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Hi! Hope u like this new story! I ship Tae with everyone okay ;_; OK OK FIRST CHAPTER Let's go!

" Mom I'm home!" Taehyung shouted as he dropped his heavy backpack on the floor. His mother coming out of the kitchen, smiling. " How was your day honey?" His mom said as she helped him take of his jacket. Taehyung sighed as he grabbed his backpack and walked towards the couch. " Tiring. They gave us so much homework but it was pretty calm in the cafe today." He said as he sat down on the couch, grabbing his phone and looked at his background picture. It was a picture he took while they were hiking with his older brother Baekhyun. Pretty mountains covering his screen as he smiled.

" When is hyung coming home?" Taehyung asked with a sad tone. His brother was in America studying music. That's what he always wanted to do. Taehyung wanted to meet him, he heard that Baekhyun found himself a lover and the sad thing was that he heard it from someone else and not from Baekhyun. They were so close before but Taehyung knew that time would break them apart. He missed his brother but he'll probably meet him soon. " One more year and you'll meet your lovely brother darling." His mother said as he patted his head. " Now come eat dinner before I leave." Taehyung nodded as they both walked to the kitchen. His mom made some noodles with a little meat to the side. Taehyung ate it up while his mother cleaned up a bit. He sometimes worried about her a lot. She was working at night every other week and that probably made her really tired but they payed her really good. Taehyung worked at this local cafe around the corner for some extra money for his needs, not that they were poor but Taehyung wanted to be independent in some way. " Tae I'm leaving now. Don't open the door to strangers and make sure you don't leave the lights on at night!" his mother shouted as she walked out the door leaving Taehyung alone.

He sighed for the nth time and decided to grab some crisps and watch some tv. Scrolling through the channels in sonic speed but there was still nothing intresting so he decided to play with his phone. He opened Instagram, scrolled through his feed, nothing special there. He then opened the popular page and something caught his eye. He clicked on the picture to see it better and gasped. There was a boy with dark purple hair, black orbs staring into Taehyung's soul as the lips made Taehyung shiver. This boy was ing hot af. Taehyung opened his profile and saw that he was Insta famous, no that he would pop up here. He followed the boy as he scrolled down looking at his pictures. Every picture had over thousands of likes as the comments said that he was either hot or handsome. Taehyung accidentally liked a picture from like a month ago but he didn't mind since the boy wouldn't probably even notice since people spam like him all the time, right? Taehyung then looked up at the clock and saw that it was already 10 pm. He sighed as he walked to the bathroom, quickly taking a cold shower. He decided that he'll only sleep in his underwear since no one was home. He was already in bed, inserting the charger into the phone. His phone lit up and after some seconds he could see his home screen. What he saw made him completely speechless.

' JjKook97 is now following you. '

Taehyung was looking at the screen, not moving at all, just staring at it. He didn't know how to feel about this and he then realized that he's overreacting. He stood up from his bed, turned the lights off and walked back to his queen sized bed. He then noticed that his phone lit up again.

' JjKook97 liked your photo '

Taehyung just screamed. He was fangirling over and over again as he unlocked his phone to see what picture the boy liked.

He was fangirling over and over again as he unlocked his phone to see what picture the boy liked

Taehyung was still screaming like a teenage girl but he didn't care. This guy just ing liked his picture and he couldn't live anymore. He refreshed his instagram over and over again to see if it wasn't a glitch or something but the like was still there. He opened his home page again to see that the boy posted a picture.

' Dyed my hair today ! What do you think? ' Taehyung read the caption as he couldn't believe that this hot guy just followed him and liked his picture. He opened the comments and saw that everyone complimented him. Should he comment something? He hesitaded at first but then he started to type. He wrote ' Cute ' and quickly pressed ' Post ' before he changed his mind. He smiled to himself as he looked at the picture once again. He decided to go to sleep now so he put his phone under his bed and drifted away to dreamland.


"Taehyung wake up now! This is your last day at this school. You have to say goodbye." He heard his mother shout from the kitchen. Oh well that's true, he's going to move to a different school tomorrow and he's not going to live with his mother anymore which is sad cause he doesn't want to leave her alone. And he has to share a room with someone else which wasn't so fun since he doesn't like sharing. " I'm up" Tae said as he stood up and walked into the bathroom. When he was clean and ready for school he walked down stairs to his mom. She gave him some pancakes. He was looking at his phone while he was eating and he noticed something weird. He had over 100 notifications on Instagram which was very unusual. He scrolled through all the likes and noticed a certain person.

JjKook97 mentioned you in a comment: Well look at yourself babe ;)'

Taehyung choked on his pancake. What the hell just happened. His mother looked at him weirdly. " Don't you like your pancakes or what?" His mom said. " No, they're really good. Just saw something weird." he said as he put his plate in the sink. " I have to go now." Taehyung said as he hugged his mother and walked out of the door with his backpack. He felt something vibrate in pocket. He pulled his phone out and looked at it.

' JjKook97 wants to send you a message.'

Taehyung covered his mouth in shock as he accepted the message.

JjKook97 : Hi there baby~

Taehyung had to calm himself down. He stepped inside the school bus and sat down on a empty seat and answered the boy.

Kimtaetae : Hi :)

He was getting nervous af. How lucky is he to chat with this man'?

JjKook97: Let's start talking. I'm interested in you.

Taehyung died.


Finally done. I'm actually excited to write this story. - W

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crowbrainz #1
Chapter 2: Update pleaseeee
Ponikal #2
Chapter 2: Update it I'm really curious
Chapter 2: next please ^_^ i'm getting nervous about this story
Chapter 2: plezzzz update its been forever~ ps: this is prob my fav story ever please update soon so i can survive.
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 2: cool...this is really cute...:D i am excited for the next update...:D
julyjuly #7
Chapter 2: More please more. . .I love it xD plz update asap
jjjjhehe #8
Chapter 2: Im liking this so farr <3
OrionSkyeZoeyy #9
Chapter 2: Damn yoongi back at it again ;)
ShawolXxX #10
Chapter 2: I'm really liking this :3
P.S: Mr. Pickle is adorable XD