When lovely dongsaengs planned a revenge upon their Cinderella-hyung [ONE-SHOT]



The 12th floor is empty of other members, left only certain Cinderella pounding on a certain Angel.


“Heechul you demon” Leeteuk panted as he pushed Heechul off him.

“That is why I need you now my y angel” Heechul slyly smirked as he lay beside him.

“Puff... I hate you now” He turned around, back facing Heechul. Heechul pulls the blanket to cover them both.

“I love you too Jungsoo-ah” Heechul extend his arm, pulling his angel closer and hug him from behind.

“Shut up Heechul” Leeteuk mumbles as he scooted closer to Heechul’s sweaty chest.

Soon both of them doze off.



On the 11th floor, Kyuhyun paced in front of his and Sungmin bed, his eyes brows furrow together with his hands both claps on his hips.

“Kyu let’s sleep. You are making me dizzy now” Sungmin whined, looking at his furious boyfriend.

“I can’t believe this. Heechul you really!!! Gahh it’s so embarrassing!!!” Kyuhyun shouted making Sungmin immediately spring up into a sitting position.

“He even tickled me. Lucky he tied us or else I’ll kick him for sure” He scoffed, still pacing like a hungry tiger.

“It’s our fault anyway Kyu... come on let’s get some sleep” Sungmin whined again.

However Kyuhyun is still absorbed in his annoyance, not even caring about his lover’s whines.

“...and one more thing!!  I never get on my knees in front of anyone before!! Aishhhhh!!!” He shouted again. Sungmin get off from the bed, walking toward his fumes boyfriend.

 “Are you sure you never... get on your knees in front of anyone before Kyu?” Sungmin winked.

“Aside from you of course” He replies before pulling Sungmin toward their bed. “Let’s gets on our knees now baby” Kyuhyun smirked. His anger fades away.

“Heechul you are dead meat tomorrow” He said before he claim his mini’s lips.



Inside the other room, Hyukjae is massaging his fish’s sore arms.

“Thank you Hyukkie” Donghae said as Hyukjae’s touch work magically on his arms, healing all his soreness.

Hyukjae smiles before pulling Donghae with him, laying together on his bed.

“Heechul-hyung will be dead meat tomorrow” Hyukjae said. Donghae blinks.

“Hyukkie... you and Kyu....planned revenge?” Donghae asked him.

Hyukjae just smirked and close his eyes. “Goodnight fishy”



Ryeowook widened his eyes, alarmed with what Yesung just told him.

“Really Yesungie?” Yesung nodded. Ryeowook gasped before he lay onto Yesung’s open arms.

“Goodnight Wookie” Yesung yawned and hugs Ryeowook closer to him.

“Goodnight Yesungie”

“Heechul-hyung will be dead meat tomorrow” Ryeowook mumbles and doze off.



The next morning.....

Leeteuk’s blissful sleep was disturbed when Heechul shook him harshly to wake him up.

He opened his eyes and found Heechul’s eyes and his flushed face.

Those eyes.

Something just happened.

“Urghh Heechul what hap--” Heechul cuts him, pulling him up to a sitting position.

“Jungsoo... Heebum. He’s missing” Heechul shuttered with his words.

He looked frighten.

He looked like someone who had just their child inside the biggest shopping mall with millions of people in it. Yes indeed he is now!

Heebum is his child, his favorite cat, his bed-mates when Leeteuk or Hankyung wasn’t around. He loves Heebum more than anyone.

And earlier, when he woke up...... Heebum wasn’t in his room.

When he went into the living room, it’s all quiet. No sound or trace of his beloved cat.

He checked inside the bathroom. NONE!

Kitchen. NONE!

Balcony. NONE!

Shindong’s room; among his ramen’s cups beside his bed. NONE!

Closet; he checked within the hundreds of clothes. NONE!

He checked the entire dorm but Heebum is NO-WHERE to be found.

Now he in verge of tears, sitting in front of his angel on his bed.

“Jungsoo... Heebum is kidnapped” He said, before he flung himself toward Leeteuk and burst in tears.

Leeteuk froze. Crying Heechul means something serious had just happened.

“Shh are you sure Heechul? Have you checked everywhere?” Leeteuk ask, running his hand behind Heechul’s back

“YES!! EVERYWHERE BUT NOTHING!!!” Heechul shouted.

“No need to shout Kim Heechul!! I’m not deaf” Leeteuk said to him, firmly.

Heechul release him and get off from the bed. He stands next to the bed, wiping his tears and looking directly at his angel.

“Let’s call police” He said before he turned around to grab his phone on the nightstand.

“What? No. Let’s search again Heechul” Leeteuk get off from the bed too, searching for his boxer and shirt.

He pulled Heechul’s hand but the latter wasn’t moving.


“My phone..... where is my phone Jungsoo?”

“On the nightstand?”

“MY PHONE!!!!!!!!!! WHERE?????????????” Heechul shouted as he couldn’t find his phone on the nightstand, under the pillow or even under the bed.

Heechul run into the living room, once again running like a mad person looking for his phone.

It’s his treasure.

If someone took it, it’s means disaster to him.

“Heechul stop!!!” Leeteuk grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

“Jungsoo let me go. My phone is kidnapped too. You know what’s inside right?? You want the public to see what’s inside?” Heechul practically shouted.... again.

Leeteuk tensed. He knows exactly what’s inside Heechul phone, but it’s only for Heechul, Hankyung and his eyes to see.

“” Leeteuk cursed. “SEARCH NOW!!!”

Both of them searching like crazy through the entire dorm, not even missing a tiny spot but Heebum and Heechul’s phone are still nowhere to be found.




While on the 11th floor, the evil-planner Kyuhyun smirked as he heard Heechul’s yelling from above.

“Min did you locked the door?” Donghae ask.

“No. It’s no use. Heechul-hyung knows the password already”

“Oh Godd what if he come in here with knife?” Ryeowook bit his lips.

“Wookie-hyung he won’t kills us” Kyuhyun replied.

“Serve him right”

“But I still feel bad guys”

Donghae stir uncomfortably on the couch.

“Hae, stop thinking about it”

“But Hyukkie, if hyung knows you kidnapped Heebum and stole his phone you’ll be killed”

“It’s US Donghae-hyung! US! Not your Hyukkie alone” Kyuhyun snapped at him.

“Yeah but still.... we’ll be killed. Heechul hyung is smart. He’ll knows about this soon”

“Hyuk shut your fish pretty mouth please” Kyuhyun said as he pats Heebum’s head who is hissing at him.

In no time, Donghae was silent. His lips are too busy working with his lover’s lips. No more complains.




Back on the 12th floor, both are tired as they couldn’t find Heebum and Heechul’s phone anywhere.

Leeteuk pulled Heechul and slumped on the couch.

Heechul is getting frustrated.

Inside his mind, he replays his sweet moment with his beloved cat. They played together; they take selca and posted it on Twitter; taking bath together; sleep together. Heebum is his best friend. Without him realizing it, the cinderella shed tears again. It’s was too much for him. Loosing someone he loved hurt so much.

“Heechul don’t cry. We’ll find Heebum again okay?” Leeteuk comfort him.

“Jungsoo what if Heebum went out on street? Random people took him? Crush by a car? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He cry again, tears stream fast down his cheek.

Leeteuk kissed the tears away but it was too much for him as it won’t stop pouring. He pulled Heechul closer and hugs the crying Cinderella.

“Wait...  maybe the others took him downstairs?”

“What?” Heechul sobbed.

“The other took Heebum downstairs?”


“I don’t know, it’s just my instinct”

“Why would they tak---- !!!!!”

Heechul shouted and stand up; no more tears can be seen on his eyes anymore but anger.

“Jungsoo I need your help to kills someone or maybe dongsaengs!!”

“Do you think they...”

“Yes!!! T!!  I should expect this! How dare them making me crying since morning”

“Heechul... I don’t thin....”

“YOU WANT TO HELP ME OR NOT?” Heechul fumes.

“Y-yes but calm down first Heec....”

“I have no time to calm the ing down. They took Heebum and my phone!!! They are seeking for their own death” He glares at the wall in front of him.

“But we are not sure they took it or not right?”

“ Jungsoo! Who else would?? They must plan revenge after what I did last night. They messed up with the wrong person. Only one way to find out”

Heechul stormed out of the living room.

Leeteuk followed hurriedly behind, praying for Siwon’s GOD to help him and the dongsaengs below.

He hopes to find Heebum but in the same time he’s afraid if what Heechul said is true.

The dongsaengs kidnapped Heebum.




In the same time; downstairs, Kyuhyun asked Hyukjae to locked Heebum inside his room. When Heebum is securely locked inside, they scooted closer to each other on the floor.

“Come on Kyu... you are a genius right? Figure it out” Hyukjae said, as they are now trying to unlock Heechul’s phone.

They tried so many passwords but the phone is still locked.

“Aishhh what is it?” Donghae scratch his scalp.

“Maybe he uses his girlfriend’s name?”

“Hankyung-hyung birthday?”

“Nahh it’s too easy”

“Heebum’s birthday?”

“When is that cat born?”

They shrugged.

“I don’t even know”

“...think think!!! We got six brains here. Use it! Yesung-hyung stops polishing Ddangkoma’s shell!! It’s shine already!” Kyuhyun said, frustrated as they keep trying on the password for almost 30 minutes already.

“I think I know” Sungmin rose up his hand.

“What is it?”

“Try TeukHanChul”


“Come on! Try it!” Sungmin said as they blink. Would it be?

Kyuhyun type the password and DDANG!!!!

It’s unlocked!!!

Revealing trio as the wallpaper.

“Woahhhh” They jump in happiness as if celebrating their first win on the music show.

They quickly sit down again, focus on their next mission.

Copy the pictures!!!!

Soon, they are exploring Heechul’s phone with eyes wide open and jaw drop low.

Ryeowook scooted away from the group to protect his innocent eyes.

Sungmin close his eyes with his fingers but can clearly see what’s on the screen.

“Woahh this is the biggest discovery on this century” Kyuhyun said, as he laugh and pressing the ‘NEXT’ button to reveal more picture.

“Wow I never know Heechul-hyung is this HOT!” Donghae blushed.

“Leeteuk-hyung too” Hyukjae added.

“Wow but guys this is wrong. You invaded someone’s privacy” Yesung said as they all froze.

Yesung was right! It’s wrong.

“B-but...” Sungmin lost his words.

“Geez Yesung-hyung you watch it too” Kyuhyun snapped.

“Yes. I didn’t say I didn’t watch it. It’s just wrong right” Yesung said before he walked away, pulling his Wookie and Ddangkoma to the kitchen.

“Puff Whatever. Wow ! OMO this one. Euwwwww”

They continue their exploration.


“ that’s hot”






While they were busy examine the picture, they didn’t realize the Cinderella is now standing behind them, watching their every moves and words.

Heechul is mad!



HOW DARE THEM! Heechul thought.

He scooted closer to them, joining in their exploration.

They still didn’t aware of Heechul’s presence.

“Wow Heechul is hot isn’t he?” He said to his oblivious happy dongsaengs.

“Yes. Woah his is so pretty” Donghae said, blushing again.

“I know right? Look at his eyes....  its fierce isn’t it?” Heechul added.

“ yes... fierce and y” Kyuhyun added but somehow he felt his hair stand behind his neck.

“What about his neck?” Heechul added, fumes in anger.

“It’s y... I would love to lic....” Hyukjae stopped talking.

He feels what Kyuhyun felt just now.

That voice.

Now they all stunned.

They clearly recognize that voice.

Turning their head to the voice, their souls fly up leaving their body.

“Enjoying yourself lovely dongsaengs?” Heechul cough out fire.



Donghae and Sungmin fainted.

Kyuhyun and Hyukjae stares at Heechul with their eyes wide open, disbelieved.

Ryeowook and Yesung stiff inside the kitchen.

Leeteuk silently pray for the safety of his dongsaengs.







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Chapter 1: This is awesome! I wish this also have a sequel ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: That last part tho... LMAO.
shineelove02 #3
Chapter 1: Okay I know this already a sequel but can you make another chapter for this please? Imagining their reactions were priceless LMAO I want to know what will happen to these guys xD
prodinius_0623 #4
Chapter 1: Damn Hahahaha
LeeAngel1004 #5
Chapter 1: Seeing their faces would be priceless!! :)
DinojiRyeo #6
Chapter 1: hahaha please make a sequel for this ^____^
RayhanAdni #7
Chapter 1: Makeee sequel for thisss pleaseee. I'm dying for laughing. Bwahhahaha.
KatieBabeey #8
Chapter 1: LOL! This is so funny ahaha *crying from laughing so much* xD