P is for Pen

The Alphabet of INFINITE



An instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.


Featuring: You and Lee Sungjong


Pens, you had all sorts of them. Pink ballpoint pens, blue felt pens, green sharpie pens, yellow ink pens, you had so many different types of pens in so many colors that at school you were called the ‘Pen Maniac’. Every time you would take notes during a lecture, each bullet’s information would be in a different color. In the end, at the end of a 2 hour long lecture, you had a paper that literally looked like a rainbow. Red, green, yellow, blue, beige, ivory, lime green, baby blue, magenta, you had basically every color of pen out there.

“That girl is so crazy.” “How does she even fit so many pens in her tiny backpack?” “Watch, on day, one of her pens will get stolen and she’ll freak.”

Retards…’ You shook your head as you strutted to your class. ‘If you pack them correctly, you can fit any amount of pens in this backpack, and I’m not crazy, I’m just obsessed. Also, I will not freak when one of my pens get stolen, I’ll just threaten to kill everyone on the campus until the person who stole it gives it back.’


When you finally arrived in your class, you sat down in your seat to find that your seatmate had changed.

“Hello, seatmate.” Your new seatmate and your secret crush, Lee Sungjong, smiled at you as he purposely emphasized ‘seatmate’.

You stared at him weirdly before opening your backpack to take out your multiple pens to get ready to take notes during the lecture.

“You have a lot of pens, seatmate.” Sungjong pointed at the stacks of packed pens on your desk.

“You have a lot of words, seatmate. I would appreciate it if you would shut up.” You glanced at Sungjong for a split second as you spoke to him while flipping through your notebook for a blank page.

“You have really colorful pages, seatmate.” Sungjong ignored your previous comment as he continued to talk to you.

“You have a really annoying voice, seatmate.” You smoothed out your notebook before pulling out a pen to write with.

“You’re really pretty, seatmate.” Sungjong complimented you while smirking.

“You’re really annoying, seatmate.” You shot back as you let out a long sigh.

Lee Sungjong, shut up with the seatmates.” The boy behind you that was sleeping looked up from his arms and glared at Sungjong.

Kim Myungsoo, go back to sleeping and don’t bother my seatmate and I.” Sungjong turned around to face the boy.

“Shut up, you parrot.” The boy named Myungsoo hit Sungjong’s head.

Shut up, you parrot.” Sungjong mocked Myungsoo before turning around to face you again.

You laughed at the two boys argument and turned toward the teacher, who had just entered the room. ‘I have good acting skills. I should become an actress, like Gu Hye Sun!”


Sungjong had continued to stare at you as you wrote down your colorful notes. ‘She’s really special. Well, of course she’s going to be special; she’s been my first love since Middle School.’

“Why are you staring at me.” You demanded, not even bothering to look at Sungjong.

“I can’t stare at you?” Sungjong grinned, his gaze still on you.

“Yeah.” You continued writing your notes.

“Well, the constitution says that every citizen is granted freedom of looking.” Sungjong grinned widely as he recalled what he learned the day before.

“It’s freedom of speech.” You clarified as Sungjong pouted.



The next day, you entered your class to find a pen on your desk. You picked up the pen and inspected it, ‘This isn’t one of my pens…’ You unraveled the piece of paper that was wrapped around the pen, revealing the pen’s ink color, navy blue.


Here! A pen as a gift! I hope you use it well! Saranghae~

What. The. Hell. Is. This?” you read the paper over and over again. ‘Whatever, it’s a free pen. I’ll keep it, then. Thanks to whoever gave me this..?”

 Later on, during the lecture you pulled out the pen to write a bullet. Sungjong noticed that you were writing with the navy blue pen and smiled widely.


After that, you kept on receiving pens of different colors that each had a different note wrapped around it. On the electric yellow pen, it read:

Annyeong again!

I hope you’re really using the pens I give you! Yellow is my favorite color! Hehehe, I hope you use this pen a lot and take care of it well~

On the blood red pen, it read:

I noticed that you’re using the pens!  Yay!

Have you figured out who I am? Figure out soon!

And then finally, on the lavender pen, it read:


I’ve finally found the courage to reveal who I am! After school, come to the school garden. Okay? I hope you come!

What a weirdo.’ You though to yourself as you re-read the note. “I might as well go, though. I can’t let this person’s effort go to waste. Plus, he gives me pens every day.”


Later on during class, Sungjong stared at you, hoping that you would go to the garden after school so that he could tell you what he wanted to tell you. ‘If she doesn’t come, I’m going to cry.’


You were waiting on a bench in the school garden for the mystery person to come. So far, you had been sitting there for about 30 minutes, waiting for the person to come. ‘Maybe I should go home; it probably was a trick anyways.’


Meanwhile, Sungjong was being pulled by his hyungs to go to the garden.

“NOOO~ I’m scared! What if she rejects me?” Sungjong screeched.

“She won’t reject you. Well, at least, I think. Anyways, how would you know what she would say if you don’t confess.” Sunggyu yanked Sungjong’s arm away from the door frame.

“I’m fine being friends!” Sungjong exclaimed.

“You’re not even friends right now!” Myungsoo yelled. “Besides, she’s been waiting for you to go for 30 minutes, hurry up and go.” Myungsoo grunted as he flung Sungjong onto the grass in the school garden.

“Lee Sungjong?” you looked at the boy that had fallen on the ground in a rather uncomfortable position. “What are you doing here?”

“Ummm, I’m here… Umm, because… Ummm, I was the one that sent you those pens!” Sungjong finally let it all out as his face turned a bright shade of red. “Will you go out with me?”

You were surprised by his sudden outburst. “Wha-?” he didn’t let you finish your question as he captured your lips with his own.

When he finally pulled away, you were speechless. “…”

“Will you go out with me?” Sungjong asked bashfully.

“Crazy boy.” You chuckled. “Give me reasons why I should go out with you…” you smirked.

“Well, I’m y. I’m hot. I’m beautiful. I’m manly. I have good hair… For God’s sake, I’M LEE SUNGJONG! That’s why you should date me!” Sungjong beamed.

You giggled at his answer, “How conceited… I was only joking, smart one. Of course I will. You’ll give me an unlimited supply of pens, right?”

“W-What? That’s why you want to go out with me?” Sungjong stuttered.

“Yah, I’m joking, stupid.” You hit Sungjong’s head lightly as you both smiled at each other.

“Oh yeah, what type of chapstick do you use? Your lips are so soft!” Sungjong exclaimed as he touched your lips.

“Why? You want soft girl lips?” you .

“No! I was just wondering…” he pouted while touching his own lips.

“Man, they should make a pen color called ‘Blush Red’.” You put your index finger to your chin, “Then we could compare it to how your face was when you stood up after you fell!”

“Not funny! It was Myungsoo hyung’s fault!” Sungjong pouted as he cupped his on face with his hands.

“Whatever you say…”


Did the confession seem rushed? O.O Anyways, I love all 51 of you guys (my subscribers)! ^^

And I used pen! Thank you to fireworkrainbow for suggesting both Panda and Pen. XD

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Chapter 25: I have this feeling that you are sungjong biased... It's just a feeling. XD
This was the most fluffest fic I've seen a long while omfg its cute
/dies because Myung OTL
Chapter 12: Lol! Funny Dongwoo! He just wants to make everyone smile.
Chapter 21: oh mannnn this is cute! :D
Chapter 13: i can imagine yeollie pouting in that superfragilisticexpialidociously cute manner hmmm my life is ruined D:
Chapter 2: Lol myunggie....my myunggie...
woohyunism #7
woohyunism #8
Chapter 25: Omg the yarn story was freaking cute ; ; I love your writing style omg I could actually imagine Myungsoo as a cat!! So cuteeeee and aww man!! Its gonna be Z soon which means this story is probably going to end D: