Faking It

Days passed by, and Yoongi never missed a day without texting Jihyun. Sometimes they meet up for lunch, when Namjoon’s busy with his unfinished tracks.

Yoongi found out that Jihyun is so anti-social, she always alone. Although Yoongi is an introvert himself, at least he have Namjoon by his side.

He’s refreshing the conversation he had with Jihyun over burritos two days ago.

“Why are you living alone?”

“Because I have no friends.”

“And why is that?”

“I don’t know. Just love to be alone. I can afford the rent alone anyway,”

The reason was quite stupid. If they are talking about money, Yoongi also capable of paying a decent apartment on his own, but he wants a company too. Sometimes, it feels so homey with Namjoon, both of them sitting cross-legged while slurping on their ramen with movie playing on the television.

Jihyun not so quiet, always whines and arguing with him whenever she have chances. She also quite childish, so childish, to be honest. Sometimes Yoongi wonders if she treats him like that because he is the only friend she got. So, he’s not mad about that, flattered that Jihyun trust him enough to reveal her true self.

Yoongi found himself in comfortable when he’s with Jihyun. He is 100% sure the feelings are mutual and completely platonic. Jihyun just a type of person the he’d loves to hang out with. Yoongi doesn’t socialize with other people except Namjoon and sometimes Jin, his senior that always packs him foods, so he never have girlfriends. Namjoon and Jin said people found him intimidating, which Yoongi kinda agreed with.

It’s nice, befriending with Jihyun. Maybe because she is a carefree soul. Or maybe because she loves Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West. Or maybe because she fits him well like a piece of puzzle.

Whatever the reason is, Yoongi glad Jihyun pulled him that day to pretend that he was her boyfriend.

“Okay… so you have been staring at the cactus since an hour ago, what the , man?” Namjoon’s face scrunching, questioning his friend’s mental state.

Yoongi let out a sigh. “Nah, nothing. You know I will not be home, this weekend, right?”

“Yeah, you’ve told me. Dinner slash sleepover at Jihyun’s.”

Yoongi snorted. “She’s a noona for you.”

Namjoon grinned. “Yeah, but she’s so cute and small. Look at her, my 15 years old cousin is taller than her!” he squealed, and Yoongi thought Namjoon had developed crush on his fake girlfriend.

“Back yourself, kiddo. So I will go around – 8 a.m. tomorrow? Since I want to drive in peace, not like dogs run after us or something. Will you go to Jin hyung’s?”

Namjoon hummed. “Of course. He’s singing the vocal part in my new tracks, anyway. So maybe both of we will camp in the studio – I don’t know, honestly.” He said absentmindedly.

Yoongi shrugged, although he knew the younger doesn’t catch that since he’s been locking his eyes on his screen phone since forever. He getting up from the couch, wanting to pack his clothes.

+ + +

“Are you cool with my playlist?” Jihyun clucked her tongue as her finger scrolling through her Instagram feed, liking random pictures of icons she cherished.

“What do you got there?” Yoongi turned off the radio, tired of hearing the deejays mumbling nonsense (they are talking about messages anyway but honestly Yoongi gives no damn). “I listen to everything actually.” He opened the dashboard and pulled out the aux cords. “Help yourself,”

Jihyun mumbled something incoherent under her breath before she placed her phone back into her backpack. “Let’s listen to your tracks, Yoongi.” She said, lips stretching into a wide smile. “You are a successful rapper, anyway.”

Yoongi cleared his throat. “Is that really necessary?” he muttered. He usually quite proud with tracks he produced, but he suddenly embarrassed with Jihyun as the listener.

“It is, Yoongs. Please.” She pleaded, and Yoongi can see through his side eyes that she is making that adorable face.

 “Ugh, it’s in the dashboard. Choose on CD. Don’t compare it to Kanye or Kendrick. I’m nowhere their levels. And don’t ever call me Yoongs, that’s just disgusting.”

The girl happily choose on CD written ‘The Most Beautiful Moment in Life’ with marker on top. That is Yoongi’s recent works, that nobody heard it including Namjoon. She put it on the CD player, and Yoongi’s recorded breath can be heard, as the opening of the song. Jihyun’s chuckled at that, Yoongi gone red.

His voice started to spurted words that caught Jihyun’s attention. She tried to understand the lyrics, the lyrics that Yoongi wrote months ago under the orange dim lights accompanied with bitter coffee to keep him awake.

Watching Jihyun’s pay attention to the lyrics, unlike his fans who always roaring – sometimes drown his voice in stage make him feel somehow different, special.

Yoongi produce, write his own songs to release, to tell the world how he really feels. But when he’s rapping on stage, he knew half of them doesn’t really understand what he’s trying to say because they whether drunk or screaming too loudly.

And now… he’s watching someone, a person that is neither Namjoon nor Jin, listening carefully to his words.

He feels alive.

“I love it.” Jihyun voiced out after the track reached the end. “You’ve done a great job, Yoongi.”

Yoongi have heard countless praises since he started draws his life being a rapper that he can easily say ‘thank you’ as a reply but now, he flushed red. “Thank you, I guess.”

“Do you really… have no worries when you were teenager?”


“That line… Back then I was young and fearless, nothing could scare me.. is it true? You were one little fearless teen back then?”

Yoongi think for a second, searching for his fears when he was in such a young age. “I have no worries about what people said about my hobbies. But apart of that, of course I fear of something.”

“Mind tell me that?”

The guy wet his chapped lips. Should he tell her? Only Namjoon, Jin and his parents knew about this. Jihyun is a friend. That he only have known about 8 days ago. But Yoongi decided to tell her. Just because it’s been awhile since he have been talk about this matter that was his fear, and still, now, his fear. “Losing… someone.”

Jihyun nodded, signing him to continue.

“Kim Taehyung.”

“Who is that, Yoongi?”

Yoongi focused on the street. “He’s my younger brother. My parents adopt him when I was 4, and he was 2. He’s in the same age as Jimin. 95’ liner. At first, I hate him. Because I think he have been stealing my parents from me. How stupid was me.” He breathed out. The boy with sun kissed skin appeared on his mind, leading a smile on his face. “Soon, I knew, he is a blessing. Kim Taehyung is someone that you can’t hate. He’s so innocent yet so weird. He’s a little brat, a sunshine.”

“What do you mean?”

“He… get me through my life. I was a punk. When I’m 15, I hate everything. I hate school, I hate my parents who think I am a troublemaker, which I were. I knew it, but I just won’t admit. Taehyung… he’s so good. Not so smart, but so precious. Everyone want to be his friend. And I don’t know, maybe I was lonely, so I get jealous. I am so jealous because everyone wants to befriend with him, but they hate me. Taehyung was so excited when he found out he will go to the same high school to me, but I told him that ‘let’s keep our relation as a secret’. I still can’t believe how he still can agreed and smile towards me like I am an angel.”

“How do you, like – started to accept him?” Jihyun quirked her eyebrows. It is heart warming looking at how much Yoongi loves his brother.

“He saved me.”

“From what?”


Jihyun pretty much understand, of course. She was in the same situation, long ago, when the monster inside her trying to eat her alive. “Was it eating disorder?”

Yoongi shakes his head, knowing Jihyun looks at him. “Depression. But as I said, Taehyung is a sunshine. He took the pain away and changed it to rainbows.”

“Is he dead?”

Yoongi frowned. “Taehyung is studying at Melbourne right now. He’s alive, and we just Skype together last week. That brat.”

Jihyun chuckled. “Sorry. You sounded like you miss him so much.”

“I do, Jihyun.”

+ + +

Yoongi received call from his mother at 10 a.m. sharply, when he and Jihyun were having brunch at a decent café. He almost chokes on his mushroom soup. Thanks a lot, mom.

“Min Yoongi, next week.” Were the first sentence he heard when the call answered.

“Yea mom, she’s here with me. We’re visiting her mother,” He lazily drawn, looking at Jihyun that now 100% focusing on him, brows furrowed.

“Oh really? Oh my god, let me talk to her!”

“She’s in the bathroom,”

“Aww… ! Just, send me you guys pic, okay?”

“Bye, mum.”

Jihyun wiped the crumbs of the garlic bread with the napkin. “Okay… what was that?”

“My mother. Reminding me about next week. You’re fine with meeting them, right? They may press you a lot later because my parents and can’t wait for me to give them children.”

“Same. Since I am the one who can give them grandchildren.” Jihyun huffed, defeated. She is 23 years old and can’t make the decision herself. Where’s the fun?

“What about Jimin?” Yoongi quirked his eyebrows.

“He’s a gay noodle, Yoongi. My Jimin is gay as .” She smiled. “I caught him kissing Taeyang’s poster like – only 5 times!” She giggled. “He’s my cute gay noodle,”

“Wow. Taehyung’s gay too.” Yoongi broke into a smile. He never had anything against Taehyung, because Taehyung deserve to love anyone he wants, but not anyone deserve the tanned angel.

“Maybe we can set our brothers up.”

Yoongi smiled. “Maybe.”

+ + +

Author's Note :

i actually pretty happy because i gained 15 subscribers; knowing 15 people actually read my story, wow. Thanks, guys! 

Actually,i was waiting for comments ;-;. but yeah, sometimes me myself too lazy to write comments on someone's fics although they are good. because i'm lazy. so, i hope you guys love this fic! :D

(i've updated my foreword! next update will be on next week xoxo :D)



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Chapter 4: Can someone continue this story...authornim yoonmintspark... Hope you don't mind since you didn't continue...
Chapter 4: Authornim...you didnt continue??..the story is good...plse write some more...finish the story....
Hello, I really like this so far! But I noticed that you didn't have a poster yet. If you want, can I get a poster for this? Thank you!
Chapter 1: Hi love, welcome to AFF! I'm enjoying your story so far and I like Yoongs character. I do want to point out that you said smthn along the lines of owning a girlfriend and i'm pretty sure you just had a hard time wording your thoughts but us girls aren't property to be owned ^---^. ill be looking forward to your updates and how your story would progress over time~