yearbook club members.
     teamwork makes the dream work. please give a warm hello to the
      hard-working yearbook club members of the second era of scty!  



main coder.
  thank you arin for all that you've done with the yearbook!.

  Hello, it’s ya boi Chanyeol speaking. EXO’s creative man, staff member of 2016 SOCIETY’s Yearbook, and that extra guy who submit late. I’m very grateful to join as a team and give an opportunity to share my skill, but I would prefer to say, give a big clap for admins and other staffs who put all their effort to finish this yearbook. We’ve been planned weeks ago and seeing this result, there’s nothing more than just satisfaction and happiness. I can’t thank enough when seeing other staffs manage to handle more than one task. You guys are monsters and so talented! I do wish to turn back the time and do better jobs to help them, but what’s done is done. We’re very proud to ourselves till the end. To be honest, if you happened to see my video somewhere in this book, that was made less than a week. Sounds crazy but, I learned a lot as I’m grown up adult (who goes to work 6 hours per day and does video edit for limited time), life between real and internet is harsh. So, I do hope the members who read this, please, please, please take your time reading through all the pages (they worked hard on this), and never forget to keep smiling :)

videos, fis, 
  it was a delightful privilege to be able to work on this year's yearbook team. although i lacked in many abilities, it was still nice to be able to give something back. a thank you to everyone on the yearbook team for your very hard work and an even bigger one to the admins for putting their 100% full commitment and hard work to the yearbook! you guys have stressed enough. :') this was an opportunity to give you guys the best since, well, you are the very best!! i hope everyone enjoys what we've prepared!

adjectives, editing.
  hey there! yearbook staff member joy here. in the beginning of the era, i was super excited to be apart of the yearbook club, but i wasn't too sure in what shape or form i could contribute. now nearing the end of the era, i am glad to have found my place among an all-star staff. the team put in an incredible amount of effort to make this yearbook come alive, so be sure to give us a pat on the back! this yearbook contains so many precious words and memories, and i hope you love it as much as i do ♡

main coder.
  mijoo may no longer be with us as an official member, but the contribution she put into the yearbook was phenomenal. thank you for all that you've done!

  thank you jaewon for all that you've done with the yearbook!

  thank you sehun for all that you've done with the yearbook!

  hey to you anyone who's happened to stumble upon this abyss of- [ someone shouts boo in the distance ] okay well. hi, its sinb! this yearbook was made with sweat and blood and sugar and coffee and tears (80%) and sleepless nights, and even a few arguments here and there. but this team endured all of that to make this yearbook a successful one. we made this for all of us, to reminisce the memories we shared this year. and i sincerely hope that all of you will like it! it might not be much, but everyone worked so very hard to give everyone this gift. i hope that when you visit this yearbook any time, you'll be reminded of our family! thank you so much, yearbook team, i honestly wouldn't have done this without everyone of you. i'd like to also say my sincere apologies, if i have in any way, caused you stress, especially with the busy schedule we have at times. this is the result of our hard work, team! thank you so so much. WHAT TEAM?!? WILDCATS!!

   hello!! i'm proud to be able to announce the fact that i am part of this year's yearbook team. although my only contribution was a video, i really did enjoy my time as a part of this team. i do regret not being able to contribute more - due to my lack of creativity sobs. i hope you enjoy this yearbook, and i look forward to another year with you all!!

  it's funny how much can change with a little bit of time. i had originally joined the yearbook club with the impression that i'd be left to do a few codes here and there, and then no longer be needed. i didn't expect to end up leading half the charge. i didn't expect to end up spending an x amount of sleepless hours, blood, sweat and tears on this project i had previously thought i'd barely play a part in, and yet here i am. has it been worth it? of course it has. there hasn't been a single moment in which i regretted having joined the yearbook club. there hasn't been a single moment in which i regretted giving a helping hand to sinb as an admin, regardless of all the stress it has caused me, because the sheer prospect of making even one of you smile a little more with the work i've done here means more to me than you will ever know. it might not seem like much to you, but our team has worked beyond hard to get this little gift to where it is today. we've had an endless number of team changes, instances of miscommunication, confusion and panic - but we made it. we made it and i couldn't be any prouder of us. thank you to the yearbook club members for sticking through with this project to the end. to current members of society, to the old members of society, and to the people who were never members but are checking this out anyway - hello and we hope you enjoy it.

editing, fis.
 Hey to whomever that might be reading this at the moment, 'tis exo's one and only kim minseok here. Honestly, I'm glad that I got the chance to be a part of this year's creation of making a yearbook for the second season of society. Although one of the things that I definitely do regret is not being able to contribute more ideas during the planning stage. [ coughs how to be creative 101 ] but anyway, i also regret not doing more to help the rest of the group in the making of this whole album/book so i truly give my apologies to everyone in the yearbook team especially to sinb and yuta who probably got unneccessary stress added on because i kinda became one of the people who died for a while near the end [ so i kinda missed a few dead lines-- ] this experience won't be something you can forget easily and you make so many new friends along the way too. but yeah, we coudn't have done any of this without you all, so thank you so so much for helping the yearbook team along the way!!
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Chapter 21: TFW U FEEL NOSTALGIC SO U GO TO READ THE YEARBOOK N GET EVEN MORE NOSTALGIC,,, dudes im so pumped for third era
yesrin #2
FUN FACT; its been past a month since society ended, but HERE I AM DROWNING IN NOSTALGIA AND MISSING YOU GUYS LIKE CRAZY.
i realised i promised to write a comment when this was released, but life flipped out and i never got to comment, but better late then never, hey?
I LOVE YOU, YES, YOU. (to anyone who pops by and sees this!) < 3 insert me smooching you all because y'all precious. never forget that.
baksum #3
Chapter 18: omf - fastest replier. hunger game's champ. and ruler of the world. life is amazing.
thanks society and everyone for making my last time rping the best one ever!
Chapter 18: girlmance <3 <3
Chapter 18: Mark and I are 2ghei to be best bromance tho- ALL JOKES ASIDE yall know me so well Im the funniest AND I LOSE THE LOTTERY AMAZAYN.
casually drowns you all with my tears.
-taeyun #7
idk to cry at the sentiments or giggle at the quotes... ; ;
Chapter 19: im not crying,, u r [ me, dashing away 2 cry ]
yujuice #9
istg my eyes are just sweating
jaewon #10
Chapter 19: crying manly tears right now
i'll cherish this forever. and the video dedications made me smile but made me feel so emo at the same time. yoooo )':