No Need for Words

Meet Son Hyunwoo

"Hey, I finished earlier than I thought," Sehee talked over the phone. She took off her hair tie and ran her fingers through her long hair before made it into a messy bun. "Should I wait at the theater or?"

"How about coming over?"


"Yeah. Then we can go to the theater together."

"Okay, I'll be there in 20."

It had been three months since their first meeting and everything was going steady without any official confession thingy. Soyu was right. Hyunwoo and Sehee were getting along very well because they had similar personality. Mainly it was them being quiet while shooting sharp gaze. Not many words came out from their mouth. When they were like that, they actually looked cool and chic. Although they didn't really talk, they actually found the silence between them comfortable.

What Hyunwoo liked the most was the little movement or words Sehee made, showing that she cared. Just like him. He simply couldn't believe the female version of Son Hyunwoo actually existed.

Sehee arrived at a dance academy for children where Hyunwoo teaches dancing. Sometimes he practiced there too because it took more time to go back to the office.
Hyunwoo was in the middle of practicing when she came into the practice room. There were only Hyunwoo and Wonho.

"Sehee, you're here," Hyunwoo exclaimed as he caught her reflection on the mirror. He sounded like a robot but there was a certain bit of happiness. His light steps brought him towards Sehee who was standing by the door.

Meanwhile Wonho couldn't stop grinning, ready to tease his hyung. "So, this is why you often go out by yourself."

Hyunwoo remained silence and tried to stay cool, yet his ears were all red due to blushing as Sehee took the towel off his hand to wipe the dripping sweat all over his face and neck.

"Sehee, meet Wonho," Hyunwoo said, not realizing his hand already landed on Sehee's waist in a slightly possessive way. Probably he was aware of how pretty Wonho was.

After that simple introduction, Wonho excused himself to go home, leaving Hyunwoo and Sehee alone.

"Shall we go? To the theater?"

Sehee turned her head to look at him. He looked tired after a full day of non stop dancing, yet she knew he was pretending he was full of energy. A comforting smile was curved on her lips.

"Don't you want to take a shower first? My apartment is only two blocks away."

Hyunwoo couldn't say no as he secretly desperately needed a shower to wash the fatigue away. "May I?" he unnecesarily asked, showing his bunny smile. His heart was racing just thinking about visiting her house. On top of that, he was happier that Sehee could tell what he needed without even talking about it.

A mix of vanilla and strawberry scent welcomed Hyunwoo as Sehee opened her door. The room overall was not as big as his, but he found it very cozy. Pastel colors dominated the whole room, starting from the wallpaper, the curtains, and the furnitures. Sehee caught him exposing his fatherly smile again, which confused her a little what he was smiling at.

"I'll be in my room, I've got something to prepare for tomorrow," told Sehee. "The bathroom is that way."

He nodded.

He only took five minutes in the bathroom until he came out to find Sehee was still in her room. He was expecting she would be ready to go out again. When he tried to approach her room, he could hear her talking over the phone in formal language. Pouting his lips, he dragged his feet towards the living room. As soon as he landed his body on the sofa, a yawn slipped out of his mouth. That expected lazy feeling when you got home and had a bath finally came.

"Sorry, Hyunwoo.. ah," She hung her words when her eyes caught a teddy bear sitting on her sofa, sleeping while hugging a pillow. A smile instantly grew on her lips. She decided to come back to her room to finish her work as soon as possible, letting Hyunwoo have some good sleep for a few minutes.

Later on, Hyunwoo finally woke up to the coffee aroma. Rubbing his eyes, he was half awake trying to summon his souls and identify where he was. He was about to call his roommate, Minhyuk, but then he realized he wasn't at his home.

"Oh, you're awake?"

The familiar feminine voice got him a grip. How he fell asleep was not a new thing, especially after taking shower. He took a look at his watch, genuinely surprised by the time read on his watch. It was almost midnight. It seemed quite impossible to catch a movie. A few minutes that Sehee planned turned out to be two hours. It was all because she liked watching him sleeping and she didn't want to wake him up.

Hyunwoo got up heading to the kitchen where Sehee was busy preparing snacks. "Hey.."

"Had a good sleep?"

A shy smile was slowly formed as Hyunwoo rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "About the movie..."

Sehee gave him a reassuring smile. Bringing one big bowl of caramel popcorn and one pack of taco chips, she walked off first towards the sofa in her living room, followed by Hyunwoo.

A pile of DVDs on the table caught his attention. Hyunwoo turned his head towards Sehee, who already had four DVDs in her hands.

"So, Hachiko, The Martian, Miracle in Cell No.7, or Glory Days?" she asked cheerfully.

Hyunwoo was flustered. They were supposed to watch a new released movie that starred Do Kyungsoo. He knew how Sehee had been waiting for that movie since she was a big fan of Do Kyungsoo. If only he didn't fall asleep.

"Sorry, I..."

"No. I'm sorry." Sehee reached a hand to hold Hyunwoo's hand. "I shouldn't have left you to do my work. Sorry."

He, having no idea, somehow felt touched by her words. His hand held hers back. His eyes disappeared forming two lines as he grinned wide.

"So, The Martian?"

"Yeah, sure." Hyunwoo shrugged, smiling.

Sehee went to the kitchen again to grab their coffee, while Hyunwoo arranged the sofa into a sofa bed as Sehee requested. She took a seat next to him, leaning her body on to his. And they were this close that Hyunwoo could feel his heart racing. He didn't expect Sehee to be this close, and from how she seated, she looked very comfortable.

Their first ever physical contact, which was holding hands, was only one week ago. It was Sehee who finally made a move since Hyunwoo was too shy to grab her hand. After that he kept gathering his courage to be bold to finally be able placing his arm around her shoulder or waist in confidence. These days he preferred to hold her mostly on the waist. He felt somehow secure that way.

"Didn't you say you've been to a jungle that looks like Mars?" Sehee chuckled as she recalled his jungle experience.

Hyunwoo replied her with a chuckle too. "Yeah, it was amazing there."

Suddenly his eyes got wider as Sehee put her hand on his stomach, and repositioned her head leaning against his shoulder. He tucked one arm behind his head and cleared his throat, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was.

To his surprise, Sehee stretched up her neck to take glance at him. She flashed a loving smile as she hugged him by his waist.

Hyunwoo couldn't help but smiled back at her. This was a moment he wished to last, because he just liked it so much. No words needed between them as they seemed to understand each other by looking at each other's eyes.


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2038 streak #1
Chapter 2: Wow! This story is really cute. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.