Can you hear my heart ?

Someone Like You




The first day of school passed by quickly and the small talk I had with taeyong at the cafeteria kept bugging me, why did I say those things?  He will probably  think I am a strange person.I walked through the school gate , moving between the crowd of students ,I spotted taeyong walking alone.. It felt odd seeing him so lonely while his peers are enjoying their teenage years.He stopped in front of a luxurious car a tall man in a black suit stood outside holding the door for him , clutching his backpack tightly he got in the back seat his head still down. I wonder who is it ? 

Arriving at home I heard loud chatting coming  from the living room, my parents were talking to chanyeol everyone stopped upon seeing me.

“good evening “ I bowed politely.chanyeol gave me a sweet smile and pated the place beside him on the sofa, I obliged sitting shyly, my father cleared his throat “ chanyeol came today to finally announced your wedding date!  “

“what? “ the shocked and confused look on my face must have startled my parents because they exchanged surprised looks ,chanyeol put his hand on my thigh still smiling

“I thought this summer would be the best  time to bound our love forever “ I sat speechless at his initiative, we talked about it before and I still remember told him I wasn't ready “ I wish you the best, we'll give you our guest list the next week “ my father seemed excited but mother kept eyeing  me syptically ,she didn't believe my fake response oh mother I can't decieve you now, can I ? ..I held chanyeol’s hand on my leg and mastered the most believing loving smile “ thank you for your blessings father, mother “ my words surprised chanyeol but made him giddy but for me this is the start of hell for sure. what did you get yourself into ,Min-ah ?




I arrived home but as usual nobody's home, it's better my parents would make me angry or ruin my already ty mood. I headed towards my room upstairs but stopped at his room which was closed, I putt my hand on the doorknob but didn't dare to open it.. hyung is it better now that you're gone ?  

My room is the only place I can breath in, my guitar in hand I try again to compose the melody I had in mind but it came wrong, something is missing in it ..lying down on the bed ,I close  my eyes trying to focus but the teacher's face appeared ,her words echoed through my sou.l I've never met an adult who expressed the exact feelings I had, is she living in prison like me?  

My mother knocked on my door jarring me from my thoughts, when I didn't answer she came in soundlessly.not opening my eyes I could hear her sigh.

“Taeyong “she sat on my bed and asked tentatively  “how was your day at school? Did you make new friends? “

“no “ I couldn't hide my annoyance

“what's wrong? “ she asked, I got up with such a force it startled her “ what's wrong? “ I hissed, running my hand through my messy hair “ you hired someone to stalk me now?”

She stood quickly coming closer to me “what ? What do you mean? “

“your mother has nothing to do with it “ my father came in the room angry “I hired a bodyguard to protect you, I don't want you to have the same faith as your brother “ I smirked in disgust and pointed my finger at him “ you killed hyung!  It's all because of you ,if it wasn't… “Father raised his hand and slaped me, my mother gasped in horror . oh I'm so done with this house,I can't take it anymore, I stormed out of the room ,leaving the house into the cold night .I am helplessly lost…


 Min-ah :

The dinner with my parents and chanyeol seemed like an eternity and when it finally  ended I’ve decided to go for a walk, I needed space from my parents to clear my mind.I bid chanyeol goodbye and stroll down the neighborhood .it was cold but the sky was so clear and the stars shone brightly, I closed my eyes thinking about a way out,how could one break an engagement without feeling guilt or hurting someone ? Do I love chanyeol ? I never gave him a chance I was so absorbed in my lowliness that unconsciously I created a wall between me and others, my phone vibrated in my jacket’s pocket omma  did she sense something off ?

“Hello” I was thinking of an excuse for my strange behavior “are you going to be outside long?” she asked 

“no I’m just digesting my dinner, I’ll be back in no time”

“alright ,when you’re back I have something to tell you” she knows something for sure but before I could answer someone snatched my phone, a thief !

“wait ! that’s my phone... “ I was about to follow him but someone blocked my way. Taeyong.


We exchanged gazes for seconds before I ran to catch the robber, running around the corner I caught a glimpse of his back jumping on a fence,I increased my speed taking the same path as he did getting,closer to him , I  sized the man from behind falling together on the ground ,I tried to snatch the phone from his hand but he resisted , he punched me on the face and I attacked him back with such a force he let go of the phone I got up from him and he suddenly flew the place ,never looking back. I touched my face, my lower lip hurt like a but I was fine, it relieved my anger in a way …

Min ah

After a while of waiting, I got worried and decided to go after him midway I met taeyong with bloody lips, oh God they fought ! I rushed to him holding his face to check the gravity of the situation

“did he hurt you?  Are you okay?  We need to go to the hospital “ he pushed my hand away clearly annoyed “ take this “ he grabbed my hand and put the phone on my palms “ be more careful, this neighborhood can be dangerous at night “ I stood speechless, he really is a nice boy. Seeing my unfazed reaction he turned and walked away but I caught his arm before he can go further “wait!  Let me thank you “ he looked down at my hand holding him then my face “ how?  “ I thought for a moment but didn't get any ideas “I don't really know how “ I replied in a low, sheepish voice. He smiled and I was surprised because since we've me the never did “ a cup of coffee will do it “ coffee!  Of course I should've thought about treating him with a drink “ great ! I know a place close by “.

The coffee shop was practically empty and we sat near the window watching people passing by, we had  an awkward silence so I've decided to start a conversation but he spoke before I could mutter a word

“about what you said in the cafeteria “ the strange things I said!  “about that I… “ he cut me “ I've never met an adult who expressed my thoughts like you “ I froze looking at him, so I was right his eyes didn't lie “ how did you know?  “ he asked, I lowered my head “ because I saw it in your eyes, I feel you even now “ he played with his coffee mug as if he wanted to say something but hesitated “ what is it? “ i asked wanting to know more “ you are just like me, me too I can feel it you know “

 oh taeyong you have no idea.


if only I knew back then in how much pain you were , I would have stopped the tragedy from happening for that my dearest I am deeply sorry ....

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