The Fault in Kim Taehyung



Okay…so I was wandering around in the biggest and famous mall in Seoul which also happened to be my mom’s.


Surprise yet? My father is a famous designer while my mom is the dragon lady CEO…don’t make me start how my parents meet because trust me, it’s the most cringe-worth love story ever where once upon a time my father wasn’t successful yet.


And you could guess the cliché story line after that.


Some of the workers that knew me bowed and greeted me which I returned with a small smile and a curt nod. I could see some people were staring at me as the mall workers were fussing to tend me but I dismissed them with a wave saying I’m having my personal time.


So I entered this shop. And damn Daniel, there were six gorgeous hot men in the shop. Adrenaline rushes down my spine in excitement.


Oh wait, should I act uninterested or be an attention-. My eyes then saw the girlish sales assistant and the idea of being a kapush from my mind.


I need to at least be special but meh, I’m busy searching for a new dress (although I was supposed to buy my school stuff)


School can wait


“Hey sweet cheeks are you alone” A man with average height and cute baby face flirted. Oh heol yas, I’m gonna boast to mom that a stranger actually noticed me. A hot one at that!


“I’m definitely alone now am I?” I smirked at him. Judging from his smooth sweet voice,


It’s no doubt a player; just my luck. But who says I’m a good girl? I can be bad if oppa wants me too.


Okay, barf. Eww, remind me not say things like that again.


“Flirty, I like” He freakin’ his lower lips.




Oh please guys, if a hot man was flirting with you, you’d at least feel a bit (Or a lot) excited. Oh don’t lie to me that you’re gonna act nonchalant about it without trying to shake your a bit proudly.


“It’s called being sassy” I winked at him before taking random dress and walked to the fitting room.


Without thinking, I pushed the door of one fitting room and- HOLY SHIP!!!


Okay…another beautiful man was having a make out in my mom’s holy shopping mall and wow…


Lemme join them! Not.


I was the least happy when I found out the female was a sales assistant. And as if I was invisible (my special talent) she kept on mewling like a cat giving birth which is not attractive at all.


I quickly notice the sensual atmosphere in the air and my mouth open to blurt out anything without me controlling it. The beautiful man was obviously eye- me but I’m not interested on gigolo.


Sorry not sorry. *please don’t get offended, that was just a joke*


“I’m sorry agashi, please forgive me” well at least the sales assistant finally realized my identity and shuffles away hurriedly after bowing like 10 times. I smirk at her disheveled appearance and walked away-


The beautiful man had just to grab my hand and pinned me on the wall. Both his arms are on the side of head and I let out a gasp when I could feel his breath. His breath smells good, surprisingly.


He leaned closer until our body was depending on one another and he let out a shaky breathe. I flinched.


“You know what you just did? You chase away my appetizer, sweetheart” holy macaroni cheese with chocolate topping!


His voice gave me the feeelllzzz. You know, that y morning voice that always happened in drama? Well people, I’m a lucky lady today. First the flirty man outside now this beautiful man inside.


I must have save a group of princes in past live to deserve this!


I scoffed lightly just to make sure he didn’t smell my breath of something because who knows what my breath smells like. I thanked myself that I didn’t eat anything threatening (e.g. onion) for breakfast earlier.


“That woman earlier? You must have low taste in your meal then” the man chuckled amusedly.


“The name’s V, you wanna come to my house for drinks perhaps or maybe something more?” he straightforwardly said and whew somehow he make it so smooth like my legs after shaving!


And this action make me realize who flawless his tan skin is and he have the most beautiful pair of eyes I’ve ever see. My eyes trailed along his cute button nose and finally landed on his perfectly shaped lips. Perfect for kissing.


An idea flashed in my mind and the table turned with me slamming him instead and my hand on his shoulder. His palms naturally hold my hips and I smiled at that professional gesture.


“Oh, I’m sorry but I don’t bring enough money to pay you. Maybe next time, handsome” I deliberately grind on him once and he let out an angry groan. His eyes were planting daggers on me and I knew it.


I silently cursed myself while trying to look cool leaving the suffocating room. Gotta tell mom to build larger fitting room when I get back later.


I knew I make him sound so cheap and all that I regret it immediately. My mouth is a stupid jerk. I walked pass (almost sprinting) the handsome men who were busy playing around like they own the shop but I didn’t care because now I need to run before the beautiful man capture me and me.


I ushered my driver to quickly fetch me and gave a list of my school belongings that I was supposed to buy today to a worker who was more than happy to do some errand.


Oh my god the people in this shopping mall is definitely not normal.


When people tried to order me around, it takes them to buy a whole freaking buffet for me to agree on such simple task!


Anyway, as soon as I arrive at my mansion and give a quick salute to all the maids and butlers as what I usually do and rush to my room, still feeling the adrenaline to flow wildly within me.


Those beautiful men were dangerous and to think I was a lucky lady few moments ago.


I think I got too cocky. Hah. Since when am I not!


“Young lady, your purchases has arrive, do you need me to arrange it for-“ I cut the maid off when I open the door, take the big plastic bag from her grasp and close the door with a loud, quick thanks.


I tossed the plastic bag on my queen-size bed and laid my back beside it. My mind won’t stop replaying the scene earlier.


*that gotta be the most dramatic event ever happen in my life*


With a thumping heart beat, exhaustion finally took over my conscious state.


“Jagiya~~” a pair of arms were wrapped around my petite waist affectionately and I smiled satisfyingly before putting my hand above the manly arms around my waist.


“Nae oppa?” okay what wtf since when was my voice that GIRLY?! This wasn’t me…but then I recognize myself than everyone.


Am I in my dream? What kind of dream is this? Wet dream? My senpai-finally-notice-me dream?


“Jagiya…nan neomu saranghae!” I felt the ticklish sensation on the crook of neck and I knew he was snuggling on it. I chuckled lovingly at his endearing. From how we fight and how he treated me badly in the past, no one could guess that he was the man I married and to love for eternity.               


Okay…this dream definitely was giving hints on whatever it is…maybe I should stay optimist, maybe this was just a mere dream like the one where I ate my dog’s rainbow that looked like skittles.


“I love you too oppa, very very very much” I said with voice full of aegyo. What the fug, aegyo…I’m a changed woman in my dream.


He tightened his arms around my waist and sighed tenderly, “If you love me that much, then let’s have children…I want mini me and mini you running around our house too!” he whined but his voice dropped low and husky that sends delight shiver down my spine.


Before I could say ‘sure, why not oppa?’ I choked on the air I breathe and gasped loudly. Holy ..take mushroom! Children as in kids? You know those little bundles that were too high like they drink weed as their milk?!


Not that I have problem with children instead, I love them it’s just…a shocking statement.


‘you know…maybe we should try and make babies now” a-and a-and a-and, I could feel his bulge poking from behind me. I let out a breathless moan at the sudden pleasure.


‘N-no I’m not r-ready oppa, o-opaa~~”


“...Yah, YAH!!” I jolted up awake by a terrifying shriek. I sat up straight on my bed, panting heavily as I eyed warily at my mother who gave me a creep-out look.


“You know you were shouting that you’re not ready and so what with a moan…are you having that kind of dream?” I ignore her question and my mind drift to the dream.


Guys, I think I have to go to a fortune teller.


 What if I’m like those ‘chosen one’ in Exo fanfics like ya know, the chosen one that’ll save the world with Exo or any group since I’ve been having this weird dream and meet weird (but handsome) people. What if I have a secret sacred power? What if-


“Ahhh! Omma why did you hit me!” I whined, rubbing the sore spot at the back of my head. Omma rolled her eyes and stood up, heading towards the door,


“Dinner is ready you weird kid. Refrain yourself from daydreaming too much…I swear I was the one who give birth to you but you’re so weird” her last sentence got my jaw drop.


Well mother, wait till father arrives from his runway shows in London and we’ll see who act like toddler living in a body of 35 years old woman.


Trust me, she’s going to be like…”Oppa, how are you? your jagi miss you shooo much muah muah muah muah…do you need me to massage you, let’s role-play kyaa~” I imitate as I took a shower…


And the weird dream was long forgotten…




I punched the wall beside me in frustration, ignoring my hardness (ya know…). Jungkook peered inside the fitting room where that beautiful left me at,


“ Hyung, are you alright? Couldn’t get laid tonight?” he teased. Yep the maknae is the most ert…he may look innocent but this kid is some piece of hotness.


“She ing refer me as a gigolo, Kookie-ah. A GIGOLO?!?! Are you freaking me? This piece of seduction can’t be a cheap …I’m a manly man who have needs too alright!” I vented out my frustration.


How could she do this to me? I swear if I meet her again she’s going to get it from me, hard.


“Oh, I thought you’re a alien?” Hobi joked and all six of them crowded outside the fitting room. I let out a growl and they raised their hands defensively,


“Yo man, that was just a joke. Why don’t you let it out in a new club that had just open, I heard today is the grand opening day” RapMon smirked and slowly my lips curve upwards.


“Call me in” and they whooped loudly.


“Umm…sirs, can you keep down the noise, you’re disturbing other customer” the sales assistant earlier came and warn us which we never care about.


I pulled her towards my chest and she gasp at my bulge that was poking her already. I whispered to her, “I missed my appetizer earlier so why don’t you cover it up for me…I’m feeling famished” I pushed the sales assistant inside the fitting room and with my free hand, I closed the door.


My hyungs were whooping loudly from outside and I heard RapMon hyung mention the last thing before they leave, “We’ll be waiting at the food court!”


“B-but sir, the lady earlier w-warn us” the sales assistant under me stuttered but her hands were busy ing my shirt.


“It’s her loss to reject me, she must be a peasant pretending to be rich and mighty especially with that ignorant attitude” the sales assistant open to argue but my tongue was already in it. She moaned loudly and shamelessly and I smirked,


Girls were too easy these days…

So annoyingly boring


At 4 am…


Beads of sweat flow down from V’s forehead as his chest moves upward and downward in quick manner. His breathe was hard and shaky. He let out a choked yelp before jolting up awake on his king sized bed.


He glanced at the digital clock on his bedside table and let out another shaky breathe. He’s not even having a nightmare but why was he so…restless


He ran his hand on his hair to lessen his unnerve self. “Damn, that was a weird dream!” V scoffed arrogantly,

“Me staying with only one girl and marrying her? What a joke”


He let out an airy laughed before lying back on his bed and drifted to sleep,


But fate was a and have enough with his arrogance so he sleep through the same dream again and after this, he ain’t gonna act arrogance and same again though how harsh his past memory is.


Taehyung-ah…ireona~~” I feel a playful nudge on my waist and I squirmed slightly, turning to the other side. Back facing the voice.


“Taehyung-ah~~ you have an important meeting this morning, you have to wake up” a sweet husky voice said and nudging me again with her soft hand gesture. My heart pumps excitedly and I don’t even know why. Like wtf it’s just her voice, get a grip of yourself V!


But what the sweet voice said next melt me instantly like marshmallow. “Oppa if you wake up now, we can shower together” I felt her addicting voice beside my ears from behind. I immediately turned around and s my arms around her waist and as usual, our legs are tangled together by all the cuddles we did.


But the thing is, her face was blurred but her voice gave me a sense of familiar…


I gave her a sickening loving smile which I didn’t knew I’d be using that to anyone beside that ‘her’ from my past but damn I’m so whipped in this dream. Heh, maybe she’s just one of my night-stander. That was what I thought until my mouth blurt out something that somehow bring butterflies in my stomach.


Which is so gay like isn’t this only happen to girls when they’re with their crush or something?


“You better do as you said, wifey” I said it while peppering her blurred faces with kisses. He chuckles beautifully while trying to escape her legs from mine.



Hold up.


As in wife but more endearing?


I’m married?


“oppa, are you alright?” her husky enchanting voice snapped me back. She must’ve saw my confused expression as she smile beautifully although her face was blurred.


“You look panic just now” she imitate how I look for and although I couldn’t see it, I laughed. I’ve just realize like I was controlled somehow.


“My wifey is so cute~” I playfully flicked her forehead and she whined like a puppy needing attention. My hearts pumps vigorously at her adorable act and I couldn’t hide my rare wide grin as I stared at her affectionately.


“let’s go shower now” I suddenly said and this time my ‘wifey’ was the one panicking as she tried to reason out but to no avail, a good wife must attend to her husband at any cost *smirk*


I starting to like this dream. How nice must it be to stay for one person and getting loved unconditionally accepting each other flaws and treating them equally as loving them. I’ve never felt so happy and in love than I’m right now.


Before she agreed I suddenly feel suffocated. I hardly breathe and was gasping for air. I slowly drifting to unconscious and-


I jolted up awake, breathing hardly. I saw a person standing beside my bed I looked at them. There he was, my mature brother, looking at me with an innocent face with a pillow in his hands to which I assumed he used it to kill me a few seconds ago.


“What the heck hyung!” I shouted at him and he dropped the pillow, scratching his nape unsurely.


“Uhm…kkaepsong?” he said before running outside shouting, “Your college starts in one hour so shower now!”

I groaned before lying down my bed harshly, closing my eyes so the dream earlier would continue but I groan again when realize, I couldn’t sleep,

Of course, life is but a dream…

“Guys, I heard we have a new transfer student today” Hobi hyung said excitedly as he entered our lounge place in school, the abandon music room.


“A girl?” Jimin asked with his cheeky smile and I rolled my eyes suddenly feeling annoyed at his playboy way even though I’m worse.


“Yep and the admins say she’s a bae. Rich as fck, a genius taking two major and a total beauty” Hobi replied in dreamy tone. RapMon grinned from his place, playing with his phone as usual.


“So she’s like a hot nerd?” we rolled our eyes at his way. He somehow loves nerds who’s a stripper at night.


“I bet my Ferrari that one of us gonna fall for her hard” Yoongi hyung suddenly mention with his eyes closed unmoving from his laying position.


“Oho, I sense a bet here” Jungkook whooped loudly.


“In that case, I bet my signed Red Velvet album that when that person fall for her, he’s so kitty whipped and changed for better!” Hobi proudly declared.


“I bet nothing for both of them” RapMon said smugly, his attention never leaving his phone. I rolled my eyes and as if fate wanted to fasten their bet game, the school bell rang signaling it’s the start of lesson.




“Oh oh , I’m late” I panted as I rush to get to my class after being reprimand by the school admin for being a late transfer student. Pfft I’m only late like half an hour, what’s good?


Silently cursing for my forgotten alarm clock and my dear lovely mother who’s surprisingly decided not to wake me up by saying that it’s time for me to be independent like wtf mother, why now?


Thankfully I have good navigational skill and reach my class safely without meeting any ghost in wrong abandon room in forbidden place or something. I raised my clenched fist and knocked three times with my heart tryna leap from my ribcage.


“it’s okay Jinnie, the teacher’s going to accept your ‘I’m a new student’ excuse so calm yo ” I gave myself a prep talk before I walked in the class after I heard a reply from a faint voice inside.


I pushed the door open as I put on my cold façade and stand in front of the board beside the teacher. The teacher quirked her eyebrow before smiling warmly and I felt a gush of relief down my spine.


“You must be the new student?” and I nodded wordlessly. She turned to her class as I did the same, “Class a new student will be joining you from now so treat her well” I heard claps around the room which I don’t even know why they are clapping.


To congratulate me for entering another jail hell? Probably


“Introduce yourself” she urged me and I made a 90 degree bow with my cold expression as I introduce myself, “My name is Lee Taejin and I’ll be joining this hell hole- I mean, this class from now on” I quickly corrected my slip off.


The class whooped excitedly and some even dared to wolf whistle. I ran my eyes across the room, scanning the face of my new classmate and damn ain’t my life amazing?


I saw him,

He’s smirking at me handsomely,

It’s the fitting room gigolo dude,

And that moment I knew,

That I fcked up.

The end



No not really, it’s the beginning of my ‘diary of the sassy kid’


Just joking, his smirk literally means he’s gonna get me good and done for like a roast chicken or burnt chicken.

Keeuunn! double update for thhis fanfic's grand opening!

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and please keep waiting for the update.

Hearteu, Byeeee

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