Dreams 3


Hi guyss! Hope you like this new chapter!

Thankyou for your support! Sorry for wrong grammars,spelling etc.

Enjoy reading! :)


Previous Chapter 

I went to my apartment. I'm nervous...wish me luck.

I opened the door and entered my apartment.

I saw him there sitting at my sofa.Looking at me as I slowly went to him.


"Baekhyun, why do you want us to talk?"



" Sit here first " he said then patted the space beside him. Omg I'm so nervous. What if I cry? What if he says that the girl I saw earlier is her new girlfriend? Ugh I'm going crazyyy. I sat beside him but not that too close. It's been a while since were this close..

" So what is it that you want to talk about?" I asked him. I'm really curious.

" About what you saw earlier......" he said. Ohhh...so that's it...I don't know what to feel right now ... 

"Oh that......no it's okay you don't have to explain it. It's fine." but deep inside I really wanted him to explain. I just have to accept the truth.

" I was actually suprised when I saw you there. But when I saw you, you were crying and I don't even know why. Then you ran away, I chased you actually, but I stopped. I was thinking about the cause of your sadness for you to cry. I realised it's because you were hurt when you saw me talking to a girl, am I right?" he said....well yeah he was right.

"well....yeah.." I said as I looked down. I will stay strong so that I will refrain from crying.

"why? why were you hurt when you saw me with the girl?" he keeps saying girl, why can't he just say the name. I'm actually afraid to answer that question. Afraid of rejection. Because I know that when I say I still like..love him he will just reject me.

" ............ " I remained silent, afraid of answering.

"WHY TAEYEON?WHY?CAN'T YOU JUST ANSWER ME??" I was surprised because he was angry like he really wnated the answers so badly.

"YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? I WAS HURT SEEING YOU WITH ANOTHER GIRL BECAUSE I STILL LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!.IT'S HARD TO MOVE ON I'M SORRY. NOW THAT YOU KNOW CAN YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW?" I was furious. Yeah I'm crying. I already told you I'm a crybaby right? As soon as I said that I quickly ran away and went to my room and locked it. I was embarrassed and afraid of his answer that's why I did that. I know that I'm a coward.

"You're always running away from me....and I didn't even explain it well to you.." I heard him say....then I heard the main door closed.

Frustrated. I cried on my pillow until I fell asleep....


-Next Day-

I woke up. My pillow was wet because of my tears. I wasted my energy on crying. I didn't even sleep well. 

I went to the bathroom, I saw my face in the mirror. It's a mess. What do you expect. I didn't sleep, I just cried. And you expect me to look pretty. I did my morning routine and went out of the bathroom.

10:12am. I'm hungry. I went out of my room, and searched for food in the kitchen. I grab 2 eggs and cooked it. I grab a plate and put some rice on it and when the eggs are done, I put it on my plate. I also grab some water.

I went to the sofa to eat. I slowly placed the plate and bottled water on the table. I was going to sit on the couch when I saw some person sleeping on it.                                                                                                                "KYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" I grab some pillow and smashed it to the person sleeping on my couch.                                                                              "YAAH TAENG IT HURTS. STOP IT'S JUST ME!" Baekhyun shouted. WTF!?!? I thought he went home yesterday.                                                                                                                        "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HEREE?!?!" I shouted again. Can't help it, I'm furious.                                                                                                                            "Ugh don't shout. I still want to sleep, let me sleep taeng. " 




 Sorry for the late update. Thankyou for reading! Wait for the next chap! 

Hope you enjoyed it! :) 

















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Chapter 3: omg you're back ㅠㅠㅠ I've been waiting for this new chapter. thank you for updating! \^o^/
adlinazahirah22 #2
Chapter 3: I like it!!! Please update soon
Chapter 2: Omg yass! Can't wait to know what will happen next
TiffySBlow #4
Chapter 1: Waiting!!!♡♡♡
usuihakyu #5
Chapter 1: damn, pls update soon :O the storyline is very bootiful
Chapter 1: omg so interesting! can't wait for the next update \o/