Chapter 1

Pretty Please With a Cherry on Top

[Chaeri's POV]


I remember the time when Youngmin confessed his love for me. It was a few minutes after dismissal wherein the corridors were filled with students and it looked as if we were all in Times Square. Oh, the hustling, bustling corridor. 

"Excuse me, Chaeri?" I felt a tap on my shoulder while I was fixing my books. I turned around to see that it was Youngmin who stood only a few inches away from me. It was too close for comfort and I felt my whole body heating up. At the time, I had an extremely huge crush on him but never had the courage to even stand a meter close to him but there I was, looking at his big brown eyes that sparkled like precious jewels. I realized that I was staring at him for too long so I turned away and covered my blushing face. "Y-Yes? Y-oung-m-min?"

"I want to tell you something..." He whispered softly with his angelic voice. 

"W-what is it?" I asked. He then got a megaphone out of nowhere and a his twin brother, Kwangmin, got a platform for him to stand on. "Everyone!" He said loudly so as to call the students' attention. Everybody immediately paused and lent their ears to whatever Youngmin had to say. In all honesty, it was easy for him to get everyone to listen 'cause after all, he's at the top of the social ladder. He's the freakin' Kingka for goodness sake!

"Okay, let's get it started." He said and turned toward me.

"Lee Chaeri..." He snapped and Kwangmin handed him an extremely large and fluffy white teddy bear. Actually, he wobbled a bit and almost fell from the platform due to the teddy bear's weight. I found it really cute and funny. 

After regaining his balance, he coughed a bit to hide his embarrassment and threw the teddy bear at me. I caught it and hugged it tight. 

"Look into my eyes, Chaeri." He said.

"But I can't see you!" I replied. True, I couldn't see him 'cause the teddy bear was so big! It was more than half of me! 

"I seriously didn't think this through..." Youngmin said with a cute chuckle. I heard him step down from his platform. "Let me just place that here." He then placed the teddy bear gently on the floor and went back to his platform. 

"Lee Chaeri..."

I tilted my head. "Yes?"

He spun around like a charming prince and said, "BE MY LADY!" 

"What?!" I cupped my cheeks in shock. My eyes grew so big that I couldn't see straight anymore. The people around us were whispering in shock as well. This is really something out of the blue and I couldn't snap myself back to my normal state.

"I just said it." He stepped down from his platform and pulled me in to a hug. "I've always had my eye on you so be my lady."

"Y'know, you never went near me and I don't know why so I decided to make the first move..." He added and pulled me away. 

"What about the student body?" I whispered. I then gestured my hands around my slightly chubby curves. "Look at me! I'm fat!" Yeap, I was very straightforward. "Your fangirls are gonna kill me."

"I'll be here for you." He said with a smile and got his megaphone, "Chaeri is mine so don't touch my girl!" He looked back at me and asked, "So, what do you say?"

"I-" He cut me and covered my mouth with a smirk. "Actually, you don't have a say on this!" 

"I'm the freakin' Kingka so you're officially mine!" He added.

"Hey!" I yelled, got the large teddy bear from the floor and used it to hit him continuously. "You can't tell me what to do~! I LIKE YOU! I REALLYREALLYREALLY LIKE YOU!"

"Aww! That's just cute!" He said while blocking my teddy bear blows. "I was just kidding. Of course, you have a say on this but I guess you feel the same." He chuckled and managed to somehow hold my hand. I then realized that I have, in fact, told him that I like him. It just slid out of my mouth. Oh, why was I so weird?

"From now on, we're together." He said with a cute wink.

{End of Flashback}

"GOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING! THE SUN IS RISING! GOOD MORNING!" GAH! This alarm clock of mine is so annoying! Well, that's the reason why it's my alarm clock so that I could get up early. I lazily grabbed my alarm clock and checked the time with my blurry morning vision.

"12:30 PM..." I rolled around my bed and stretched my arms with a big yawn until reality finally hit me. "IT'S 12:30?!" At that moment, I instantly jolted up from my bed and took a quick power bath. I didn't bother eating breakfast and left the house.

"Bye, Mom!" I said and left the house.

When I got to school, I completely exhausted and hungry. I entered the classroom panting and walking like a total zombie. Wait, how come there's no teacher? Moreover, how come there are only a few of my classmates here? I checked my watch and guess what, it's actually just 6:30 AM. Yeap, since I couldn't see well a while back, I mistook the short and long hands of the clock so when I thought that it was 12:30, it was actually just 6AM. Well done, Chaeri.

"Fatso couldn't tell the time?" One of my classmates said while flipping through a fashion magazine. I just shrugged it off and replied, "Whatever." She rolled her eyes and applied some lip gloss. Hmph! I may be a bit chubbier than her but at least I don't have thirty pounds of makeup on my face. I mean, her face looks so thick that if I were to slide my thumb across it, I would have a big blob of BB cream on it.

Soon, our classmates began to accumulate inside the room and it was now crowded.

"Morning, Chaeri!" Youngmin said as he dropped his bag on his desk and took his seat. "Why aren't you sitting yet?" He asked. Right, I had been getting some morning breeze from the window for too long. I placed my bag on my desk and took a seat. For some weird reason, my desk was more wobbly than usual...


The legs of my chair all broke at the same time causing my to fall flat on the floor. Damn, it hurt so much! 

"HAHAHAHAH!" My merciless classmates laughed in embarrassment.

"Hahaha~!" I laughed along with them, acting as if it was a funny prank on me. Well, it wasn't funny at all. Completely offending, in fact. Even though they call me names everyday, I just try to shrug it off. Sadly, I have low self-esteem that's bound to break me down at anytime. If Youngmin wasn't always there to for me, I would've gone mad a long time ago.

"Tubby's too heavy for her chair!" One guy said while rolling on the floor.

"Tch." Youngmin immediately stood up and grabbed that guy's collar. He glared at him intensely and pushed him hard onto the wall. "What did you just say?"

The guy was trembling in fear and he was sweating a lot. "T-t-u-". Before he could utter another syllable, Youngmin tossed him to the ground and said, "Try saying that again and my fists will be the last thing that you'll see. Ever."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The guy said and ran away for his life. Youngmin ran back to me and helped me up. "How's your ?"

"How informal." I joked.

"How's your buttox, my fair lady?" He played along with a laugh and made me sit on his chair. 

"What about you?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't mind sitting on the floor." He replied.

"Let's sit together." I said and patted the very small space beside me. 

"Chaeri..." He said with much hesitation.

"Right, you can't fit." I said. He then held my hand and winked. "Don't worry, I'm 100% okay with this, alright?"

"Alright." I replied with a guilty grin. This is all because of me. If only I was physically presentable to be rightfully called as his girlfriend, all of this wouldn'tve happened.

Soon after, the teacher came in with her freakishly nerdy aura as usual. The big pile of books that towered up to her head, the inhumanely large glasses that were larger than her face and of course, the androgynous short bob haircut that complimented her red bowtie and white cotton polo shirt very well. 

"Good morning, everyone~!" Lee Seonsaeng greeted us with her arms wide open. 

"Let's have an attendance check, shall we?" She said and reached out to get her clipboard that was placed on top of her tower of many books. She started to call out everyone's names but when it was Youngmin's turn to be called out...

"Here." Youngmin said.

"Where?" She looked around but she just couldn't find Youngmin anywhere. He then stood up and raised his hand. "Here."

"My goodness! Youngmin, why are you sitting on the floor?" 

"Well, a chair broke so..."

"Whose chair was it?" She asked. I stood up and said, "It's my chair."

I could hear my classmates whispering in the background. They were saying things like, "Sheesh! She's always burdening Youngmin", "What a pig.", "She doesn't deserve someone like him.". I glared at them but they just laughed at me for trying to look tough. Looks like there was no point in trying after all. Still, their rude comments pierced deep into my heart. It's always been like this ever since Youngmin and I became an item.

"Well... I'll get the maintenance staff to send in a new chair but for now, just bear with the lesson while sitting down, Youngmin."

"Thank you, Lee seonsaeng." Youngmin and I said and took our seats. 

The rest of the day went along smoothly except for the fact that the maintenance staff didn't even bother to send up another chair for Youngmin. Those slow-minded slugs better bring in a new chair or I'll beat the hell out of them. Anyways, after school, Youngmin and I decided to head over to a nearby cafe. I got a sofa seat for the both of us while Youngmin ordered our food. Yeap, he knows me so well to the point that he already knows my order. If he screws this up, he's dead meat. I'm just kidding! But seriously, if he messes up my order, that's gonna be a very shameful act since I always order anything that has cherries on them. 

Youngmin came back with our orders and placed them onto the table. "Here you go.~" He said with a bright smile. 

"Hmm, this is new." I said while looking at the mouth-watering dessert.

"They said it just came out today. What was it called again?" He paused for a moment to remember its name. I noticed that there was a big picture of the dessert that he just bought me behind him. 

"Berry Cherry Cupcake, perhaps." I said with a giggle. 

"Yes, it is!" His eyes grew in amazement. "How'd you know?" I pointed to the obviously colorful picture behind him and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh..." 

I then held my cupcake and took a bite. "Delicious~!"

"I'm glad you like it." He said and wiped the mess on the corner of my lips with a napkin. 

"I'm not a baby, you know." I pushed his hand away and wiped the remainder of the mess off of my mouth. He took the cherry from my cupcake and let it dangle between his index and middle finger. "I know."

"Say... How many calories does this cupcake have?" 

He suddenly looked me with a surprised expression. "Why're you asking about that?" 

I shook my head and took a sip of my coffee as I avoided his gaze. "No, it's nothing."

He held my hand and looked at me straight in the eye. "Don't let them bother you. You look-"

"Pretty..." I gripped on my mug tightly with my head facing downwards. "You always say that..."

He placed his hands on my shaking shoulders. "But I mean it, Chaeri." 

"I'm just scared..." I said while even tightening my grip on the mug. 

He tilted his head in concern. "What's there to be scared about, Chaeri?"

"That I will never have confidence in myself..." I gritted my teeth. "That I won't be pretty enough for you and... And..."

"SMASH!" My mug broke and shattered into pieces due to my tight grip. My hands were bleeding but I didn't give a damn.

"You'll leave me!" I yelled and everyone in the cafe was staring at us. Turns out, a few of our schoolmates were actually there I didn't notice it. They approached me with evil smirks on their faces. 

"SPLASH!" Hot chocolate was splattered all over my face. 

"Drown yourself in chocolate, Porky!" One of them said and placed the mug on my head to make it look like a loser crown. Youngmin went in front of me and said, "Stop it. Can't you see that she's had enough?"

"Yes, I've had enough, Youngmin." I placed one hand on his shoulder while wiping off the chocolate from my eyes with the other. "I'm only burdening you." 

He shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am." I said as hastily got my bag and prepared to leave but he grabbed my wrist, refusing to let it go. 

"Let go, Youngmin."

"No, I won't." He then dragged me outside the cafe and his face saddened. "You should learn to trust me. From day one, I told you that I would be here for you. Remember that?"

"I remember..." I weakly nodded. "But I know that eventually, you won't be able to take care of me. Face it, Youngmin. You won't be able to handle defending me much longer." 

He cornered me to the wall and yelled, "SNAP OUT OF IT, WOULD YOU?!" 

"No, you need to snap out of your blinded state!" I yelled back. "You think I'm ugly, right? RIGHT!?"

"How many times to do I have to repeat my words before you believe me, huh?" He punched the wall with much force. "Chaeri... Can't you trust me?" 

"Not until I can see any confidence on myself...." I then came up with a conclusion. "From this day on, I'm going to starve myself." 

"Chaeri, you can't." Youngmin said.

"Yes, I can. You're already handsome so you wouldn't know how it feels like to be me." Before he could answer, I ran away as fast as I could. 

"Chaeri! Wait! Chaeri!" I could hear his voice fading out as I went further.

"Youngmin, I'm going to be beautiful."

First chapter is out! I honestly had some difficulty in fusing the upbeat jokes and the drama at the end all in one chapter. Well, I hope it came out nice and if not, oh well, I just gotta try harder! >w<

Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys enjoyed it~! :D

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#1 sweet..make a seqeul please!!
-natsukim #2
Auch! I hope i can have youngmin as My BF!
14 streak #3
Awww this story is so sweet!! I hope u make a sequel >.<
AWWWWWW!!!!!<br />
I really like this's sho shweet
sweet~ ^^
oh and I meant 120 pounds not 100
:OOOOO I'm three pounds away from 100 pounds and my mom still says I'm skinny as bones, and I'm pretty average. I really don't like Chaeri's character here, she's too delusional, thank goodness Youngmin's there to save the day!