If You

Jung-Yoo Family Series

One day

“Where are you right now?” YoungJae asked, from the other line, as DaeHyun steered his car, turning in a small junction, trying to look for the familiar shop name through the windscreen.

“I will be there in few hours, I still have things to do something first.”DaeHyun answered, and asked, “ By the way, how is our little girl doing?” through the earpiece in his ear, as he slowed down his car looking for the parking space.

“She is with me right now, staring at me.” DaeHyun could literally feel YoungJae’s smile in his words. DaeHyun laughed. “She is probably amused with your voice, her daddy’s beautiful voice.” earning him a laugh from YoungJae.

“Your flattering won’t get you anywhere DaeHyun.”

“I know” DaeHyun agreed, as he looked around his car mirror trying to park. “What did the doctor say? Anything new?” He asked, as kept on looking around for confirmation.

“Not really, they are going to see how the medicines are going to work, if not they are going to perform a surgery, later tomorrow.” YoungJae replied, DaeHyun frowned hearing the news. It wasn’t something new but it was still something he didn’t want to hear about and DaeHyun felt bad enough, he had to go back to work, when YoungJae had to stay with their angel, looking after their angel, getting treated with all those tubes and needles, pricking her tiny body  by himself yet he couldn’t do much but hug YoungJae every night to sleep. Kissing away his stress and worry.

“Other than that she is fine, that’s why they allowed me to hold her today.” It was miracle enough, that the hospital encouraged kangaroo care even for prematures with wires attached to them. At least YoungJae got some bonding time with their angel. “Hmm.” When DaeHyun didn’t reply back (as he was busy adjusting his car in the small space), YoungJae continued.

“Oh yeah, before I forget about this, can you bring more diapers when you are coming later, we are starting to run out of our last pack.”

  “Okay, anything else? oh, what do you want for dinner?” DaeHyun asked, once he had finished parking, putting on the hand brake and shutting the engine.

“Anything is fine, just make sure you drive safely and come here faster, your little angel misses you.” DaeHyun laughed at YoungJae’s attempt to being subtle. That he was the one missing DaeHyun, not Aeri.

“Yeah, I will try. I will see you then.” DaeHyun smiled, as he said his goodbye and hanged up on YoungJae in the other end.

As he walked out of his car, into the footpath, walking a bit further from his car and entered a almost empty shop with the sign hanging with blinking lights of open sign.


“You sure, you want to do this sir.”


“It is going to hurt for a while though.”

“That’s fine.”

“But can I you a question?”


“Why that word though? I mean I have tattooed many designs but not that word on someone.”

“Its for my little angel.”


Taking a deep sniff from the newly washed sheets, Youngjae stared up in their plain white ceiling waiting for DaeHyun to be out of the bathroom and join him on to their shared bed. All he wanted was a nice cuddle time with his other half and fall asleep before facing another day, with his little girl once again tomorrow.

YoungJae yawned, tired after all the things that happened today. With his own appointment with his own doctor regarding his snitches and checking on his mental health, which thankfully he got a okay for even though, he was still recommended to rest more since his body was still recovering from unstable hormones and changes that had happened in the past months.

And it was also one of those rare days, where YoungJae was allowed to hold Aeri in his arm, skin to skin, as she snuggled into his chest, as warm spread across his chest, feeling his little girl resting with him. With rest of day, spend looking after Aeri, changing her diaper, looking after her and talking to the doctor about the operation  and many other things in the between.

Thinking about his little miracle a smile took over his lips,  thankful towards whoever that was out there. Even though, the doctor had warned them about Aeri’s chances of not surviving the night after she was born, but despite the odds of going through so many complication, she is still fighting every single day of the second, and now she was 60 days old already. YoungJae still can’t believe that she is still there with them. He can only hope, that the future days are going to be much more brighter than right now.

For his girl as well as them, to be able to stand strong for her.

As YoungJae started to drift off, the loud crash of something, disturbed his sleep, making YoungJae to open his eyes to look at the bathroom door, where DaeHyun had been spending so much than his usual period. Feeling concerned about DaeHyun’s wellbeing, YoungJae willed himself, to get off the bed as he knocked at the door of the toilet.

“DaeHyun ah, are you alright?” YoungJae knocked once again, as he leaned his head on the door, his eyes almost shutting due to tiredness. He was wondering what his other half was doing for so long in the bathroom as he could hear shuffling down sound from the other side.

“DaeHyun, baby is everything alright. I am coming in.” YoungJae voiced, concerned about his husband’s when he didn’t reply back to him. Twisting the bathroom handle, as he entered the bathroom. The first thing his eyes landed were on the bloodied bandage on the top of the sink, staring right back YoungJae, as he quickly diverted his eyes on DaeHyun.

“What happened? Why is there blood in that bandage? DaeHyun what are you doing?” YoungJae asked in concern, as his sleep disappeared from his eyes, as his body became more alert about his surrounding.

“It’s nothing baby, Go to sleep you must be tired.” DaeHyun tried to reason, as he put away his hand from YoungJae’s view, even though, it was painful, DaeHyun couldn’t let YoungJae see it just yet, at least not now when he looked so scared all of sudden, as if someone have died.

But obviously, nothing is hidden from YoungJae’s eyes, when the reflection from the mirror that was behind DaeHyun, gave away the large bruise in DaeHyun’s wrist, with a black mark on it.

“DaeHyun what is that?” YoungJae asked, looking at the reflection than DaeHyun. Following YoungJae’s eyes, DaeHyun realised his mistake, shifting his hand away from the mirror, only to  mistakenly brush his wounds on his clothes.  

DaeHyun cringed in pain, as he hissed, trying to tell YoungJae to leave the bathroom. “Jae ah it’s nothing. You go to bed. I will be there soon.” He called out, only to be ignored by the wide eyed YoungJae and the next thing he knows is that YoungJae is dragging him him to their bed, making him seat in front of him, examining his tattooed wound.

Yes. Jung DaeHyun, who was generally scared of any sort of painful things, actually went off and got one.

“HOLD?” YoungJae mumbled, as he looked up from the wound to DaeHyun with a questionable eyes. “Why were you hiding this? Are you an idiot? What  were you you trying by yourself when your hand are like this?” YoungJae scolded, glaring lightly at DaeHyun as he ran quickly to the bathroom, only to come back with a tube of aloe vera gel, squishing a little bit of it over the wound whilst blowing over the wound to cool down the pain.

DaeHyun stared at the fusing YoungJae who was still nagging at him. “Do you any idea that this can be infected, we don’t even have a proper healing cream? Why are you stupid like this?” he nagged, as he applied some more around the wound.

DaeHyun flinched as his body unconsciously jerked away only to be pulled back by YoungJae once again as he blowed over his wounded skin. Rather than replying to YoungJae’s questions, DaeHyun just stared at the man in front of him, unsure of where to start explaining from. From why he got the tattoo even though, he knows YoungJae hated things like this.

It wasn’t because he hated people with tattoos (heck his own older brother so many tattooes, DaeHyun even wondered how his brother in law managed to hide them so perfectly while he was working) but it was more like he didn’t prefer it when it came to his personal things. Well DaeHyun wasn’t exactly a thing, but YoungJae had mentioned before about that DaeHyun can’t have tattoos well at least not until he have talked about it with YoungJae first.

But this one, DaeHyun had gotten without even mentioning about it to the younger and he wasn’t really sure how he was going to explain that. As YoungJae looked up at DaeHyun and questioned, “Are you just going to stare at me now? I am asking you a question DaeHyun? Why didn’t you buy a freaking cream for quick healing?” YoungJae grumbled.

“I forgot.” DaeHyun replied, earning a groan from YoungJae, as he whacked DaeHyun’s forehead. DaeHyun moaned in pain, as he rubbed his forehead. “What was that for?” he asked, confused why YoungJae just did that.

“Because you smarty pants decided to go ahead with the tattoo but you stupid, but  didn’t even get yourself a healing cream. That’s why?” Closing the cap of the tube, YoungJae stood up from the bed, as he shoved the gel in the bedside table before getting inside his side of the bed, closing his eyes, trying to go back to sleep. “Get to bed, we are buying that cream first thing in the morning.”  YoungJae mumbled, getting comfortable on the bed.

Unlike YoungJae, DaeHyun just sat there, staring at YoungJae and then on his tattoo, surprised by the fact that YoungJae wasn’t mad at him for getting himself one. Unsure about how to take this, DaeHyun quickly switched off the nights of the room and got inside his side of the bed, as he layed on the side, staring at YoungJae’s face who was also facing him at the same time.


“YoungJae?” he called again. “Young-” but was cut off by YoungJae, who opened his eyes. “What?” sounding almost annoyed.

“Aren’t you mad?” DaeHyun asked nervously, even though, it was dark he could still make out that YoungJae was staring back at him.

“Not really.” YoungJae replied after a while.

“What do you mean? It’s either you mad or not.” DaeHyun questioned, not understanding YoungJae. “Are you mad at me for getting a tattoo?” He asked again.

“To be honest, I am not really mad at you, but really you should have bought the cream. You better have bought that before you have come back alright.”





The silence stayed between the couple for a second, before DaeHyun called again. “YoungJae.”


“What DaeHyun? What now?” YoungJae almost whined.

“About the tattoo aren’t you going to ask what it means?”


“Why?” DaeHyun asked, curious why YoungJae is not asking why he had gotten the tattoo in the first place. “Do I have to tell you?”


“Because I know why already. It is for our little girl isn’t it?” He paused for a second. DaeHyun took a deep breath. “But also for us isn’t it? So that we can still live in case she doesn’t make it, isn’t it?” DaeHyun could almost make out a crack in the other’s voice.

But before DaeHyun could reply, he could feel the younger moving away from him, turning in the other direction. Like always, trying to hide the hurt and pain and becoming strong in front of everyone. But DaeHyun wasn’t going to let YoungJae hide from him, after all they have promised for the lifetime to commit to.

Shifting nearer to the YoungJae’s side, DaeHyun felted the bed before draping his arms around the younger’s waist, as he took soft breath behind YoungJae’s neck. “You know, I still wonder why how you know everything before I can even utter a word of explanation. But it's okay I guess. I don’t need to know. But please don’t turn away from me when you are in pain.”


“I will always be here, be in rain or rainbows always. I love you.” DaeHyun mumbled, as his voice slurred into a slumber, leaving a smiling YoungJae awake. “Idiot. I love you as well.” YoungJae replied, as he closed his eyes as well with a small smile tugged on his lips.  


Authors note : Thank you so much to all 19 of you for subcribing to my story, I srsly appreciate you so much and thank you for reading my story. Thank you also to those 13 followers on the twitter srsly thank you. You now know how this is related to my post Dh's post in twitter. Please do look out for those spoilers and bits and piece here and there. Then again, I need to srsly thank those who upvoted the series even though, it was still in chapter 1, thank you. I hope I won't disappoint you guys. Thank you to those 3 people who commented as well, I srsly love comments the more the more likely the update will be faster afterall comments inspires writers to work harder right? hahaha. Thank you so much for everything. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as well. Feel free to comment. 

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Please update soon!
jungholeyoo #2
Chapter 3: still ongoing right? not complete yet? ahhh im waiting, good luck. this story is A++++
Chapter 3: It is so cute.
It is so fluffy.
It is so sweet.
It is so lovely.
Sooo good !
THANK YOU for writing it ^_^ ❤️
aieyn96 #4
Chapter 3: Does it mean that dae and jae were siblings beforeee ???
Chapter 3: Wah~
Rui you made me cry!!
This is like tragedy mixed with somewhat of a happy ending of what they believe might had happened to them in their past life. I especially cried of what you wrote at the end!!!!
Chapter 3: Omg they are like soulmates or something like that (?
BBYs ㅠㅜㅜ

So cute! I really like this~~ thanks for the chapter! :)
Chapter 2: oh, so this is why there's a photo of daehyun's HOLD tattoo in Jung-Yoo Family twitter account!
i'm so glad that aeri can make it for 60 days already, that's really a miracle!
i was thinking about calling her miracle as her nickname lol.
and that tattoo was so meaningful..
i love how youngjae was nagging at daehyun XD he's so caring towards his hubby.
and the last part.. aww, that's so sweet!!
thank you for writing this beautiful fic, author-nim!
i'll wait for the next chapter. fighting! ^o^
Chapter 2: They are so so cute together!!

I hope the baby can get better soon and they can be happy ㅠㅠㅠ

I really like this!

Thanks for the chapter~ :)
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapter awwwww
newera #10
Chapter 1: I'm crying hereee. Why???????
Youngjae oppa, daehyun oppa himnaeee T.T