Chapter 3

The One Who Played The Antagonist Character is.....ME
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Three weeks had gone since Jonghyun came to my house. And during this three weeks nothing had really changed. The only things different was the attention I received from hwejangnim. Lately, hwejangnim offered to drive me home himself after work. We would had dinner at some high class restaurant first before sending me home. We don't really had topics to talk. Just awkwardly sat and eating in silent. Sometimes when the silent was too unbearable, he would discussed about work or sometimes he would asked a few things about my family. But I don't really had much to say about it. There's nothing impressive to talk about. My father had been longer in jail than outside. My mother died when I was 13 because of my father. And my grandmother suffered from cancer and I left her in the hospital under the nurse care. Only came visited once or twice a week. I would never telling him all that myself. And he would never pressured me to told him when I avoided to answer.

We are so hopeless. How can we marry if we are like this? My mind was working for a plan. I need to make us closer. We are practically a stranger to each other. And it cannot stayed like this. I need to work my charm on him. I was currently at my house sitting on the sofa while waiting for hwejangnim to pick me up. Today we will going to meet gynecologist together. He had scheduled the appointment to check on my pregnancy with the best gynecologist in town. Since the wedding will happen in two weeks from now, we also planned to choose a gown for the wedding and met our wedding planner today. 

Not long after the break up news of hwejangnim and his girlfriend came out, the news about our wedding was revealed. The headline on the newspaper mostly revealed the wedding of Park Choa's ex-boyfriend with a mystery girl. My identity was kept hidden. No one knew who is Jung Yonghwa's wife to be. It was my request to not let my identity being let out to public. If the news came out, the press would surely dug about my background. The situation will get ugly and annoyingly distressing. That's why I decided to not reveal this until we distribute the invitation card. Hwejangnim's wedding news had been a chaos too in the company. It became a hot gossip between the workers. They kept guessing who the bride is since hwejangnim was never seen being close with other girl except Choa. And me, I was surely out of the guess list. Who would think hwejangnim would marry me? And I was being careful too with my meeting with him. He picked me up at the bus stop not in front of the building.

It was expected that the wedding news will make Jung hwejangnim criticized a lot. People called him cheater, liar and many more. Typical nosy people who only know how to judge. I once voiced out my worriness about this to him but he just brushed it off saying that "It will pass. People will get tired and shut up after a while." It is so fortunate that the news does not affect the company's business. 

The ringtone from my phone surprised me from my reverie. Its hwejangnim. I picked up the call.


"Seohyun-shi, I'm already here. I'll wait for you in the car."

"Oh. Ne. I come out now."

I took my bag and went down to meet him.

I gave him a small smile as soon as I entered his car. He smiled back in return. Charming and genuine.

"Hi. Ready?" He asked after I'd done putting my seatbelt. He was awkward to me but never cold. I guess he still cannot accept the reality wholeheartedly. He was so close to marry the love of his life only to be hindered by his responsibility and his guilt towards me. I decided if I want to stay as Jung samonim forever, I must make him fall for me hard. From now on, I will make a move on him slowly. Now that his body will be mine, I will make sure I got to own his heart too. 

"Yes." I replied. 

His car moved to left my place.

"How are you? Any nausea or craving today?" he asked to break the silent. A same question that he dutifully asked everyday to start a conversation.

"I'm fine. I threw up a bit this early morning other than that I'm fine. And no craving at all." I replied while looking at him. A typical answer that I will said everyday. Its like our scripted conversation. 

"Good to hear that. I'm sorry I cannot visit you often. I was so occupied with work." 

"Kwenchanayo, I understand. You don't have to worry about me. I can manage myself."

"Still, I should attend to you more. You're with a baby now. You have to take extra care of yourself. No doing hard work or tiring yourself arasso?"

Oh Jung Yonghwa! You're being caring and talking with that gentle tone melt my heart. Instead of making you fall for me I'm the one who attracted.

I looked at his side profile. The girls at the office always fussed about how handsome he is. They always swooned when he threw them a smile. Especially now. I always seeing him in his suit and tie but today he dressed more casually. He wore dark blue jeans and white polo shirt with the long sleeves rolled until his elbow. Instead of his usual brushed up hair, he let his hair down which covered his forehead until above his eyebrow. To add up he wore shades which intensified his good look today. I can't believe I will marry him. He's such a complete package.

He removed his shades. "Is there something on my face?" His sudden question surprised me. He didn't turned to looked at me while saying.

I turned my head away from him and abruptly looking out of the window. "Aniyo." I said slowly. He chuckled. Aish that was embarassing.

The car stopped at the traffic light to gave way to the pedestrian who wanted to cross the road. I kept looking outside not daring to look at him after that embarrassing moment. There's a blind old woman who wants to cross the road. She walked with her cane slowly. I was worried about her safety but then, there is a female student came and help her. Once they safely arrived at the other side of the road the old woman thanking the student before they parted ways. I smiled at the scene.

Suddenly, there's a car at the back horn their car. I looked at the traffic light. It had turned green. Still our car was not moving. I turned to looked at hwejangnim. He was looking outside his window. Curious, I looked at what had caught his attention. He was looking at a big screen that showed a perfume CF with Choa as the main model. 

I shook hwejangnim's arm to gain his attention. "Hwejangnim!"

He turned to look at me. Surprised.

"The light had turned green already." I said. I looked in front not looking at him.

He quickly moved the car. The atmosphere in the car tensed. Or, is it just me who felt like that because I'm annoyed. I turn to looked at him and at the same time he was turning his head to me too. We looked at each other's eyes before quickly turned in front again.

"I'm....sorry." He said breaking the silent.

I sigh. Who am I to be angry? 

"I read about the news between you and Miss Park Choa. I always intended to say sorry. Its all because of me." I said. I didn't being honest with what I said. But I had to say it to avoid from him thinking I want to control him.

"Its not your fault. Stop thinking like that. I'm sorry. Really. Lets.. lets not talk about her from now on. We should start a new beginning with only us that matter isn't it?"

Of course. Thats what I want too. 

I nodded. "Ne. Gamsahamnida."

"Hmm? What are you thanking me for?" He raised his right eyebrow.

"For.....accepting me?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "You're cute Seohyun shi. Why would you thank me? This is what I should do. This is the right thing to do too. You shoud demand me to do more. I'm sorry because of me your life is ruined."

Aish..Jung Yonghwa..Jung Yonghwa..... what nonsense are you talking about. My life was not ruined. It had just started. The life I dreamed to have since forever had just begun.

"I promised I'll make you happy because you deserved it. I'll make sure you'll never suffered like before."

My eyes widened. The thought about my past makes my face turned gloomy. How much did he knew about my past? Jonghyun oppa must had told him everything. I felt ashamed. I am a prisoner's daughter. Did he actually looked down on me?

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to make you remember about the past. I will take care of you and never let you experience the life you once had before." He looked at me smiling.

"You don't mind marry someone like me?"

"Of course not. Its not your fault."

His sincere looked created a weird feeling in my heart. I felt so touched. Will you still remember all of your promises if you knew what I'd done?

I felt like crying so I bited my lips to hold the tears from falling. "Thank you hwejangnim." I said.

He glanced at me before looking back in front to focus on the road. We became silent after that. But my heart was light and I could feel the awkwardness in the air slowly vanished.

Soon, we arrived at the clinic. We were directed to a room quickly after hwejangnim told his name to the nurse at the counter. My gynecologist name was Kim Changwan, a man in early 60 and was very friendly. He and hwejangnim seems so closed and knew each other we

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Dear reader. I'm still working on chptr 2. I might update it by the end of this week. Sorry to keep you waiting but it is a struggle to find time to write.


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citra838 #1
Chapter 3: Still waiting for the update
citra838 #2
Chapter 3: I wish u could update soon Authornim.....please
justforyongseo #3
Chapter 3: I'm waiting for your update.. :')
wachbb #4
Yjhfeh vffh
marquez #5
wish u could update, please.
marquez #6
Update pls.
marquez #7
pls update.
marquez #8
where's the update authorim? been waiting for age? thanks!
marquez #9
Update pls
ririnmeyl #10
Chapter 2: I love this story and seohyun's character :)

Updt please authornim :p