"May I see your bags?" She asked politley.

"No thanks, we only have carry on items." I replied while taking the tickets.

"Have a nice trip!" She said with a forced smile.


I looked at the ticket. Gate G13.

"Let's go guys!" I said. We arrived just in time and sat down in our seats. First class the whole way? Nice.

"So, does anyone know how to speak Korean?" I asked the group. Mainly looking at Zia and Holly though. They were the only Asians of the group but I already knew Zia was Chinese.

"I only know bits and phrases, not nearly enough to get us anywhere." Zia stated with an apologizing tone.

"My mom was Korean, I'm fluent in Korean." Holly said. I was surprised. After three years with these girls and I still didn't know everything about them. The truth is most of our parents died. Zia's mom died when she was five and lived with her uncle till she ran away. Holly rarely talked. It went to the extent that I still don't know what her favorite color is. We transfered flights in Paris with Chelsea cursing the whole time. She wanted to stay in Paris, of course. I mean, Paris IS the city of romance and let's not forget the Chelsea's mom IS the godess of love. When we got onto the second plane, everyone fell asleep. Well, everyone besides Madeline. I swiveled my chair to face her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm not really tired." She said, but she had a look that told me she was uneasy.

"So, who are you asigned to kill?" I asked, trying to distract her from whatever thoughts she was thinking. She unlocked her phone and gave it to me.

File 3674:

assasin: Madeline Smith. Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'6'', 112lbs. Age: 16 Godly parent: Dionysus. Special ability: controlling minds, driving people insane (literally).

target:  Ahn Daniel or Niel. Godly parent: Phoebus (Apollo). Currently has brown hair, brown eyes. Age: 17 Special abilities: healing. Weight: unknown, height: unknown.

"You can take him." I said with full sincerity. She chuckled.

"What about you? Who's your target?"

I gave her my phone.

Madeline's POV:

I took Alex's phone and looked at her file:
File 3673:

Asssasin:  Alexandra Morris. Blonde hair, brown eyes. Godly parent: Athena. 5'2''. 105lbs. Age: 17 Special Abilities: can see the future

Target: Lee Chan Hee or Chunji. Currently has brown hair and brown eyes. Godly parent:Jupiter. Height: unknown. Weight: unknown. Special Abilities: unknown.

"I bet you can outsmart him." I said to Alex. She just smiled.

"We should sleep. We'll need all the energy we can get when we arrive." She said, her eyes drooping. I just stared at my phone... Ahn Daniel huh? There was just something about him. I really don't know if I will be able to kill him or not. We'll have to see. I felt sleep grasping me and I let it take hold.

Somewhere in South Korea:

Omnisient POV:

Teen Top was lounging in their dorm when the TV flickered to life.

"NIEL!!! TURN OFF THE TV!!!!" CAP shouted.

"Hyung, I didn't turn it on!" Neil said as he came out of the bathroom.

"Boys, stop fighting." the voice of Andy Lee rang through the whole dorm Immediately the boys surrounded the TV.

"What's the news for us?" CAP asked. He really was not in the mood to go on another quest even though the last one they went on was four months ago.

"The Greeks will be sending your rivals any day now. I just don't know when." Andy said gravely.

"How do you know?" Ricky asked. Not wanting to believe what he just heard.

"I'm working by a hunch. They may strike in a couple days or a months. Do not let your guard down!" the leader of the camp said and with that, the screen went black.

"Well, I guess that means we need to stop slacking." CAP said. Ricky and Niel groaned.


Yay! I finished it! I worked all day on this so I hope you like it! Please comment and subscribe!!! Teen Top is finally in this chapter. Hope you enjoy!!!!

<3 ss_strawberry56

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not a serious update...but a message to me from my good friend


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silverseaturtles #1

"It's even worse during that time of month. Zia's a total ____ but at least she knows it."

LOL, I DIED at that part! XDDDD Does this mean that I have to update Kyuhyun's Notebook now? ^.^
silverseaturtles #2
oh dearie~ someone's stealing info. its probs L.JOE!!!!!!!
hahaha, that gif of yesung! KYA!
silverseaturtles #3
I loved this chapter.
"You're retarted."
And "Maybe she just claimed him since he's good looking." LOL!
Anyways, just saying I loved it and hope u update soon!~
PinkPumpkinPie #4
Making up for your lost subscriber!
Anyways, I hope you update soon!! :P
silverseaturtles #5
................. I see why you put that picture of Donghae at the begining...... so you can ease my wrath. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it was a cute picture ^^. Sungie is cuter though)
Anyways, glad you updated and I hope you update soon!
silverseaturtles #6
You finally updated! YIPPEEE!!
Nows when the real action begins! I'm curious on who will find Nel's wallet.
And Donghae, y u so mean to Nellie?
silverseaturtles #7
Hahahahahahahaha jk jk. But I'm glad you updated. It was interesting to read it from L.joe's point of view. And Kyuhyun has Zia's number? I wonder how he got it......... probably by using his evil maknae skills.
@ silverseaturtles:

please don't kill me. I'll dedicate a whole chapter of Donghae for you if you'd like that.


There will be a chapter all in L.joe's POV....I promise. haha.
silverseaturtles #9
Jk, jk, this chapter was adorable.
I agree with lovekdramakpopmanga! Write from l. Joe's point of view!
ehh....haha, about the typo: i kindda just copied and pasted it from yahoo answers so......