The Eye Contact

Before The School Ends

Yujun glance at the wall clock every few second as she waited for the bell to ring. She was in her history class, listening to her teacher's boring love story instead of lecturing about Hitler. as the bell rang, she immediately put her notes in her file and walked off the classroom in silence.

The eighteen year-old girl keep checking on her phone while walking, not noticing that a boy was standing infront of her, near the stair. When she glance infront of her, she stopped just about 30 centimetres away from the guy, facing him directly. and before she know it, her eyes met with his, causing her to pause in awkwardness. She knew that guy, At first she didn't know his name, but she remembered that her friend once told her that his name is Jeongguk, from the Junior year. She keep on clashing up with that guy, whether its in the hall way, or near the stairs or anywhere the school. It's as if they were tied in destiny. And everytime they glance at each other they always meet eyes. The first time they had an eye contact, gave her that warm smile, showing her deep dimple. He always did that whenever they met, and Yujun would shyly smile back everytime. But somehow today, he look rather awkward, and immediately look away.

As usual, Yujun went straight to the canteen where her friends Yeji and Yura waited for her at their table.
"where's Yura?" said Yujun as she grabbed a chair to sit.
"Don't know, probably meeting Jun." Yeji glanced at her phone in frustration.
"What's wrong?" she gave Yeji the eyebrows
"nothing, It's just that i keep on having problem with sejun lately."
"Why don't you just ditch him for the green bag guy," she joked as she knew that Yeji had an eye candy for one of their junior.
"Should I?" Yeji smirked joining Yujun's joke.

A group of boys entered the canteen while playing around and laughing loudly. When Yujun turned to look at them, her eyes widened to see one particular boy among them, It's Jeongguk. Just a few second looking at him, and jeongguk suddenly glanced at yujun, drawing another eye-contact. yujun gasped as she nervously look away for getting caught.

"oh look, it's the eye-contact boy" Yeji looked at jeongguk and his friends, sitting at a table not too far from Yujun. He was sitting at Yujun's direction and they could easily look each other.
"I know that" Yujun said, staying still, unable to look at him.
"eyy... i think he's looking at you" Yeji secretly glance at Jeongguk.
Jeongguk was stealing a glance a few time at Yujun.
"You sure??" Yujun lifted her eyebrow, then tried to peek at Jeongguk.
Once again their eyes met and Yujun quickly turned away.
"Not againnnn.." she frown.
Yeji just laughed at her own friend's misery.

Later that day, after all class and club activity had ended, Yujun was sitting on the bench near the parking area, still waiting for her mother to pick her up. A car stopped just near her area, and she saw a familiar boy walked to the car. It was Jeongguk. As he walk opened the car's door, he glanced at Yujun before getting into the car. She watched the car drove off from the car.
"Did he just look at me??" she thought curiously.
She slowly shook her head. " can't be..."

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