JunSu Time Part 1 - JUNSU "THE JUDGE OF LOVE!!!" ^ ^,

Our Written Fate (Sequel to One Sided Love)

Hi everyone i'm back, super duper mianhae for the long wait, just got back from my two day no three days of celebrating New Years with my family and cousin's hehehehe, yeah i know it's so long, anyways here's my update, Enjoy!!! ^ ^,


JunSu's POV:

Wonder what's tooking Jae Hyung to come back from the bathroom? Could it be?, because of what happened during lunch and here?

I then rested my head on the table



After Hyun Joong excused himself,i then hurriedly sat beside Jae Hyung

"Hyung is it ok, if i ask you something?" Jae Hyung then smiled at me and nodded

"What is it JunSu?"

"Uhm... Are you inlove with YunHo Hyung" after what i said SPLAT!! he showered me with the water he's drinking

"**cough***cough*what**cough**did you just say?**cough**cough**"

"aish Jae Hyung? why did you do that? aish.." i then wiped my face

"**cough**mianhae**cough**cough** well it's your fault**cough**cough**you asked me such shocking question**cough**"

"mianhae too, i didn't know you'll react like that, please excuse me for a sec, i'm gonna change my shirt, good thing i have brought an extra shirt, please wait for me ne?"

"okay" then i went to the bathroom to change my shirt, after i change my shirt i went back to the cafeteria..

"Huh? where did Jae Hyung go? he left me without saying anything? hmmm... AHAH! maybe he went back to the student council's room" i then run to the student council's room, and there i saw him on his desk writting, i then hurriedly sat beside him

"Jae Hyung, why did you left me?" Jae Hyung then weakly smiled at me

"mianhae JunSu, you where taking so long in changing your shirt that i thought you already went here, so mianhae again" i just smiled at hyung

"it's okay hyung, anyways is there anything i could help you, you know i came here to help" Jae Hyung then smiled at me and shook his head..

"For today there's nothing much, i'm just checking the thing's we need do tomorrow to prepare for the up-coming school festival, and it's already late" after that, we didn't say anything, he's was pre-occupied with what his doing...

"Jae Hyung"

"hmmm?"i tapped his shoulder, in which he looked at me

"Can i ask you something?" he weakly smiled at me and nodded

When you look at Hyung, you can tell that he already knows, what im gonna ask him....

"Are you inlove with YunHo hyung?"

"JunSu why are you asking me that question again?"

"well~~ firstly you didn't answer me in the cafeteria and secondly i just want to know, ^^ , anyways are you?" i said in a smile

"No JunSu, but i love him as a friend"

"are you sure that you love him as a friend and not love as in love?"

"JunSu, yes i love him as friend only, okay? end of discusion"

"Why do i felt like your avoiding my question? is it because YunHo hyung has girlfriend in which, it's your younger sister?" Jae Hyung just stared at me, then he smiled

"no JunSu and i am not avoiding the question, i'm just telling the truth and i think it's not appropriate to talk or ask about that kind of thing ne?"

"but hyung, i can feel that you have deep feeling's for YunHo hyung and so as hyung though he's just confuse and he has a relationship with your sister, that's why he couldn't admit nor do anything about his feeling's for you" Jae Hyung then became quiet..

"Uh-uhm JunSu please excuse me, i'm just gonna use the bathroom" i then nodded and he left

end of flashback....


I then looked at the wall clock and saw that it was already 5 in the afternoon, and Jae Hyung hasn't returned since then...

aish... hope Jae Hyung isn't mad with me T.T

I then stood up and went to the bathroom, but i didn't see Jae Hyung

where could he be?

End of POV


JaeJoong's POV:

After i excused myself from JunSu, i didn't go to the bathroom, i went straight to my house, i just couldn't understand myself



"but hyung, i can feel that you have deep feeling's for YunHo hyung and so as hyung though he's just confuse and also because he has relationship with your sister, that's why he couldn't admit nor do anything about his feeling's for you"

end of flashback..


No JaeJoong, you will not think about what JunSu said, cause it's really imposible

I then run towards my room, and i lyed on my bed...

JunSu's just trying to mess with your head... but could it be?... aish JaeJoong you shouldn't think that, you will only hurt yourself even more...aish

i then burried my face with my pillow

End of POV


YunHo's POV:

I then went out of my car and headed towards the tree, where me and jae always hang.. i then sat, with my palm on my face..

aish, YunHo what is wrong with you? why am i being this way towards Jae? why do i feel jelouse when he's with Hyun Joong? and why am i even jelouse? aish ever since Hyun Joong came i became even more crazy... yeah maybe i am crazy T.T

I then stared at the sky...


aish, when will i learn to change my cellphone ring tone?

I then tooked my phone..



"Su? yes?"

"Where are you? you didn't go back to school, and i'm lonely Jae Hyung left me"

"ow, mianhae, i was thinking about something, reason why i forgot to go back, and Jae already left?"

"yes, hyung, can i go to, whereever you are? and what are you thinking?"

"no you can't, and its none of your business"

"your so mean hyung, how can you be so cold towards your cute dongsaeng?"

aish, cute my foot ...

"mianhae, i'm not being cold, i just want to sort out something"

"like what hyung?"

"aish... Su, i've been thinking, are you somewhat an investigator? you kept on asking tons and tons of questions"

"no hyung, just a concern dongsaeng, maybe if you tell me i could help you"

"Thanks Su, but i don't need help, i can do this on my own"

"you sure hyung?"

maybe Su can help me.... hmmmm

"Su your right, i do need your help, I'm at Han River, i'll be waiting for you"

"Ne Hyung, be right there" After our phone call, i then watch the sky again

End of POV


JunSu's POV:

YunHo hyung wiat for me, the Judge of LOVE will save you, MUHAHAHAHA


"OUCH!"i then tooked the rag, that slammed on my cute face "who threw this?"

Suddenly a guy in a uniform bowed in front of me

He looks like he's working at this cafe, come on show me the face, the face that almost ruined my cute face

"Mianhae, Mianhae, it was all an accident, my friend was teasing me, and the rag flew at your face"

that voice sounds familiar??

He then stood straight, and there i see his handsome face


"baby Su?" I was shocked, the guy infront of me was my boyfriend?

"Chunnie, what are you doing here? i thought your in america to study?"

"ow, baby Su, mianhae if didn't contact you or anything, everything was in a rush, my mom wanted to go back here in korea, and i was gonna surprise you, but then again you where surprise and so was i, and yes i was studying in america but class wont be starting due to the problem happened in my school, so here i am, helping my friend on his work in this cafe"

"ow, i see, i am really surprise, but then again what are you gonna do about the accident? i mean you almost ruin my cute face" i then looked away...

"mianhae my baby Su, it was really an accident, what do you want me to do? so you will forgive me"

"i don't know, you think about it" suddenly he hugged me

"so now do you forgive me?"


actually i already forgiven you, who would stay mad at you and besides being in your embrace is the best thing ever ^ ^,

suddenly i felt his lips on my lips, and he kissed me in which i kissed back... he then stopped kissing me and he pulled his lips from mine, then we both stared at each other...

"So now do you forgive me?" i then smiled at my Chunnie and nodded

"yes i forgive you" he then pinched my cheecks

While we where smiling something hits me..

"OMO!! i almost forgot!"

"What is it my baby?"

"talk to you later Chunnie, i have to go to my hyung, he's waiting for me" i then kissed his lips and i run

aish, how could i forgot my hyung? hope he's still waiting for me... aish it's all Chunnie's fault.... but then again it wasn't ^ ^,

End of POV


Hye Sul's POV:

oppa why aren't you calling me or apologising about yesterday? why? does this mean my doubts where correct form the begining?

i then stood from my bed and tooked my phone

"Hyun Joong oppa"

"Hye Sul?"

"Ne, oppa, where are you?"

"I'm at home why?"

"Do everything to make Jae Joong oppa to fall inlove with you, YunHo oppa hasn't call me yet, i'm really worried"

"Look Hye Sul, I think we shouldn't continue this i mean, we can't forced, a heart to love me nor anyone"

"I don't care, just do everything, how about you tell him that you where the one who saved him from drowning at Han River, maybe he'll fall for you fast"

"But Hye Sul, i don't even know about that Han River incident?"

"I don't care, beside's he doesn't even remember the person who saved him, just do it!"

"Hye Sul i think your crossing the line here, he's your older brother"

"I don't care!, what i care is for YunHo oppa to clear his mind and find out, that i'm the one he truely loves"

"But Hye Sul?"

"No more but's, okay forget about the Han River, just HIM!!"

"B-BWOH?, are you crazy? he's your older brother!! i will not do that!"

"i don't care!, If you're not gonna do that, then i'll tell my brother about all your lies, and about you playing with his heart"

"What lies are you talking about? don't you mean your lies, your evil plot towards your older brother? and you think your brother will believe you?"

"try me!" I then ended our phone call and i throwed my phone on my desk

We'll see about that Hyun Joong oppa!! and to you my YunHo oppa you'll always be mine!!

End of POV


Hi everyone, so how was it? hope i didn't disapoint you all with this update, btw @eveitis wants Chun to apear, so i added a little apearance of Chun, hope you like it, btw he'll apear in the later chap too, YooSu^ ^,.. btw this sequel is almost coming to an end maybe 2 mor chap's?, so please stay with me, and upnext part 2 of JunSu Time and a little YunJae or slyt, so please stay tune ^ ^, To all Saranghae ^ ^,


@eveitis Hi there hehehe, thank you so much for reading ^ ^, btw yup Su will be their match maker, since yun really needs help with his confuse heart anyways i'll try my best to put chun in it, after all i love YooSu too and your right about that one ^ ^, thanks again ^ ^,

@Kim_Lily Hi sis ^^, btw thank you so much sis, and yup "JunSu Time", hope you like my update, and thank you so much for reading ^^,

@colorspot Hi there, welcome but i'm the one that should be thanking you ^^, anyways hope you'll like JunSu's action time , btw thank you so much for reading ^^,

@mar1adyve5sa Hi there, yup don't worry he'll use all of his power just to make YunJae together lol, anyways hope you like my update and Thank you so much for reading ^ ^,

@clumsytikduck Hi there, thank you so much, feels like i really did great on that chap ^ ^, btw hope you like my update ^ ^, btw thank you so much for reading ^ ^,

@yunjaemania Hi there, hope you like JunSu time, hehehehe btw thank you so much reading ^ ^,

@grutugomuk Hi there thank you so much for reading, hehehehe that's JunSu's new codename the "Judge of LOVE" on his project to make YunJae together, lol anyways hope you like my update ^ ^,

To all thank you so much, for the love and support towards my story, all your comments and to all my subscribers and new subscriber's and to my silent reader's, you all always made me smile because even though sometimes i'm not sure with the chap's i'm updating, but seeing it all made me say "Byul Mi You Did Great ^^," So thank you to all, love love you all hope you all recieve my bearhug's ^ ^,

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meechan35 #1
Chapter 7: Plz come back authorshi.
Chapter 7: hope you'll update this soon ^-^
Chapter 4: This woman. Is very annoying. And IS a .
Chapter 3: HAHAHA Junsu is funny xD but cute at the same time.
refrain_blue #6
Chapter 7: waaaah update please (crying hard).... pretty please (puppy eyes) ^^ I really like this story, it's cute and adorable story ^^ wanna know the continuation please ^^
Chapter 7: Omg, update please i love the story
The wtiry is on the moment of love i wonder what will happen next T.T
Chapter 2: For the chapter 2 gosh im imagining yunho shii shouting like that out of jealousy
I love your story im your fan now :-)
Chapter 1: I dint know but i dont feel sorry about jaejoong sister ahahaha u love chapter 1 gosh <3
Fie_JaeCassie #10
Chapter 7: I just red your stories and i like it..
Junsu is so funny i can't help it but laughed for his action XDD
And i hope yunho will realize his feeling soon and claimed jaw as his kekekeke