It was a movie at first.


I was sitting at the dorm, flipping through channels, asking the magical black box to bring me some form of entertainment to distract me from life.

“Oh unnie, go back!” Namjoo exclaimed. “I want to see that movie again. It was such a great movie. I cried like baby when I first saw it,” she said, cuddling up to me as I flip it back to the previous channel I had just passed. Ugh. This movie’s so sad! I settled in and prepared myself to cry again. “I’ll go get some popcorn!” She jumped up from the couch and skipped her way to the kitchen.

I took the opportunity to lay myself out on the couch, as my eyes remained glued to the TV, watching as the beautiful scenes unfolded before me. Even if I already knew what was happening, I was hooked. At least until another scene started playing in my head. One that was much more captivating.

“Here,” he handed me a bowl of popcorn with a smile, “What’d I miss?”

Oppa…” I kept looking at him in disbelief, wondering what kind of sorcery was this. What was he doing here?

“Come on, move,” he signaled me to make some room for him on the couch. I sit up for just a second, only for him to ease my head back down, laying it on his lap as he smiled once again that beautiful smile of his. “Have you watched this before?” I nod my head. “Seunghyun-hyung said that this movie might finally make me cry.”

Seunghyun-oppa was right,” I said, my eyes refusing to look away from him, “you will cry.” You already did, I thought. He just chuckled and smiled. I knew he wasn’t the type to cry, but this movie was different.

And just like that, the rest of the scene moved just like it did before. I saw every laugh, every cringe, and every frown he made, waiting for the one moment that I swore I’d remember forever.

I felt something fall on my face. He had let one escape, as he was wiping his eyes, trying to hide his face from me. “Oppa,” I asked teasingly, as I sat up from his lap and tried to pry his hands away from his face, “are you crying?” As if he’d willingly giving up his tear-stained face; as I pull his hands away, he would just as quickly cover it back up. “Lemme see, lemme see!” I pester him, as he continues to sob into his hands. “Aww oppa, don’t be sad. It’s just a movie.” I finally gave up and just pull his head and let him cry on my shoulders. He immediately snakes his arms around me and, for the first time ever, he’s leaning on me to cry.

Unnie!” I hear a high-pitched voice.

“Huh? Oh,” I disappointingly crashed back to reality as I hear my member call me, “What happened?”

“You were spacing out,” she pointed out, “I also heard you say something, but I couldn’t really hear it. Are you okay? Do you want to change the channel?”

“Huh?” I turn to the TV as I see that the film was still running, remembering why, where, and what time I was in. “No. It’s fine.”

She nodded her head as turned back to the box. I remained stuck in my own head, wondering where all that came from, as I hear her call me once again. “Unnie, look! Make a wish!” she said, closing her eyes and clasping her hands to solemnly wish for whatever she wanted. I look at the clock that she was pointing at above our TV.

It’s 11:11. Make a wish, Chorong-ah, I remember him say, and I close my eyes, lifting my head up the air.

I wish I could see you cry to Miracle in Cell No. 7 again.

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risingsun020 #1
Love this story, the short flashbacks are sweet, just hoping for more story development, like how they broke up or something, but great job
risingsun020 #2
Chapter 4: This is really, are you going to tell us what happened and why they broke up,
taeyangtiffany123 #3
Yay another apink x bigbang story and its taeyang and chorong ! But im really curious what happened between the both of them though ...
Isabella37 #4
Chapter 3: It's sad yet sweet.
Isabella37 #5
Chapter 2: It's beautiful!!