Separation Anxiety

Coincidence or Fate?

Being with Dong Gu Oppa everyday was like an answered prayer.  The two hours we spent together never seemed long enough and as much as we tried to make the time go longer it never worked out.  2:00pm was always the worst part of my day, when he had to leave with his mom and grandma.  I loved them as much as I loved Oppa, but I was always upset when they took him away from me.  There was a place on the hill behind the orphanage that we would meet at everyday, it was my safe haven and the place where Dong Gu Oppa would be waiting for me after summer school let out. We did everything together and as we were doing everything together, he would never let go of my hand. 

"There." He had drawn a little dove on my wrist again as he had done everyday since we began our friendship.  I wasn't sure exactly what it meant, but he would draw it and say, "You're going to be safe today too. As long as that's drawn on you, you'll be safe and I'll always find you." Although it wasn't much, I began to love seeing that dove drawn on my arm.  Every time I looked at it, I knew Oppa would never let anything happen to me.  "Should I tell you why I choose that?" I could only nod, although in my head, I was ecstatic to know.  "When I was younger, I was afraid of the dark especially when Mom had to work and I had to go to sleep alone.  I would beg my mom to stay with me and not to go to work, but she always told me that she had to work to have money for me and my grandma.  My mom brought home a drawing of this dove and hung in my room, she also told me, 'as long as you have this dove, you will be safe and I will always find you.' Ever time I looked at it, my mom's words would come back to me and I wasn't afraid anymore.  I know you're very afraid and that's why you won't talk to me, but if I draw this on you enough times maybe you'll begin to think about me and you won't be scared anymore and maybe after that, you'll finally say my name." He smiled at me and my heart felt funny.  I wasn't sure what I felt, it was similar to what I felt for my parents, but different.    

A few days had passed and I was excited to go see Oppa, 12 pm couldn't come fast enough. Finally, the bell rang and I charged out of the classroom only to be stopped by the principal.  "Woah, slow down Rae. I know Dong Guya is waiting for you, but I need to speak with you for a few minutes." I wanted so desperately to run away, but I had to obey, I had been in too much trouble before and Oppa told me that I couldn't fight anymore.  So I followed the principal calmly. "Wow, that kid must be a great influence on you.  I didn't think you'd come without a fight." He laughed. We finally made it to his office and there were other adults including the nun that took care of me over at the orphanage. "Rae, we wanted to talk with you about you possibly going home." Home? "You're aunt from the United States finally made contact with us a few weeks ago and is planning to come pick you up.  We flew her here and she is on her way. " I couldn't understand exactly what he meant, but I didn't want to go with my aunt.  Every time I saw her, she would argue with my parents and leave after making a mess in our home. I finally looked up at the principal and shook my head. "Ok, ok calm down. I know this is a shock, but we believe that this is the best option for you to grow up in your home country." I felt tears falling from my eyes and I could only shake my head no, I wanted to see Oppa, I needed to see Oppa.  

"My child, it's going to be alright.  I have prayed that you will live a great life and will be able to come back to visit with us when you're older." Sister Soo said. I just cried and shook my head, Sister picked me up and held me, "Child, you are going to be fine I promise. You are always in my prayers." I saw the principal and the other man in a suit talking and signing papers, I just wanted to leave. "Principal Jo, we need to let her go.  This is too overwhelming, we can figure out the details just let her go to Dong Gu."

"I understand. Rae, go ahead outside.  We can talk about this more later, when she arrives."  As soon as Sister let me go, I ran as fast as I could until I finally reached the hill.  Dong Gu Oppa wasn't there, I was too late.  He had to be there, I needed him the most at that moment. As I sat on the ground crying when I looked up one last time I saw him coming up carrying two sticks of ice cream. I couldn't help it as I ran to him and held on to him.  

"Ya, Rae. Are you alright? What's wrong?" I kept crying with no sound. "Rae, tell me. What's going on? You've cried to me before, but never like this." Silence. "Rae, Please, just tell me...tell me." I looked up to see tears in Oppa's eyes.  Was I causing him to cry? I have to speak, I have to! I opened my mouth, but nothing.  It's always nothing. After we both finally calmed down, we were walking along the trail hand in hand with no words.  "You don't know what's going on do you?" He definitely could read my mind. He picked up my wrist and pulled out the same black pen he always drew with and doodled the dove on my wrist. "Well, whatever it is, I'm going to protect you and I'll always be with you. Never forget that, even when you get lost in the wood, I'll always find you. No matter what."  We made it back to the orphanage and when I looked up from the ground, I saw her. 

"Rae! There you are, god, why did you go missing?" She spoke with force in English and it terrified me. I grabbed Oppa's hand tighter and hid behind him. "Oh how adorable, you've got a boyfriend. You're like freakin' 2 years old.  Whatever, come on we have to go, I need to get back." She reached out to me and I tucked behind Oppa. 

"누구세요? (Who are you?)" Dong Gu asked.

"Oh damn, I don't know your language. Uh...I'm this girls aunt from America!" She talked so loud in Oppa's face. "Ugh, no use whatever, I'm taking her with back home." She grabbed my arm and began to pull me away, I fought back as hard as I could.

"뭐하고 있어요?!" (What are you doing?!)" Oppa held on to me and began to pull me back towards him.

"Yoon Dong Gu! Let her go." The principal came and held Oppa back, but our hands wouldn't let go. They kept pulling us harder and harder, I cried and held on for dear life. Finally I had no more strength left in my small arm and I began to let go.  Dong Gu held on as long as he could and after a while, our hands were forced apart. My aunt grabbed me and took me towards the taxi, Dong Gu Oppa was getting further away from me.  He was crying and fighting to get to me while calling my name, maybe if I could yell back, they would let me stay with him.  Maybe I was leaving because I couldn't speak, I tried so hard to say words. I was getting further and further. My aunt began to put me in the car and I kept fighting. Come on, just a few words! Just a few! 

"YOON DONG GU!" I screamed at the lungs. I saw him stop and stare at me, it seemed as if time had stopped. "YOON DONG GU! DONG GU OPPA!" The door closed and we drove off, I finally spoke and nothing happened..why couldn't I speak sooner?  If I had only spoken sooner, they wouldn't have taken me away.  I wouldn't have to leave. I looked down at my wrist at the dove and knew that Yoon Dong Gu would find me. Somehow, someway I would see him again no matter what it took. He promised.

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