V is for Victory

The Alphabet of INFINITE


V is for Victory


Featuring: You and Lee Sungyeol


“Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!” You heard students cheer. You sighed and tightened your hair tie around your hair. After grabbing a mop and a basket with water, you ran out into the only empty hallway to clean up the red punch that some idiot had spilled all over the place. This was the result of having a school festival, boisterous students shouting at the top of their lungs and idiots who can’t take care of their own things or not do anything wrong.

You had to admit that you loved festivals and all, but when you were part of the clean-up crew, you wished that festivals never existed. “The person who invented festivals, come out!” You screamed toward the ceiling, which happened to be your makeshift sky. Your few co-workers chuckled, knowing that you weren’t very sane at the moment. Never were you sane while cleaning up.

Finally, you had finished cleaning the mess. You let out a loud sigh and pulled the hair tie out of your hair, letting your hair flow freely. As you shook your head so that your hair would go back to normal, you heard giggling from behind you. You rolled your eyes put your hands on your hips. “What do you want, Lee Sungyeol.”

“I’m here to see my baby.” He wrapped his long, thin arms around your waist. You rolled your eyes yet again, you had just finished cleaning a huge mess, and you weren’t in the mood to deal with Sungyeol’s greasy and childish antics. In a quick second, you turned around and kissed his cheek before finally slipping out of his embrace. “Gotta go.” You waved and carried your mop and bucket back to the janitor’s closet.

Sungyeol stood there and sighed. “She seems so bored.” He began fixing his hair without even realizing it. He messed with his hair while thinking. Sungyeol stood there for a good three minutes before grinning. His grin was so wide, that even Dongwoo wouldn’t be able to compete for once.


“Cleaning lady! Yes, you!” A guy tapped your shoulder and you turned around to glare at him. “The girl’s need a player for dodge ball, and they told me to get you. Hopefully, I have the right person. Hana’s your best friend, am I right?” “Oh god.” You rolled your eyes and reluctantly went to the girl’s locker room to get changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

You didn’t have a particular dislike for dodge ball, but that didn’t mean that you loved it and praised it to the high gods. You enjoyed playing it from time to time when you actually didn’t feel lazy for once and felt like getting hurt (which was usually never). And for one, you were way too lazy to bother even changing to play. But you knew that if you didn’t go, Hana would start complaining about losing or how her team members were y, god knows what she would use as an excuse next.

After a good 10 minutes you walked out of the dressing room with a white t-shirt and blue gym shorts. Then, you started walking toward the field which was just outside of the school doors.

“Hurry up! Let’s go!” Hana glared at you. Just to get on her nerves, you began walking as slow as a snail. Literally. Hana, being the impatient little one she was, ran up to you and slapped your , urging you to walk faster or even run. You rolled your eyes and began jogging.

“So, tell me. Why the hell is a team of girls playing against a team of guys?” You raised a brow and eyed the boys on the other team. “They challenged us!” The boys cried. “What the hell? No we didn’t! You just came barging onto the field saying you were going to play no matter what the other team was consisted of!” The girls pointed fingers at them and glared.

“Okay, stop.” You raised a hand into the air. After giving each team a good, hard glare you calmly breathed in and out. “Let’s just play. It doesn’t matter who we’re playing against, just play and have fun. You guys always have to make things harder than they originally are.” After tightening your ponytail you joined the game.

Before the boys could even think, you hurled a ball toward the small, girly one. “What the hell?” He shrieked, dodging the ball just in time. “Are you trying to kill me?” You smirked and looked at all 6 of the boys. “Sorry, I play dodge ball the hard way. Get ready to get some bruises.” You laughed. “Oh yeah, if you feel like, you know, ‘girling’ out or something, you’re welcome to leave the game.”

He glared at you. And you glared right back. “Don’t judge people by their appearances.” “Sorry, I just did.” And then the frenzy began.

Sungyeol watched his friends and you battle it out as if it was a fight to the death. Although people were getting hurt, he found it highly amusing how each time you got a hold of the ball; the boys would all run to the same side of the court in order to not get hit.

You threw the ball at Sungjong, who had dodged the huge blue ball just in time. Sungjong grabbed a yellow one from the ground and threw it back at you. You ducked just in time and it hit someone in the crowd. Dongwoo screamed when a girl hurled a ball at him and began running around the court like a mad man. While Hoya, Myungsoo and Sunggyu were standing there, catching each ball that was getting thrown to them. And then there was Woohyun. The guy standing on the side and throwing ‘hearts’ to the crowd. Sungyeol facepalmed.

“Woohyun, get out. I’m playing.” Sungyeol forcefully pushed Woohyun out of the court. Woohyun grinned in happiness and Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “Hi baby.” Sungyeol grinned toward you, causing you to roll your eyes and hurl a ball at his chest. “Whoa babe.” He caught the ball when it hit his chest.

Crossing your arms, you stood there tapping your foot, as if to tell him to hurry up and throw the ball. Sungyeol grinned and did so. You swiftly dodged the ball and smirked, causing Sungyeol to let out a huff of anger. Things were about to get dirty. Ew. No, not that way.

Sungyeol let out a high pitched scream and threw a red ball toward you. You bent over in laughter and the ball flew right above your head. Once you felt the wind of the ball blow your hair back, you stood up. You and Sungyeol then had a miniature staring contest. Before Sungyeol could even react, you bent down, picked up a ball, and then threw it.

He screamed and ran to the other side of the court to grab another ball, in which he threw. You caught the ball and threw it right back at him. Soon, the friendly battle between girlfriend and boyfriend had become an all-out dodge ball fight until the other person couldn’t stand anymore.

“Oh lord.” The boys and girls backed away from the court. “What have we done?”

“Lee Sungyeol, stop screaming!” You threw two balls toward him. “No thanks!” He screamed right back. “Shut. Up!” You threw a ball per syllable. “No!” Sungyeol stubbornly stood in the middle of the court, panting heavily. You breathed in short, shallow breaths, trying to breath from all the running around you had just done.

“You’re so childish.” “I know, don’t you love it?” “No.” “Well, that’s a shame.”

BAM! “Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha! I win! I win! I win! I win! Victory is mine! Wahahahahahahahahahhahahahah!” Sungyeol jumped around screaming. You glared at him. “You .”

“I love you.” Sungyeol grinned widely and ran over to hug you. You growled.

“Lee Sungyeol, I demand a rematch!” 


Ahhhh. Yes! Finals are over ^^ Summer is coming soon~

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Chapter 25: I have this feeling that you are sungjong biased... It's just a feeling. XD
This was the most fluffest fic I've seen a long while omfg its cute
/dies because Myung OTL
Chapter 12: Lol! Funny Dongwoo! He just wants to make everyone smile.
Chapter 21: oh mannnn this is cute! :D
Chapter 13: i can imagine yeollie pouting in that superfragilisticexpialidociously cute manner hmmm my life is ruined D:
Chapter 2: Lol myunggie....my myunggie...
woohyunism #7
woohyunism #8
Chapter 25: Omg the yarn story was freaking cute ; ; I love your writing style omg I could actually imagine Myungsoo as a cat!! So cuteeeee and aww man!! Its gonna be Z soon which means this story is probably going to end D: