The Meeting

Meet Son Hyunwoo

Hyunwoo couldn't believe that love-at-first-sight thing actually happened to him. It was all started when he was attending a birthday party threw by Soyu, his senior at the office. Hyunwoo never really liked being in a crowd. Night club was never his first choice to hang out or spend the night in. Being in a crowded and noisy place simply exhausted him and drained his energy in a snap.

That particular night he was dragged along to attend Soyu's birthday party at a night club in Hongdae. Fortunately Soyu made a VIP reservation so the guests were not more than 200 people. Enough for Hyunwoo to breathe and secure his personal space.

After greeting the birthday girl, he chose to sit at the bar, having a drink by himself while watching his buddies on the dance floor. His eyes kept scanning the whole place and when he landed his sight to where Soyu seated, his eyes caught this girl dressed in black blouse, peach pastel skirt, and black high heels. She looked so neat, probably she went to the club after work.

He'd never seen her before. At least not in his office area. And not realizing it, Hyunwoo had been monitoring this girl for a while that Bora caught him off guard.
"I didn't know you like that type of girl."

Hyunwoo flinched in surprise, not knowing Bora was already sitting next to him. "What are you talking about?"

"Wait here. I'll tell Soyu." Then she walked away stomping her feet with mischievous smile, ignoring Hyunwoo who shouted at her in panic.

The expected thing was about to happen before his eyes. Hyunwoo became restless and uneasy as Soyu came approaching him. Walking along beside Soyu was the girl he'd been secretly looking at. His eyes were unfocused when the girls were just a few more steps away.

"Hey, what are you doing here all alone?" asked Soyu.

Hyunwoo gave a look at her. He knew she wouldn't ask bull for nothing.

"What?" Soyu blinked her eyes innocently. "Anyway, Hyunwoo, meet my friend. Her name is Sehee."

This Sehee girl flashed a smile. Hyunwoo smiled back at her, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. He was getting more nervous from the chic and elegant aura from this girl. He noticed her hair was a messy bun when greeting Soyu. But now she let her hair free hanging loose. The bun left a natural wavy hair and it successfully made him hard not to look at her.

"And this guy is Son Hyunwoo. My feeling says that you two are going to get along really well." Soyu turned her head to face Hyunwoo. She winked at him, expressing 'no need to thank me' face. "Okay, so, Sehee, talk to him for me, okay? It makes me sad to see this giant Pooh bear alone. I have more guests to greet so I'll leave you, is that okay?"

Sehee nodded. And with that, Soyu left.

"Hyunwoo, right? I'm Go Sehee. Nice to meet you." She reached a hand.

Hyunwoo shook her hand. "Yes. Pleasure to meet you, Sehee."

The first thing he noticed was her height. She looked taller from distance. Now that she stood up before him, her eye level was only up to his neck. Without her heels, probably her sight would go straight to his chest.

He beamed a daddy smile and his eyes disappeared forming eye smile. He already liked the atmosphere although they hadn't talked more after introducing each other.
That daddy smile caught her attention that instant. The smile was kind of soothing. She wouldn't mind seeing it for a long time. And she did. "You resemble my father somehow," she muttered, smiling warmly.

Hyunwoo got that a lot. He was that kind of person who always had this daddy smile and also father-ish personality. "Well, my bandmates call me father sometimes," he responded, chuckling.

Sehee let out a chuckle too. "Of course. I'm sure they do."

There was a long pause between them. Looking like enjoying the silence, none of them moved an inch from the bar. They were just doing the same thing: scanning the whole place. Until their eyes met, smiling to each other.

The music slowly got louder as the dance floor now was getting packed. Sehee looked at her wristwatch to see it was almost midnight.
"Anyway, is there any chance that we could meet again?"

"Hm?" Sehee gestured that she didn't catch what Hyunwoo just said due to the loud music.

Hyunwoo scratched his head, looking embarrassed that he had to repeat what he said. "Well, I don't usually ask this the first time I meet someone," he mumbled.

Sehee flashed a smile in confusion, waiting for him finishing his words.

When finally the music paused before changing to the next song, Hyunwoo gathered his courage. "Are you free next Saturday?" he asked, smiling shyly.


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2043 streak #1
Chapter 2: Wow! This story is really cute. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.