V + Toilet



Pinkluver added monnie

Pinkluver added sweg1026

Pinkluver added taetae

Pinkluver added chimchim

Pinkluver added jungkook97

Pinkluver added horseok

Monnie: eh? What is this

Pinkluver: a chat room?

Monnie: I know but

Sweg1026: sweg

Monnie: its swag

Jungkook97: sweg

Chimchim: mom im hungry

Horseok: heyaaaaa

Monnie: change ur username hoseok

Horseok: ahh whey?

Monnie: im out

Pinkluver: don’t u dare namjoon. And jimin didn’t u just have lunch

Taetae: mom

Sweg1026: who

Pinkluver: what do u want taehyung?

Taetae: u

Pinkluver: …….. I created this acc so that we can communicate

Monnie: communicate???? We live in the same house????

Jungkook97: ikr and I have so many group chat already

Chimchim: yea the one that full of girl

Jungkook97: no….

Taetae: yes

Chimchim: asdfkflkl;lgl

Sweg1026: wth?

Horseok: r u ok jimin boyzzzz?

Chimchim: jungkook just hit me

Jungkook97: no im not

Pinkluver: kids focus

Chimchim: ok mom

Monnie: this is why I don’t want an acc

Horseok: aaa whey monnie? Whey?

Sweg1026: im going to sleep

Pinkluver: suga wait

Horseok: oh oh

Pinkluver: did u flush toilet?

Sweg1026: wut

Pinkluver: I think u forgot to

Sweg1026: no im not

Horseok: yes u are

Chimchim: ew hyung

Jungkook97: I can smell it from here

Sweg1026: taehyung use it after me

Horseok: now u want to drag innocent taetae?

Sweg1026: im telling the truth

Monnie: now u guys talking about poop. Just go flush it suga hyung

Sweg1026: its not mine!

Chimchim: v where are u????

Jungkook97: v don’t run

Taetae: sorry hyung……

Sweg1026: told ya

Taetae: I already flush it but the smell won’t go away

Taetae:  Idk y

Taetae:  its not that smelly when I out the toilet tho?

Taetae:  Is it that smelly?

Taetae:  Hyung??

Horseok: ……….

Monnie: stop talking about poop

Pinkluver: sorry joonie. this is a very bad idea

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EunMi219 #1
Chapter 1: hahahaha oh my V!!!! LOL XDDDDD