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Mindy felt like she was caught red-handed for doing something wrong. She could see Jung Kook peering at her from inside the practice studio and she had no choice but to open the door and step in.

“Damnit…I thought these things were tinted,” she groaned inwardly.

She refused to meet his eyes and instead surveyed her surroundings. The practice studio was a small soundproof room, judging by the way the walls were designed. There was only enough space for an upright piano. To the regular person it might be a suffocating place but to someone who can lose herself in music all day long, Mindy thought that it was a small piece of heaven.

From the corner of her eye, she saw that Jung Kook was about to say something again and decided that it would be better to explain herself first. There was a weird power dynamic here that she wanted to balance out by proving her innocence.

“I got lost after I left Bang PD nim’s office and I heard something I really liked…so I just gravitated towards the practice studio unknowingly-” Mindy explained softly but stopped when she realised that what she said seemed to make things more awkward. 

Jung Kook chuckled, his eyes twinkled at the indirect compliment. Mindy felt goosebumps all over, it was a different thing hearing him laugh in such an enclosed space. She could hear the slight bass supporting his husky voice. It made her excited for some reason.

“I-I gotta go…” Mindy turned to leave. She had to bring herself out of this situation. It was too private and too unpredictable. The anticipation lingering in the air scared her.

“Wait,” Jung Kook reached out and grabbed her wrist. Mindy was surprised by his action but when she looked at him, she saw hurt in his eyes. Her stomach fell.

“Is it because you have a boyfriend?” Jung Kook asked, his voice slightly cracking.

“What? I d-don’t-” she stammered.

“That man you were with on the motorcycle,” Jung Kook stated.

“Ok, this was honestly getting too weird,” Mindy thought.

“Woo Bin? He’s just a friend,” she said incredulously.

She could visibly see Jung Kook heave a big sigh of relief. It made her chest warm with emotion and she knew she was done for.

“Then why?” Jung Kook asked confusedly.

“Why what?” Mindy questioned back, unsure of the situation.

“Why are you avoiding me?” Jung Kook asked carefully, his grip on her tightened slightly, as if he were afraid she would run away.

There it was again. The hurt in his eyes. He was hurting because of her. It was then that she realised that she had been selfish. Everything was clear. She was attracted to this man and he had been making it obvious that he was attracted to her too. She was avoidant because she did not want to jeopardize his career…or was it simply because she did not want to hurt herself? In that few minutes, a million thoughts ran past Mindy’s mind.

She wrapped her free hand around Jung Kook’s grip on her wrist and took a deep breath. Emotions were overwhelming her.

“I’m not sure if it’s worth it,” she said softly.

Jung Kook stood up slowly and closed the distance between them. He placed his other hand over hers and replied gently,

“How would we know if we don’t try?”

She looked up at him. Now that they were so close, she finally realised how tall he was. Even though their age difference had never bothered her, at this moment, she saw in his eyes someone who was far more mature than his physical age. Jung Kook carefully leant down and placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head. Mindy allowed an honest smile to slip out. Maybe it was time to stop holding back. They stood in that position for a while, just enjoying the proximity. When Jung Kook finally straightened up and Mindy finally opened her eyes, both of them were blushing deeply.

Jung Kook cleared his throat.

“You know that it’s also rude to not text someone when you have their number right?” he teased while his eyes darted around the room.

“Mian,” Mindy apologized while sticking out her tongue.

“Apology…not accepted,” Jung Kook replied while suddenly putting his face close to hers.

Mindy’s eyes widened but she held her ground.

“Wow, where is all this confidence coming from,” she questioned in surprise.

Jung Kook chuckled lightly, his breath tickling Mindy’s nose and she felt her heartbeat accelerate.

“Because I know I have nothing to lose,” he replied simply.

Mindy pulled away, because of how intense the atmosphere was, and settled herself comfortably on the piano chair. She pressed both palms on the keys. Jung Kook sat back down on the piano chair with his shoulder against Mindy’s.

“Do you know how to play?” he asked.

Mindy shook her head.

Jung Kook began to play a sweet but melancholic melody.

“I have to thank this song for bringing you to me,” he laughed.

“I actually sang this while thinking of you,” he added.

When he began to sing, Mindy closed her eyes to take in the moment. The combination of the piano melody and his voice was a drug. She savoured every moment of it.

“Only fools fall for you…only fools fall…Only fools do what I do…only fools fall…”

It was beautiful and before she could get enough of it, it was over.

It took Mindy a few seconds after Jung Kook had let go of the pedal to willingly open her eyes.

“That was beautiful,” Mindy breathed.

“I can sing for you whenever you want me to,” Jung Kook replied gently.

Mindy looked into his eyes and he caught her in his intense gaze. She let herself fall into the abyss of his orbs for a few moments before she scrunched her nose and joked,

“As long as you stop telling me you’re a fool.”

Without missing a beat, Jung Kook replied,

“I was trying to tell you I fell for you.”

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ExoYoong4ever #1
Chapter 8: Tbh, you have a good and interesting story especially that they're relationship becomes stronger and of course because of SM. Fighting Author-nim!!!