The Search For Paradise

The Search For Paradise

“Ugh! I have had enough!” yelled Kibum, banging a fist on the table.

Kibum was currently having to stay late at college, as he and his group hadn’t finished their music assignment due the next day.

“What’s wrong now?” Jinki asked, looking up from the piano to look at Kibum, who was increasingly looking more and more agitated as the minutes went by.

The group of three consisting of Kibum, Jinki and Taemin had been busy finishing off their music assignment for the last 20 minutes. All 20 of those minutes involved Kibum either staring off idly at the clock situated directly in the center of the wall in the front of the classroom, or mumbling a string of incoherent sentences which were meant to be lyrics, while Jinki and Taemin sat at the piano playing a range of melodies, in an attempt to come up with a tune.

“I’ve got a severe case of writer’s block, especially with you two idiots giggling away over there. This is due tomorrow if you hadn’t noticed.” Kibum said.
Jinki and Taemin exchanged sheepish looks and shrugged. “Ah, don’t worry so much man, we’ve nearly nailed the melody now so we can help you out. Just give us a minute,” Taemin eventually spoke up.

Kibum merely scoffed. He slowly lifted himself from where he sat and made a beeline for the door, “I’m going to get a coffee, be back in a bit… hope you’re finished by the time I get back!” He said on his way out.

Those two, seriously, thought Kibum as he rounded a corner. “No wonder we haven’t even nailed the melody yet with them two dumbstruck lovers working on it” Kibum muttered under his breath to himself - half annoyed, half jealous as hell.

As he neared the cafeteria he started to become aware of an angelic voice starting to accompany his mutterings to himself. Kibum stopped in his tracks, curiosity getting the better of him. Whoever they were sounded heavenly, they were singing about a one sided love and pouring their whole heart and soul into it, or at least that’s what it sounded like to Kibum. Kibum soon changed direction and followed the voice - the  voice almost luring him like a siren of the sea enchanting hapless sailors to their inevitable doom.

Soon Kibum found himself in front of the door to the music room. The door was slightly ajar. Kibum wasn’t satisfied with just hearing the voice...oh no no! He decided to be a bit risky and sneak a peek through the small gap, he immediately wished he hadn’t. Kibum was doomed. His eyes settled on the one and only Jonghyun - THE Jonghyun. He was only the most popular guy at the college. Kibum knew of him, but had never spoken to him. Oh boy did he know him, he’d been secretly crushing on him from a distance for some time now. “Oh god!” Kibum blurted, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth. Luckily for him Jonghyun seemed none the wiser and was still busy singing away.

Kibum must have been stood staring entranced through the gap for some time, as eventually Taemin came in search of him.
“Hey hyung!” He shouted from the end of the hallway. “What are you doing?!”
Kibum jumped and turned to face Taemin. “Yahhh! Don’t frighten me like that… I was just walking back from the cafeteria!”
Taemin wiggled his eyebrows and smirked, “The cafeteria is that way”. Kibum froze, his face turning a light shade of pink upon realising his mistake.
“Come on hyung!” Taemin said, moving to usher Kibum back in the direction of their classroom, “Hurry! We’ve been finished for the last 10 minutes, we only need the lyrics sorted and then we’re done!”


Kibum’s group musical composition assignment had gone really smoothly that morning, they all received an A* for their efforts, which meant they could progress to the next and final year of their course. This meant they were well and truly free for the rest of the term, which was only another 2 weeks, but why did Kibum find himself sat at a vacant table at the library, reading aimlessly through books he didn’t care about for a few hours a day? After a little nosing about, Kibum had learnt off his best friend, Jinki, that Jonghyun was busy practising for an end of college concert and would start around about 4pm in one of the music classrooms after most of the college had finished. He was really particular about being alone to compose, and for absolutely no one to hear his masterpiece before it was finished. Kibum thought it odd that he didn’t just compose at home in that case, but didn’t pry any deeper, he got all the information he needed.

4pm drew tantalisingly near. Kibum stopped reading and placed the book back where he found it and made his way slowly to the very classroom Jonghyun would be at, and as predicted, Jonghyun was already sat hunched over a piano scribbling furiously away at the piece of paper in front of him, “As time passes, even the white petals will…wither away?” Jonghyun said, singing in the tune of a melody. “Yeah! ‘Wither away’ is perfect!” He shouted, continuing to play the piano. “This is going too good”.

Kibum just stood there peeking through the gap in the door, which was thankfully there again today.  Kibum had long been crushing on Jonghyun, but seeing him at work composing just made him fall more in love with him, if that was even possible. He loved the way Jonghyun appeared to stick his tongue out in concentration when writing down lyrics and the way his hands moved over the piano keys with such grace and ease. Kibum was seeing him in a new light. He probably had a really good looking girl to call his and wouldn’t even give Kibum a second glance, but he was just content for the moment to admire from afar, he’d be gone in a few weeks anyway and Kibum could get on with his life and maybe start to do more than OK in his classes - Kibum would often find himself daydreaming endlessly through the college day,  his most frequent daydream being the one where he’d be sleeping and wake up next to his lyrical angel in his own apartment with at least 2 dogs. He’d pepper light feathery kisses all over the elder’s face as he awoke and then tell him “Good morning, my love”, before smiling widely and moving to go and get ready for the day ahead.

“Yah!!!!!” Kibum was brought back to reality with a thump when Jonghyun started to curse and shout to himself. He had hit a snag in his composing and was now getting  visibly frustrated. For a second Kibum thought he had been found out, but when he saw that Jonghyun was still hunched over the piano with his hands now raised above his head, Kibum smiled his dimpled smile and breathed a contented sigh of relief. He found this spark of anger quite endearing if he was being completely honest, but alas time was getting on and he needed to snap out of his daydreaming and scoot, or he really would be found out.

Kibum glanced at his watch and inwardly groaned upon realising exactly how late he’d been. Time to get a move on, he thought. He let go of the door frame which he was using to hold himself steady and started off hurriedly in the direction of the exit. By accident on the way he had caught the door handle with his jacket and it made a slight clicking noise. Jonghyun heard this and instantly stopped what he was doing and looked towards the door. “Who’s there?” Jonghyun called out. He threw himself in the direction of the door, afraid someone was listening in on him.  As Jonghyun got to the door and out into the hallway, looking in both directions, all he caught a glimpse of was Kibum rounding the corner.

Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows in concentration for a few seconds and then it hit him, it was Kibum, the one Minho had told him about a few weeks ago. ‘What is he doing here so late?’ and so many other such questions whirred around his head and plagued him that evening.


3 days in and KIbum was back in the same spot in the library he had been yesterday continuing his read through of books he really could care less about. Today he was more eager than usual to watch Jonghyun busy at work and dashed off earlier than usual.

He silently crept up the corridor towards the classroom, eventually only to be met with a completely empty room. What else could Kibum expect being 10 minutes early. He was about to head off down towards the cafeteria to grab a snack and pass the remaining time when he walked into someone blindly. “Mind where you’re going”, Kibum muttered. The person just chuckled. “Nice to meet you too, Kibum”
“How do you know my n….”, Kibum’s voice trailed off as he looked up and saw who he had bumped into… Jonghyun. “Ahh! I’m sorry”. He went to walk away in embarassment when a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
“And where are you going?”
“Uhhh.. I have…. Somewhere to be. someone.” Kibum was becoming very flustered by now and Jonghyun could sense it. He found it cute, so he decided to torture poor Kibum and a little. “Oh really, and where is that? Anyone special?” fluttering his eyelashes.
“......” Kibum really hadn’t thought up of a plan B, he had no idea what to say. And with Jonghyun fluttering his eyelashes at him like that, he was in a trance.
Deciding Kibum was probably tortured enough as it was being caught spying on him, Jonghyun quickly let it go.
“I’m Jonghyun!”
“H...h..hi Jonghyun. I’m Kibum, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. I was about to go and finish off composing my end of year song. Wanna join me?”
Kibum wasn’t expecting that, but he was flattered that Jonghyun would even let him listen in on an unfinished composition, especially knowing what Jonghyun was usually like. “Sure!” he smiled shyly.


“That was so beautiful Jongie” blurted out Kibum, after 2 hours of chatting, laughing with Jonghyun and listening to him compose right there and then in front of his eyes.
“You’re beautiful, Kibum” Jonghyun said flatly.
“I’m sorry” Jonghyun realising he might have been a bit too impulsive.
“No, don’t be” Kibum smiled, absentmindedly leaning in towards Jonghyun until they were so close, he could feel Jonghyun’s breath against his lips. To Kibum’s surprise Jonghyun closed the gap he had purposefully left between them and kissed him lightly before breaking away a little, leaving the tiniest of gaps between them again. He cupped Kibum’s face and drew gentle circles along his jawline, taking the time to now look into Kibum’s face properly. Kibum was smiling stupidly and it made Jonghyun’s heart sing.
“I’ve actually known of you for some time Bummie”
Kibum snapped out of his trance and looked quizzically at Jonghyun, “Really?”
“Yeah. Since 2 years ago actually.”
“Wow. Me too.”
“Oh, we’re a silly pair” Both of the boys chuckling. “...And the reason this piece is beautiful is ‘cause it’s about you!”
Kibum blushed profusely at this and smacked playfully at Jonghyun. “Shh! You’re lying! Don’t say that. You’re just trying to butter me up”.
“But it’s true!” Jonghyun whined. “I was sure you would never be interested in me and after Minho had told me a few things the other week I was certain. I was heartbroken and thus you became my muse”.
“Well, how about no longer having a one sided love?”

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Chapter 1: Ow boy This is so cool. Kinda saw what was coming but sooo sweet! you should write more JongKey!!!!