Chapter 4 - A Strange First Impression

Requiem for A Dream

(my POV)

Only minutes ago, the man that had found us led us through the main gate of a rather extravagant castle. It appeared to be something right out of my history textbooks, but with a few more... modern twists. Automated draw-bridge, robotic piranhas in the moat, and a long row of self-controlled archer turrets were just a few of the more high-tech changes that definitely weren't part of any history lesson I'd ever sat through.

My eyes travel over the ornate tapestries and suits of armor that line the hallways until Jack comes to an abrupt stop and sets me down on my feet again.

"Jordans!!! Are these the trespassers you picked up in MY lake?!!" a shrill voice calls out from the top of an ornate staircase.

"Yes your highness. These are them. One of them has no heartbeat or skin and the other does not speak to my knowledge," the burly man states clearly before stepping back into the shadows.

"WHO DARES INTRUDE IN MY SACRED WATERS?!!!" the voice shrieks.

"They call me Jack, your majesty. I am so very sorry for defiling your lake, but this girl was drowning. I could not let an innocent life be lost," Jack says calmly, bowing at an exact ninety degree angle.


"Well take a look at her, your grace, and you'll see she's not from around here... In fact, she hardly looks like she belongs in this dimension to begin with,"

There's a long pause. Finally, a slender young woman seems to glide out of the shadows that engulfed the top of the staircase. Her sharp green eyes focus directly on me and for the second time today, I get that feeling that these people are seeing way more than my clothes are supposed to allow. I can't help but shiver but manage to keep my eyes locked with hers as she stares me down.

"Speak child. Where are you from, strange blonde one?" she asks, much calmer than before.

I just shake my head and lightly my throat with my fingers. 'I'll just play on this facade as long as I can... It'll keep me out of more trouble,'

"My my~ You really ARE a strange one~ No vocal chords~? Such a shame~ Your face is pretty, so I would assume your voice would've been too~" she compliments softly.

"M-My lady.. What should I do with these two?" Jordans asks, stepping forward into the light.

"Be sure they are both as comfortable as possible and see to it that the girl is not sick or covered in germs~ They shall be joining my fiancee and I for dinner~" she replies calmly.

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update soon
Keep writing on this wifey dear, it's really well written and I like how you dressed yourself up ^^