The Friendship

It all started from an internship
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Xing Lei

I dashed into the room only to see Soo Hee squealing at the top of her voice while jumping from one end of the room to the other end. Sighs, here goes Soo Hee being just her, all weird and hyper active. I slumped into the couch, waiting for her to calm down before asking her to explain what happened

“Done jumping around?” I asked in my usual go-on-explain tone where most people hated due to its cold and chilly effect but only Soo Hee has adapted and accepted it.

All of a sudden, Soo Hee became extremely quiet and we had a moment of awkward silence.

“Umm Xing, I have news, great news in fact but promise you will listen to me before you comment or react. Just know I did it out of good intent”

I nodded, not that I accepted her request but I nodded for her to continue. Hesitantly, she started explaining about the whole situation- how she submitted the form without my consent and how we were now required to go for an interview with the management of the company

I was enraged but I always had a soft spot for Soo Hee, simply because she was the only one who broke down my barriers. I didn’t want friends, my trust and faith in friendship was completely torn down and I refused to let people into my life ever again. However, she persisted. She was the one who had immerse amount of faith in me and chose to never give up on me.

I surely wasn’t pleased but I knew how much this means to her and I would never want to be a st

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Jacquelineee #1
Please subscribe, it will mean alot to me. Will be updating thrice a week :)