Sweet Hide And Seek Part 1 - Game start!

Before The School Ends

It was monday, the so called lazy day, and Yujun was practically lying her head on the canteen table, feeling the afternoon heat. 

"Ugh..... I want to go hooomee..." she whined.
"Dude it's only noon, you have one more class before you can rest, be patient" said her friend Hyerin.
"But It's Sociology class later... and it's going to be reallllyyyy boriiiing..."
Hyerin shook her head. "Owh by the way, want to join KCC (korean culture club) session this wednesday?" she suddenly asked.
"What.... but I betrayed that club for Music last year.." said Yujun.
"Eyy... don't worry... you can join it again, the Juniors are taking over already."
"Hm.... What are you guys having anyway?" Yujun narrowed her eyes.
"Just a traditional nametag ripping hide and seek"
"Like the Runningman thingy?"
"Okay but it better be fun." Yujun finally agree to join the KCC session, not knowing that her life was going to change after that day.

Right on August 19, wednesday on 2.30pm, Yujun and the rest of her friends are already waiting in the briefing room, with the Juniors. there are seven of them, and the rest are all their Juniors.
"Wuw... there sure are a lot of juniors in this room, kind of awkward," said Yujun as she looked around her.
"i know right," Hyerin whispered to her ear.
Yujun stumbled on someone's leg because of the crowded area.
"Omg sorry! " she turned to apologise. she look upon the person and a little surprised to see a tall good looking boy behind her. he was wearing a small bell on his shoe lace. 'must be a seeker.' she thought.
"It's okay..." the boy shyly answer as he moved away.
"Yujun," Her friend Qiu, which was also her junior suddenly called her to him.
"Yes Mr. President?" Yujun came towards him.
"I need your contact number so that we can put you in our group chat, so you guys will know who's out" Qiu explained, straight to the point.
'Suuuree..." Yujun immediately gave him her number, knowing that she actually ran out of data.
It was 3.15pm and the game was just starting, Yujun, with the rest of her friends immediately ran as far as they could, hiding away from the seekers. At first they all were sticking together, but when they started to hear scream from every corner of the building, they suddenly split up. Hyerin ran with Jimin, Kiri stick with his girlfriend Dara, and Yujun ran away with Gwanrong, mainly because she need his phone to know the seekers' whereabout. Gwanrong's phone was on fire. His phone keep on vibrating from the incoming group text. They both stopped near the 2nd floor staircase.
"wow... lookslike Jimin found one of the seekers hidden nametag" Gwanrong managed to read some of the group text.
Yujun chuckled. "She's awesome."
Just then, they heard bell sounds coming from the stair near them.
"Uh-oh" Yujun stepped away from the staircase.
Just in time, the tall boy from before came down from the staircase, and the two seniors cowardly scrambled away.
Yujun ran across the hall way as fast as she could. When she thought the tall boy was chasing Gwanrong, she tried to decrease her speed, but she was wrong. As soon as she looked back, she immediately picked up her speed and sprint across the school building. She was thankful that she was once a runner in her middle school, she still got the speed to ran away from being chase with that long legs, though she did ran out of breath easily. She smirked when she saw yhe boy stopped running, probably ran out of breath. So she flew upstairs to the third floor and walk happily, at the same time recovering her stamina. When she was about to go through the third floor hall way, she heard bell sounds coming from the stair case. She paused to see the seeker who would be chasing her in a minute.

When the seeker finally arrived on the same floor, Yujun's eyes widened, she gapped as she watched Jeongguk coming from the lower level of the building. He greet Yujun with his warm smile, walking closer towards her. She was shocked, and at the same time her mind went blank. It took her a few seconds to finally moved her legs to ran away from him.

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