In love

Push and pull




Mina's pov

Why am I like this waeeeee! 

Chaeyoung is already in school and I'm still here in the living room day dreaming >< .

But I can't stop thinking about how happy she looks when I take care of her. 

But it was not easy at first , she was really distant and neutral in the past , but as the days passes by, she becomes so welcoming and cheerful with me , 

I thought  I will never fall in love with any human being but I'm in love  , I didn't expect it to happen she's a freaking Christian for godsake, but it didn't stop my feelings . 

she looks straight and all but sometimes she confuse the hell out of me. 
Because she's a very open minded person in every aspect of life , 

she might be a little reserve looking but she's just shy , and she also hates change especially when I forgot to wake her up ,  

she'll give me a silent treatment for a day. And I don't want that ,that's for sure. 

Just looking at her enjoying what she do especially when she rap it gives me a lot of happiness seeing her smile or just seeing  her actually , am I that obsess ? 
I guess I'm just in love .

She's the real deal though , she might lack the height but I don't care , I find it really cute , she's pretty and cute at the same time ,sometimes she can be y and I don't know how she does that but I like it , I like it a lot .

Aside from all of that she's understanding even with her age she's a very deep person when wants to be .
She understand everything  without questioning it , i always felt like chaeyoung is my home. 

She's the light to my darkness , the door to my locked heart , and the home of my heart . 

I just hope that Chaeyoungie will be happy forever with me or without me. 

" pssst are you done space out minari? Suddenly there's a head leaning into my shoulder ,

" minari please cook me some food food food " nayeon said acting cutely , 

" there are still some  kimbap in the table unnie help yourself " I smiled at her finding her really cute but of course chaeyoung is cuter. 

" chincha yesss, thanks minari~ your the best keke " she kissed my cheeks and went to the kitchen . ,


Why does she keeps kissing my cheeks though... 

How I wish chaeyoung would kiss my cheeks someday but she only does that occasionally or for fan service take note with other members never with me that's why I can only dream about it ... Aish . 


Hi readers thank you for reading this , keep commenting for suggestions tho hahaa  I value a lot of inputs haha 


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Chapter 6: Eiiiii y Chaeng!
Chapter 6: Wow.. Chaeng is underage but, a ert huh? I didn't expect that
Chapter 6: beast chaeng attacked kekeke....
Chapter 4: Omg the way Chaeng was mumbling "bhdgskgjs"(Only look at me) was so funny hahaha! Pls, update soon!
Chapter 5: author I'm still waiting for the accidental kiss kekeke.... :D
The_Vampire_King #6
Chapter 4: hahaaaa Mina ssi~~~
Chapter 4: " it's better to know stuff though unnie ! It may be handy in the future heheh "
ahemmm.... slight galawang breezy hehehe....
Chapter 3: their cute
mc2423 #9
Chapter 3: 'She understand everything without questioning it , i always felt like chaeyoung is my home.
She's the light to my darkness , the door to my locked heart , and the home of my heart . '

minari in love is such cheesy but 너무좋아 ♡♡♡
Chapter 3: suggestions:
accidental kiss on stage while performing a song hahaha!!!
show some sly fox Mina here kekeke... she's really good at it specially when she's jealous af! LOL! she can be jealous on either Tzuyu or Somi kekeke....
Chaeyoung cheesy lines attack and hokage moves on Mina hahaha!!! (hokage moves derived from "ninja" moves in Naruto w/c can either mean fast in commenting or smooth flirting)