The First Awake

Project X: The Failed Experiment
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He dreamed that he was back on his street. The houses looked deserted and broken. Windows were shattered, and doors were hanging off their hinges. It looked like a ghost town. 

He made his way down the street, carefully looking around for any signs of people. 

"Hello?" he called.

The wind answered him, blowing through the houses making the doors creak on the rusted hinges. 

He stopped at Aaron's house. 


Memories flashed before him, the men dressed in black, the from the stop light, the gun shot.

*They shot me* he recalled. But what happened after that? What about Aaron, and his family? Did those people do this to his home? What about the rest of the people in this neighbourhood? What about his mom?

He took off into the house closest to him as these thoughts ran through his head. The house he had ran into just so happened to be Aaron's. 

"Aaron?" he called into the empty house.

"Mrs. Park? Mr. Park?" he manuvered around the house, checking all the rooms. 

"Anyone here?"  he called as he ran into Aaron's room. The kid's toys had been scattered across the floor. The lego ship he had been so proud of was in pieces across the room. There was a layer of dust on everything as he walked through the room. He saw the teddy bear he had given him for his last birthday lying on the bed in pieces. 

Breathing heavily, he sprinted out of the house and down the street.

"Mom!" he shouted barging in through the already broken door to his house.

He was greeted with silence.

He searched all the rooms, heart pounding loudly in his chest. 

He entered her room last, scared that he'll see something there, terrified that he won't. 

Blankets were messily thrown across the floor. Her drawer was lying on its side and the bed was completely broken, the mattress on it shredded. He glanced over at her tea cup collection. The case they had all been placed in was side ways on the ground, the glass sides shattered. He knelt by the pile of now broken porcelain cups. Not one of her cups had survived. 

"Mom, where are you?" he whispered.

He spun around as he heard a sound from downstairs. He crept down the stairs and listened for anything unusual. There was a creak of an opening door and...footsteps. 

Before he could think twice about it being a bad idea, he thundered down the stairs to see who it was, hopes high. 

Who he saw though, made his stop in his tracks. Wide eyed, he stared at the stranger who faced him with a taunting grin on his face.

It was...him.

The stranger had the exact same face as him, hell he was even wearing the same clothes at him. The only difference was that he had a gun in his hand.

The stranger sneered at his shocked expression and raised the gun. 

Lay took an instinctive step back. 

His look alike just tilted his head at him and smirked. His eyes flashed at Lay's hand.

He followed his line of sight and saw that in his right hand, he held a gun.

His mouth popped open, since when was he holding a gun?

Suddenly, his arm raised against his will to aim his gun at his look alike stranger.

At the same time, they both loaded the gun, switching off the safety. 

Lay's eyes widened when his body seemed to do everything on it's own.

"Wait!" he cried as they both pulled the trigger.


"Wait!" his eyes shot open and he shot up in his bed.

Breathing heavily, he looked down at himself and felt some type of relief. His hand raised to press against his chest perhaps to calm down his pounding heart, but stopped when he felt something tugging at it

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new reader! :))
parkbaekhyun2705 #2
Chapter 29: I love this story so much!! Please continue
the story!! I'm so excited!!
Chapter 4: Noooo! Suho don't drown!
Also, Suho ur an idiot... if an animal tries to attack you, just grab a tall stick and lift it high above your head, making yourself look taller and intimidating in the animal's eyes, and then they'll back off on their own.
Chapter 3: Omo, this is an interesting story! :3 Me like
parkn20 #5
Chapter 23: Love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 23: They're finally meeting!! :D I love this story.
Chapter 18: This is cool! Lately I've been reading a lot of EXO Monster fanfics. But every single one of them is different and I can't help myself but to read them! Yours the first one that starts in the Lucky One lab tho...its awesome!!!!
ChristmasLight #8
Love this story!
erica05 #9
Chapter 7: I dont get it is he just killing them off, is that the whom story