
one last time


Everyone has had a crush before, without doubt.
Maybe it was someone from your school, or someone you just saw often.
Maybe it was someone who never knew you existed, like a celebrity crush, or even someone who never existed at all, like a fictional character. It doesn't matter because in the end, a crush is a crush.
Some, however, are worse than others. Like for instance, a crush on your best friend. The same best friend you had for as long as you can remember, the one who always tells you stories about their latest love interest, the one who stopped talking to you because you ed everything up.
Lim Changkyun could write a book about that kind of crush.

Changkyun and Jooheon had first met each other when Changkyun had been three years old, two years younger than Jooheon. Their mothers had been best friends for a long time and that's how they had met. The younger doesn't remember much of their early friendship, he was still a baby after all, but he remembers everything else after he had entered preschool all too well. The two of them had been together all the time, had done all the things kids their age did. From watching cartoons all day long at home to pranking and terrorizing everyone they knew. They had spent almost every minute of their lifes together and they had sworn that nothing in the world would be able to separate them... nothing except Changkyun's move to Boston.

He had been still very young, only ten years old, when his Father had gotten promoted and was told to move to the US. Changkyun had never known it, but it had been a hard decision for his parents because not only did moving mean that they had to leave their lifes in Korea behind, it also meant dragging their son into the whole mess. They had known it would be hard for the young boy to adapt to a whole new country. Learning a new language, finding new friends, new school, new everything, but they would be there to help him, they always had been.

A week before the move Changkyun had finally told Jooheon about it, and it was awful. The older had gotten so mad, he had shoved his best friend to the ground and had run away. Changkyun hadn't known what to do but go home and cry. He had been so hurt. All he could think about was that his best friend hated him, that he will never be able to play with him, never be able to see him again.
His mother had stayed with him the whole day, telling him over and over again that Jooheon didn't hate him, that all of this wasn't his fault, that they would come back and that he would be able to see his best friend again.

Of course his mother had been right (about Jooheon not hating him at least) because the very next day his best friend had stood in front of his door, hands in his pockets, staring at the floor. He had told the younger how sorry he was for reacting the way he did and had begged him to be his best friend again.

They had spent the whole last week before the younger moved together, and on the last day Changkyun had pinky-promised his best friend to come back soon. „You better not go around looking for a new best friend" Jooheon had said, to which Changkyun had repied with „I won't. But you can't do that either", and after Changkyun  had given his best friend his favorite stuffed animal as a present they had parted ways.


Thank you for reading, if you did.
Again, I don't really like this chapter but I wanted to tell the story of how they met and how they were best friends as children before moving onto the actual story.
Chapter 2 will be about Changkyun and his life in Boston. I would have skipped it but I feel like it needs to be here since it's a big part of the story.
This was a boring chapter, I know and I'm sorry.

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Chapter 3: oh no don't leave it hanging.. it' getting so good!!
Chapter 3: it seems like u haven't updated this for a long time. Have u stopped writing??? oh no pls continue TToTT
Chapter 3: Poor baby Changkyunnie ;'(
TalkativeChibiko #4
Chapter 3: I love this fic ! Can't wait for the next chapter !
yugyeom_puppy #5
Chapter 2: It's not boring..keep on writing. Loving it already
Jimin-sshi #6
Chapter 1: Omg I love it already TvT!!