Chapter 3

Pretty Please With a Cherry on Top

[Youngmin's POV]

"Hey, this is Chaeri! I'm not here right now sooo BEEEEEEEEP!" 

Damn, that's one awkward answering machine. I should tell her to change that before others would think of something different but that isn't the issue right now. I'm so dead worried for her. She's been ignoring my calls and ignoring my texts so in short, she's ignoring me. Whenever I would go to her house, her mother would send me away. She said that Chaeri never wanted to talk to me. Sigh... But still, here I am, standing in front of her house in the pouring rain. Yeap, I totally forgot my umbrella. Way to go, Youngmin.

"Ding Dong~!" 

"Who is it?"

"It's Youngmin. May I come in?" The door slowly creaked open, revealing a very worn out and pail Mrs. Lee. 

"Mrs. Lee..." I said in shock as I looked at her from head to toe. "What happened?"

"Let's have a talk, shall we?" She let me in and I must say, Chaeri's house couldn't be any gloomier than this. Despite the elegant feel of it, due to the contrast of the depressing mood, it had become a nightmare of a house.

She went to the kitchen and got a tray of hot tea. "Please, have some."

"Thank you." I said and took a sip of the tea. "How's Chaeri, Mrs. Lee?"

Her face sank and her hands became shaky to the point that her tea cup fell to the floor. "I'm sorry, Youngmin. Let me clean this up."

"Let me help." I said and assisted her. She began to cry as she wiped the floor. I hugged her tight and accompanied her back to the couch. 

"Chaeri... She's lots herself." She said with her head faced down with her hands clawing the couch. "She's become a monster." 

"A monster? What do you mean?" I asked with much concern. She wiped her tears off her face with a napkin and looked at me seriously. "Youngmin, would you like to see for yourself?" I nodded and she took me upstairs to Chaeri's room.

"Are you ready?" She asked while her hand tightly gripped the door knob, ready to open the door. 

"Yes, Mrs. Lee." I said. She opened the door and right then and there, I saw a horrific sight. A messed up room filled with lipstick and eye shadow smeared all over the walls. Numerous measuring tapes were scattered on the floor like expired pasta noodles. 

Suddenly, I heard the sound of someone throwing up. It came from the bathroom so I rushed over to see Chaeri at her worst. Her hair was extremely messed up and she wore a baggy t-shirt and shorts that looked as if she hadn't changed for days. She wore a blue contact lens on her right eye but wore nothing on the other and her face was filled with so much BB cream that it was dropping down like wet lotion but what struck me was that her body was so thin that it wasn't acceptable to be called pretty anymore. Chaeri, what have you done to yourself?

She glared at me then at her mother. "Who told you to bring him in here?" Chaeri asked and wiped what came from her stomach away from her face. 

"Have you not any shame, Chaeri?" Her mom said with watery eyes. "Look at your state!"

Chaeri gritted her teeth and slammed the wall. "Send him out!" Her mom and I remained silent which made her extremely impatient. "SEND HIM OUT!"

"Mrs. Lee, can I have some time alone with Chaeri?" I asked and she nodded and left the room leaving only the two of us behind. I knelt down and looked at her straight in the eye but she refused to meet mine. "Chaeri, stop this monstrosity."

"I told you to get out!" She yelled and spat on my face.

Disgusted and offended, I pulled her up and pinned her down to the bed. She struggled to free herself from my tight grip. I looked at her straight in the eye and asked, "Chaeri, what good is being 'pretty' when you've totally pushed yourself past your limit?"

"What good is being beautiful when you're already skin and bones?!" I tightened my grip even more. "TELL ME!"

"I did this for you, Youngmin!" She kicked me away causing my back to hit her closet. "I did this so you wouldn't leave me!"

"Who told you to do this for me?! Your twisted imagination put you into this situation!" I exclaimed. "And didn't I tell you that I always love you?"

"Tell me, Chaeri, if you truly trust me..." I then approached her and hugged her tightly. "If you really do trust me..."

"... Stop all of this and be yourself again." After I said that, she became shaky and her hands clutched tightly on my jacket. "It's just hard!" 

"I know it is which is why I would always defend you no matter what." I rubbed her back so as to comfort her. "And if you wanted to become skinnier, I'd gladly be okay with that but not like this, you should've taken it slow."

"Yeah, I should've." She nodded and began to cry. "Stay here until I feel better, okay?"

"Alright, I-"

She hugged me tight. "No, you have no choice but to stay here! I don't care if you don't have a change of clothes."

I chuckled. "But I already said yes."

"Whatever." She pouted. "And Youngmin...."


"Thank you for always bearing with me." She said as she kissed my cheek.

"You're welcome. I can't bear to see you suffer." I replied and brushed my nose against hers. She then fell asleep so I placed her on the bed and tucked her in. 


Three weeks later, Chaeri was back on her feet and her body was coveted by many of the girls. It wasn't easy, though. I had to tell her to stop eating too much or else her body may not handle it 'cause her bulimia may come back but after some time, she was able to eat at a steady rate and she learned to excercise moderately. 

Here we are, sitting in the cafe with Chaeri eating another cherry themed cupcake. 

"Delicious~!" She said and I took a bite of the cupcake without her consent. "Yeah, it is~!"

"Who told you to eat that, hmm?" 

I shrugged. "Don't care. What's mine is yours.~"

Our classmate, Minwoo suddenly approached Chaeri with some flowers. "Chaeri, would you go out with me?"

I stood up, walked in a girly fashion towards Minwoo and happily accepted the roses. "Thank you, Minwoo~!" I said with a fail Chaeri impersonation.

"Errr-" Minwoo was dumbfounded. Looks like he didn't get the point so I went straight to the point. "Dude, she's mine so back off alright?"

Embarrassed, Minwoo simply walked out of the cafe while covering his face. I went back to my seat said, "Tch, that's the third one today." 

"It's alright, I'm gonna reject all of them anyway." She said and took a sip of her coffee. 

I stole the cup from her and drank from it as well. "You better reject them."

She giggled. "You're so cute when you're like that."

"Of course! I'm the best thing that ever happened to you!" I said.

"True that." said Chaeri.

"Same here." I said with a cute wink.

Ever since she came back to the school, Chaeri became the Queenka. Luckily, she never forgot to be herself and never got engrossed with her appearance too much. She just maintained herself rather than painting herself. I'm glad to have someone like her even though we had our rough times. Oh, Chaeri, you're a breath of fresh air.

And it's done~! Thank you all for reading this story and/or for subscribing. :)

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#1 sweet..make a seqeul please!!
-natsukim #2
Auch! I hope i can have youngmin as My BF!
14 streak #3
Awww this story is so sweet!! I hope u make a sequel >.<
AWWWWWW!!!!!<br />
I really like this's sho shweet
sweet~ ^^
oh and I meant 120 pounds not 100
:OOOOO I'm three pounds away from 100 pounds and my mom still says I'm skinny as bones, and I'm pretty average. I really don't like Chaeri's character here, she's too delusional, thank goodness Youngmin's there to save the day!