Even a simple stroll was’t safe.


It was a relaxing day.

It was one of our few precious day-offs and the girls and I decided to have dinner in this quaint little restaurant in downtown Myeongdong. While we eating, suddenly a serious debate arose about what to do next. There was no end to it, as the two loudmouths, who usually fight for the same sides but are now at odds, didn’t want to give in.

“We should watch a movie! Captain America’s out! Can you imagine?! Chris Evans in a tight white shirt!?” Namjoo suggested.

Aniya! This is Myeongdong! We should walk around and shop a little bit,” argued Bomi.

Eventually, we decided to split and just meet up later, with the two maknaes going with the former, and Ji and I decided to walk around with the latter. An ‘Unnie’s night out’, as Bomi ecstatically said it, to which Eunji annoyingly replied, “You make us sound so old…”

“Come on, unnie! It’ll be fun!” She insisted. “We should go to a club! Have a few drinks! Meet some guys,” followed by playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

“Woah, woah, woah,” I interrupted, “No clubs, no drinks, no boys. We’re idols, remember?” I reminded the overly excitable girl, as we put on our disguises.

“Eh, you’ve got no jams, unnie,” she teased, “Fine. Let’s just go already. If we cover ourselves anymore, I don’t think I’ll recognize either of you.” She immediately grabs the both of us, and before we knew it, we were out of the restaurant and being dragged along the streets of the night market.

“Wait! I forgot to remind those three where we’ll meet—“

Unnie, they’re big girls. They know what they’re doing,” she turned to me and smiled, ”Just relax.”

And just like that, I was pulled into another scene. No matter how many times I blink, there I was, and so was he.

“Hey, just relax, okay?” he said, as he guided me through the sea of people, smiling and laughing at my paranoia of being caught in public. The warmth of his hand overpowered the nightly breeze that always had me shivering and the look in his eyes secured my uneasy heart that would normally be pounding out of its mind.

Everything was okay when I was with him.

I smiled and grabbed his hand tighter. I had fully trusted him, decided that I was going to do so from now on, and that was my way of showing it, hoping the he would get it. And he did. The way his face beamed in glee and pride was enough for me to know. He retracted his arms, taking mine with it as we walked along Myeongdong, arms linked with one another. Like a normal couple.

We walked from one shop to another, looking for items that would interest us. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about everything the surrounded us. I was here with him again, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. The way his eyes wondered from one item to another. The way he asked me if I wanted every other item he picked up. The glimmer in his eyes as he bought another Chrome Hearts ring, just like the one he already had.

Everything about him was mesmerizing then. It’s even more so now.

As we continued to walk, right on queue, rain poured from the sky. Almost immediately after, I felt the first droplet on my skin. His jacket fell on me like clockwork and we started running to the nearest roof for shelter. By the time we reached it, he was dripping wet, while I was dry as a feather.

“Oppa! You’re going to get sick!” I remembered scolding him.

 “Ani. Don’t worry about me,” he waved it off, “it’s not even that cold out tonight.”

“Please, oppa. Wear your jacket!” He wouldn’t budge, saying that he would use it to cover me from the rain, despite my continuous protests. I remember not knowing what to do, so I did the first thing I could think of. “Fine,” I said stubbornly, before walking out from under the roof, directly under the shower.

“Yah! Come back here! You’re getting wet!”

I childishly nodded my head, “That’s exactly the point. Now, I’m wet just like you. There’s no reason for you to cover me with your jacket anymore,” I said as-a-matter-of-fact, “Now wear it, oppa.”

After the initial disbelief washed over his face, he gave in and wore his jacket, bringing me much pride. I won over his stubborn head with my irrational thinking. At least I thought I did, until he countered it, stepping out into the pouring rain. “Shall we talk a walk then?” he asked with a charming smile.

And we walked. Under the rain. Under the eyes of weirded-out on-lookers. But I couldn't careless.

"Rongie-yah," he called out to me a couple of steps to our walk. I turned to him, smiling the soft smile I love. He looked down at the hand he's been holding all this time, and held it out. He paused as he fished out something in his pocket, but before I could see what it was, he'd already put in on my index finger.

The Chrome Hearts ring. 


He held out my newly decorated hand, and placed it beside his. "You like it?" I was speechless. I could only say what I thought about this would thing.

"It's perfect."

Unnie!” I heard the distressed voice of out main vocalist, snapping me out of my thoughts. Immediately, I felt cold drops of water seep into my hoodie, as I see the street before me now with much less people. Only those with an umbrella continue to walk. And then there’s me.

Unnie, over here!” I turn to my left to see my two members waving me to come under the roof they were in. “What are you doing? Do you want to get sick?!” Eunji starts lecturing me as she takes of my wet jacket, handing me her spare.

Mianhe, Eunji-yah. I was spacing out again.”

“Yeah, we could tell. You were spaced out the entire time we were walking,” Bomi replied, looking at Eunji.

“Yeah, are you okay?” added the latter. I only nod, not knowing what else to say.

We warmed ourselves for a while inside the shop where we took shelter, before Eunji remembered the rest of the girls. “Hey, what time is it? We have to meet with the others remember?”

Looking at her phone, Bomi replied, “11:11. Make a wish!”

11:11. Make a wish.

I wish I could walk under the rain with you again.

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risingsun020 #1
Love this story, the short flashbacks are sweet, just hoping for more story development, like how they broke up or something, but great job
risingsun020 #2
Chapter 4: This is really, are you going to tell us what happened and why they broke up,
taeyangtiffany123 #3
Yay another apink x bigbang story and its taeyang and chorong ! But im really curious what happened between the both of them though ...
Isabella37 #4
Chapter 3: It's sad yet sweet.
Isabella37 #5
Chapter 2: It's beautiful!!