page two

Nonsensical Dream

Jin and Yoongi headed to the south of the cherry tree in full bloom. The cat narrated that somewhere over yonder lived a beautiful bunny-fairy who can grant wishes. Listening to this made Jin's gace cringe even more, but he wasn't  about to give up discovering the extent of this crazy dream.

Out of nowhere, a brown stallion appeared. The said animal came from the west side, and he was illuminated by the blinding rays of the  golden sun.

Jin squinted his eyes while trying to cover them with his hands, for the light was very lovely.

"What a majestic horse!" He thought.

Suddenly, the stallion began to stand on his hind legs and began to dance Sugar-Free.

Jin jaw-dropped at the sight.

"What in the world???!!"

"Jin Hime-sama, meet Hoseok, also known in our kingdom as J-Horse. He is the best dancer around here, and not even the Adonis of this place can dethrone the majestic stallion's knack for dancing," Yoongi remarked, boredom evident in his voice. He was starting to grow lethargic again, and he wished that he was up on a tree somewhere, practicing his stretching pose.

Sensing the cat's condition, Jin picked the cat and began to cradle him on his arms.

J-Horse pranced again and headed straight to Jin.

"Good evening, oh Hime-sama. Of what service shall this dashing horse be of to you?"

Jin chuckled. Earlier, he was unnerved by the oddity of the place. Now, it was suddenly very interesting.

He waved off his hand, saying. "It's okay, my dear J-Horse. I am fine. This cat is already feeling sleepy, and we need to find a place to stay for the night. By any chance, do you know of an inn?"

J-Horse curtsied.

"Come with me, oh Hime-sama. Going south, we shall chance upon a brick house owned by the Adonis who owns a duck known to destroy everything he touches. Said duck is this cat's source of exasperation, since the cat fixes everything that the duck destroys. Anyhow, the house is surrounded by a garden with fruits and vegetables. The Adonis should be obliged to provide you with food and lodging, oh Hime-sama."

Thinking about the vegetables in the garden made Jin's mouth water. With the proper ingredients, he can make a very good meal for everyone.

"Oh, just so you know, Hime-sama, I love meat. So cook me some meat, arrasseo?" Yoongi said as he his paws.

"What a demanding cat!" Jin muttered to himself.

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Chapter 6: nice story! :)
"erted assassin-turned-teacher octopus."
