Chapter 5

The World Spins

Tonight, I’m afraid of being alone

Keep my hair until I fall asleep

Please believe me. I’m not normally like this

I just want to listen to the lullabies you sing for me

While holding me in your arms just for tonight


(Tonight, I'm afraid of the dark - 10cm)



Baekhyun wasn't kidding about springing the sweatpants on him. After the first few days he began to constantly look like he was prepared to take a nap at any time, even when they visited Kyungsoo or Jongin or (more frequently) both of them.

Perhaps that's why it was so distressing, in the best way possible, to step into the bathroom and see him in a white button up that was tucked neatly into tight black jeans.

“I don't need a tie, do I?” Baekhyun asked, looking at Chanyeol in the mirror that he was currently using to meticulously apply eyeliner. Chanyeol tried and failed at looking like he hadn't been staring

“Nah, it's not really a formal event.” You look nice, he wanted to say, but managing to get those few words out had winded him. He must've still been staring, because Baekhyun smiled fondly and turned to look at him properly.

“Go get dressed, dummy. Kyungsoo will be here soon and if you aren't ready he’ll kill you.”

Chanyeol nodded and returned to the bedroom to locate his clothes. Perhaps he had sort of been wasting time instead of getting dressed. He wasn't particularly looking forward to being stuck in a room with all of his (varying degrees of drunk) coworkers and Baekhyun. Kyungsoo was their designated driver this evening, so at least he could enjoy some cheap alcohol to take his mind off of the weirdness of it all.

He returned to the bathroom a couple minutes later and realized suddenly that his outfit was kind of dark. Too dark, perhaps, judging by the way Baekhyun laughed as soon as he laid eyes on him.

“Are you really wearing all black to a Christmas party?”

“Yes? This is the only button up I have that fits. Why, does it look bad?” he asked, panicking slightly.

Baekhyun stopped laughing and shushed him, putting his eyeliner away and walking over to him. “No, you look good. Come here, you'll look less like the ghost of Christmas future if you roll your sleeves up.” He didn't give him a chance to do it himself, though, undoing the buttons at Chanyeol’s wrist and rolling his sleeves up to his elbows before repeating the same with his other arm.

“Thanks.” Chanyeol said after a moment to fill the uncomfortable silence while Baekhyun reached up to the top two buttons of his shirt. He was only trying to returned the favor when he wiped at the corner of his eye where his eyeliner had smudged, but he lingered there with his hand on his cheek. “You're so pretty.” he mumbled, intending to compliment his outfit or his makeup but accidentally focusing on just him instead (which seemed like a poignant metaphor for his life for the past month).

“Nice try, but your flattery doesn't work on me.” Baekhyun said playfully, but his rosy cheeks said otherwise.

“I guess I'll have to try harder next time.” Chanyeol murmured, leaning a little closer when Baekhyun started discreetly rising up on his tip toes. He was pretty sure he was about to receive one of Baekhyun’s corner-of-the-mouth kisses that he only bestowed upon him when he'd done something to make him particularly happy.

“Am I interrupting something?” asked a familiar but suddenly very unwanted voice from the doorway of the bathroom. Baekhyun jumped in surprise and bumped his forehead on Chanyeol’s chin, which didn't feel great for either of them.

“Hi, Jongin.” Baekhyun greeted, rubbing his forehead while Chanyeol gave his friend a look that informed him he was probably going to strangle him as soon as they weren't in Baekhyun’s presence. He got an infuriatingly innocent smile in return. “I’m gonna do his hair and then we’ll be ready.”

“Okay. I'm gonna go steal a beer.” Jongin announced, ignoring Chanyeol’s protests and making his way to the kitchen.

Chanyeol sort of felt like a little kid as Baekhyun sat him down on the bathroom counter so that he could reach his hair with hands full of some chemical-smelling hair product. He knew from experience that now that Baekhyun was distracted, he wasn't going to be receiving any kisses. He really wanted to kill Jongin.

“Okay, I'm done.” Baekhyun said once he was satisfied that Chanyeol looked sufficiently y-but-effortless, going to rinse his hands off.

“Why didn't you do anything to yours?”

“I look cute enough without it.” Baekhyun replied, fluttering his eyelashes at him for a moment before laughing. Chanyeol supposed he couldn't argue with that. He looked very cute, with his tail wagging and ears perked up with excitement. “No, I, um, don't like using hair products because they make my ears feel all stiff.” he said after a moment, suddenly not looking as wiggly and enthusiastic. “Do you think… Are you sure this will be okay? The people you work with won't think I'm weird or you're weird because if I'm your date, you know, they might assume-”

“Let them assume. It's alright.” he interrupted, taking one of Baekhyun’s still damp hands in his own and leading him in the direction of the door before he could start worrying too much. “You're way out of my league, anyways. It’ll make me look good.” he teased, just to see him turn pink all the way to the tips of his human pair of ears (he'd questioned him once about why exactly he had four ears and the exact reply was “Definitely not so that I can hear you asking me rude questions, so shut the hell up.” He didn't ask him again).

Jongin tossed his empty beer bottle in the trash, which kind of worried Chanyeol. If he'd had time to finish the whole thing they'd either taken so long that Kyungsoo was going to kill them or he'd drunk it way too quickly.

It turned out to be a mixture of both, because Kyungsoo was extremely agitated once they got to the car and Jongin leaned over from the passenger seat to lay his head on his shoulder anyways, which meant he was either buzzed or quite dumb.

“Please don't make out in my car.” Kyungsoo said while shoving Jongin off and looking in his rearview mirror, sounding like a flight attendant making a safety announcement in a droning monotone. Baekhyun snorted in amusement and wiggled over to sit in the middle seat just to spite him, already very used to the teasing. It had been a regular occurrence over the past month, and Chanyeol wasn't quite sure if his friends were making a weird attempt at being wingmen or if they really were just mocking him.

Whatever their intentions were, it was pretty helpful, because Baekhyun was as close to him as he could possibly get with his seatbelt in the way, and he was very determinedly not letting go of his hand.

“You know this isn't a Halloween party, right?” Kyungsoo asked when they'd barely exited the parking lot.

“Yep. I didn't know we were supposed to wear ugly sweaters, though, you should've told me.” Chanyeol replied, and he was laughing too much as he spoke for it to have full effect, but Jongin was still practically suffocating in the passenger seat as he tried to contain his laughter. Baekhyun didn't bother with that, laughing like he wanted the car beside them to hear his delight. Kyungsoo’s initial fondness of Baekhyun had developed into a loving animosity second only to his feelings for Chanyeol, and Baekhyun reciprocated the friendly hatred in full.

Baekhyun’s laughter died down, and he muffled his lingering giggles in Chanyeol’s shoulder once Kyungsoo started looking a bit like he was thinking about pulling over and turning around to hit him. “That was funny.” he whispered after a while, like he hadn't conveyed that enough by laughing for five minutes at one joke.

“Thank you, I put a lot of thought into that one.” Chanyeol whispered back, grinning mischievously. After a while Kyungsoo and Jongin drifted into conversation about groceries or something equally domestic and lame, and Baekhyun was idly playing with Chanyeol’s sleeve. It was sort of boring but very comfortable, and they arrived sooner than he really wanted to.

Baekhyun was practically shaking like a leaf by the time they made it inside, and it didn't help any that Jongin immediately made a beeline for the snack table with Kyungsoo following and leaving both of them alone.

“There's not even that many people here, see? You'll be fine.” Chanyeol said, resting a comforting hand on the small of his back.

“That just makes it more likely that they'll talk to me.”

“You're good at talking.”

“Well… Okay, that's true.” Baekhyun begrudgingly admitted, jumping in surprise when someone spoke.

“Hi! I'm Luhan, you must be Baekhyun?” greeted the disturbingly cheerful character who was extending a hand to him and completely ignoring Chanyeol.

“How'd you know that?” Chanyeol asked suspiciously. Luhan had organized the party and apparently designated himself as the greeter, but he didn't even work there, he was just married to Yifan (their boss who was currently nowhere to be seen).

“Jongin told me. It's nice to meet you. Come with me and I'll tell you all of Chanyeol’s dirty secrets and introduce you to everyone without his awkwardness getting in the way.” Luhan offered, still holding Baekhyun’s hand.

“Dirty secrets?” Chanyeol questioned, a concerned wrinkle appearing between his eyebrows. He had approximately one secret, and if Luhan of all people knew about it, then he had exactly two friends to kill.

“Um- Can I?” Baekhyun asked, looking up at Chanyeol. “I mean, I don't- I don't want to know your secrets and I don't think you're awkward but-”

“Of course, if you want to.” he answered to stop his rambling. He'd gathered that he was actually more concerned about interacting with people in the context of being Chanyeol’s date than the interactions himself. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to take that, but there didn’t seem to be a good interpretation. Regardless of his hurt feelings, though, he wanted Baekhyun to have fun, and if he could do that more easily with someone else then that was fine. Kind of.

Baekhyun beamed up at him and moved to give him one of the little hugs that he received a hundred or so times a day, but he stopped himself halfway and mumbled a quiet goodbye before allowing Luhan to drag him into the thick of the crowd. Well. Chanyeol’s date had been stolen and now he had to interact with all of these people beyond everyday small talk by himself.

He was stopped on his way to the booze by a guy who he was pretty sure worked on the other side of the building from him that was possibly named Yixing. “Hey, Chanyeol!” he greeted, waving his beer at him like they were closer than just vague recollections of each other's names and bumping into one another at the copy machine.

“Hey. Um, how are you?” he asked, trying not to sound as awkward as he felt.

“Good!” He didn't bother returning the question, jumping straight into the apparent reason for the conversation instead. “So, I noticed you brought someone with you.”

“Yeah, a lot of people noticed, apparently.” He was trying pretty hard not to sound bitter, but he was fairly sure it came across that way anyways.

“Well, can you blame them?” Chanyeol wasn't sure whether he was making fun of his lack of relationships, saying that Baekhyun was unusual looking enough to attract attention, or that he was attractive enough. They all offended him pretty equally, so he supposed it didn't matter which one it was. “I did an article on hybrids a few months ago, you might've read it?”

“Oh, probably, it rings a bell.” It did not really ring a bell. He hardly read anything from their company besides his own stuff and things he edited for Jongin and Kyungsoo.

“Anyways, the topic was how the relationship between humans and hybrids is evolving as the oldest of them have reached maturity, and all of the political and social implications of that.”

“Ah. How interesting.” Why the hell was he telling him all of this?

He soon got his answer, because now he was on the receiving end of a long rant about the romantic relationship that Yixing apparently thought he was in. He wanted to correct him but he was stunned into silence by the uncomfortably clinical terms that he was using, interrupted by the occasional pep talk about how his feelings were totally justified and morally correct.

He decided that he really needed to exit this conversation when the guy suddenly started questioning him about his life with Baekhyun as if he was discussing the weather. Even if such a thing was taking place, he wouldn’t be telling all the juicy details to whoever decided to ask about it. “Uh, this has been really interesting, but I think I should go see how Baekhyun is doing now.” he said a bit frantically, barely waiting for Yixing to say goodbye before he made his escape.

He wasn't really going to check on Baekhyun, because he'd been watching him out of the corner of his eye for moral strength during that trying conversation, and he seemed to be doing perfectly fine, fluttering from person to person with certified social butterfly Luhan and effortlessly befriending all of them, just as Chanyeol had expected. Instead he finally got to the table piled high with various beverages and chips and cookies as far as the eye could see. Jongin was nearby, stuffing his face with a piece of cake while Kyungsoo was staring longingly at the champagne.

“Hi, please try to look like we’re engaging in a really important conversation so none of these other weirdos will try to talk to me.” Chanyeol said in greeting.

“I enjoy your suffering but even I was starting to consider coming to save you from Yixing. What was he talking to you for so long about?” Kyungsoo asked, grabbing Jongin by the chin while he was speaking to dust crumbs off of his face.

“Apparently he wrote an article about human-hybrid relations a while ago and now he's rather passionate about it. It was interesting, I guess, but he thinks I'm screwing Baekhyun and started asking very detailed questions about it so I couldn't find it in myself to humor him any longer.”

“Ohoho. Were you thinking about that? Maybe he's a mind reader.” Jongin chipped in unhelpfully, shooting a gross icing-filled grin at him.

“I've never thought about that!” he said defensively, receiving skeptical looks from both of them. “Okay, maybe once or twice but not just now.” he admitted, frowning.

“Hm. Well. He wasn't mean about it, was he? I'll go tell him off if you want.” Jongin had apparently reached the stage of drunkenness in which he was looking for a fight.

“No, he was pretty supportive. I was waiting for him to ask for an invitation to the wedding.” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Well, see, he's researched the topic and doesn't see anything wrong with it.”

“Jongin, he's some sort of hippie, I'm not exactly looking for his advice on how to live my life.”

Jongin was preparing an argument when Baekhyun returned, looking happy and a bit dazed. “I met lots of people, Channie, even your boss. I think he likes me.”

“I'm sure he does. Where's Luhan?”

“He said he had to have a word with Yifan.” he said, frowning and leaning against Chanyeol. “In his office, for some reason. Dunno why.”

Chanyeol wasn't sure, but he had a feeling he didn't want the intimate details of whatever they were doing. While he was trying to get past that mental image, he noticed the empty glass in Baekhyun’s hand. “What are you drinking?”

“Wine. Luhan gave it to me.” Of course he did.

“Have you ever had wine before?”

“Nope. It doesn't taste good but it feels nice.” he said, grinning and wiggling closer like he was trying to permanently attach himself to Chanyeol’s side. Well, that explained the sudden happiness. “Can I have more?”

Chanyeol nodded and got himself a glass while he was refilling Baekhyun’s. It was hard not to laugh at the way his face scrunched up as he eagerly took a sip, but Chanyeol managed. Jongin did not, snorting loudly and grabbing Kyungsoo’s shoulder to shake him around. If Kyungsoo ever left Jongin, it would undoubtedly be because of his habit of manhandling people whenever he found something funny.

Chanyeol managed to stay within his small group of friends for the next hour, which he knew sort of defeated the purpose of even coming to this social event. He felt like it was more important to spend his time around Christmas with the people he was closest with rather than his acquaintances, anyways. Even if he did already spend almost all of his time with them.

Baekhyun had wandered off to continue his social tour of the office, and Chanyeol was currently making his way around the table trying to eat at least one of everything when he reappeared.

“Hi.” Baekhyun greeted, and just from the mischievous glint in his eyes as he uttered one word, Chanyeol knew he was up to something.

“Hello.” he replied, squinting suspiciously at him.

“Close your eyes for a second?” Baekhyun requested, looking a little nervous, perhaps worried that he'd already been found out. Chanyeol knew he wasn't going to seriously harm him or anything like that, though, so he decided to cooperate, closing his eyes.

He'd been prepared for lots of things. A handful of confetti dropped on his head, a piece of cake smashed into his face. Heck, he would've expected Baekhyun to punch him in the face before he'd plan for what was actually happening.

There were hands on his shoulders and soft, warm lips pressed against his own, and if this was supposed to be a playful peck then it was unlike any he'd ever known. This was Baekhyun, he reminded himself, small, soft, pretty Baekhyun who lived in his house and slept in his bed and apparently decided to kiss him, all of a sudden. The thought was meant to be a deterrent but instead it was what pushed him to return the kiss instead of standing there like a statue.

Baekhyun froze almost as soon as Chanyeol managed to get himself moving, but not for very long before he was pulling away and taking a big step backwards, wide eyed and as red as a cherry as if he'd been the one surprised.

“I-I’m sorry, that was- I didn't mean to- I’ll see you later?” Baekhyun said hurriedly before making a very distressed escape to the restroom.

Chanyeol didn't know what to think. Baekhyun had come dangerously close to his lips tons of times throughout his career of excessive shows of affection, but those were just sweet little pecks that Chanyeol could accept as Baekhyun being weird and not really getting the concept of personal space. He wouldn't have been very alarmed to recieve one of those properly aimed for his mouth, this time.

That wasn't one of those, though, it was one of those kisses you get in the car when you drive someone home after a first date to indicate that they're wanting a second one. A very deliberate ‘I like you, and here's what I've got to offer.’

But this wasn't a first date, it was much more complicated because it was Baekhyun (as he kept telling himself over and over again) and this wasn't a romantic date at all.

He might've driven himself completely mad with how fast his mind was running if it wasn't for Jongin practically tackling him in the midst of his fit of laughter.

“You are so red. Are you gonna be okay, you big idiot? I've never seen someone combust from a little bit of smooching under the mistletoe.”

Mistletoe? He thought maybe Jongin was making some kind of weird metaphor fueled by the holiday spirit, but no, he looked above his head and there was a little bundle of mistletoe tied up neatly in a red bow.

Everything made more sense now that Baekhyun had a motive that didn't involve being romantically interested in him. It made sense but Chanyeol sort of felt like he was going to be sick. He was pretty sure that most people who'd seen their friend go through a traumatic romantic experience in the past and saw them potentially careening towards another in the future would show some kind of concern. Jongin, on the other hand, saw an opportunity to laugh at him.

“Why did he do that?” he asked dumbly once he was done letting it sink in, frowning now that this definitely was not a bizarre and unnecessarily public way for Baekhyun to confess his love. He felt even more sick when he realized he would've been happy if that's what it was.

“He was talking to me and then he looked over and Yifan’s secretary- yeah, the same one that got you last year- was eyeballing you standing under the mistletoe like a frog waiting for a princess to come kiss you, and she was coming. I guess he decided that rescuing you was more important than listening to the rest of my story.” he complained, quickly pulling Chanyeol further away from the mistletoe when he made awkward eye contact with the aforementioned secretary.

“He could've just said ‘hey, Chanyeol, you're standing right under a literal ‘come kiss me’ sign and a female predator is staring at you, wanna come eat some sugar cookies with me instead of allowing her to devour you whole?’”

“Well, yeah, he could've, if he was boring like you are. There's no fun in that.”

“Everyone is gonna think I'm dating him now.” he mumbled, though that was a pretty weak argument. He didn't really care.

“They already thought that, and if you really didn't want them to you wouldn't have brought him.” Jongin argued.

“That's true. Also, you appeared to be rather enthusiastically kissing him back once you got past the initial heart attack, so don't complain.” Kyungsoo added helpfully when he bumped into them. “I'm gonna go check on him and make sure he's not crying all his eyeliner off in the bathroom. Poor dramatic baby.” he sighed, leaving as quickly as he came.

Chanyeol was about to follow him now that he had the image of his ‘poor dramatic baby’ crying in his head, but Jongin shook his head and handed him a glass of wine instead. “If he's crying, it's because he's embarrassed. You'll just make it worse.”

He was right, but that didn't stop Chanyeol from huffing and puffing about it for a while. Jongin had apparently deduced that he was genuinely kind of upset and very confused, because he was frowning sympathetically at him and bringing him lots of cookies. No amount of cookies helped him to stop thinking about Baekhyun’s lips against his own.

“Do you mind leaving early?” Jongin asked him while reading something on his phone.

“No, why?”

“Kyungsoo just texted me and said Baekhyun feels bad.”

“What? He shouldn't, I mean I was kind of surprised and I sort of wish he wouldn't have done that but it's okay and-”

“No, he feels bad. He drank too much wine.”

“Oh.” Chanyeol murmured, his concern fading for a moment before coming back in full. “I should've been paying attention, this is the first time he's ever had alcohol.”

“Relax, you're not his mom. Give him an aspirin and some water and he’ll be fine.” Jongin said reassuringly, though he was unable to hide the roll of his eyes at how dramatic Chanyeol was being.

Kyungsoo returned with a very flushed Baekhyun in tow, who was determinedly not looking at Chanyeol. It took a few minutes to escape all of the people saying goodbye as they headed for the door, but eventually they made it.

The car ride was exceptionally awkward for all of two minutes before Chanyeol got tired of watching Baekhyun shiver from the other side of the backseat. He unbuckled his seat belt, launching Kyungsoo into a lecture about car safety, and scooted to the middle seat. Kyungsoo stopped his lecture mid-sentence exactly when he had fastened his seat belt again, giving credence to Chanyeol’s theory that he had eyes in the back of his head.

He felt like he could finally breathe again when Baekhyun laid his head on his shoulder, clinging onto his arm and grumbling under his breath about how horrible wine was.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol asked quietly, smiling as Baekhyun tried to work his way under his arm.

“My tummy hurts.” he whined childishly, shoving at Chanyeol’s arm. “Stop being difficult, pet me.” he demanded, his grouchiness effectively cutting through any awkwardness or embarrassment he might've felt otherwise.

Chanyeol obliged him, soothingly rubbing the back of his neck. He was pretty sure Baekhyun was violating some safety rules when he wiggled out of the shoulder portion of his seat belt to bury his face in his chest, but Kyungsoo didn't say anything this time. He decided he could never really be mad at Baekhyun, even if he kissed him for the fun of it and sent his heart reeling.

Baekhyun nearly fell asleep a few times, going very still for a moment and then suddenly jostling himself awake again. Chanyeol laughed a little bit every time, but he was starting to feel bad for all the effort he was exerting.

“You can go to sleep, if you want.” he murmured, playing with one of Baekhyun’s velvety ears.

“I can't.” he huffed, seeming annoyed about that very fact.

“I can carry you inside.”

“I know. I gotta talk to you, though.”

“You're talking to me right now?”

“I need to talk to you in private, though.” Baekhyun whispered, though he was as noisy at whispering as he was at using an inside voice.

“It can wait until the morning.” Chanyeol mumbled unconvincingly, because he was quite sure he knew what Baekhyun wanted to talk privately about and he was just a little desperate to hear what he had to say, even if he felt bad for keeping him awake.

“Sorry, I value our intimate late night talks too much to just go passing out on you like this.” Baekhyun said sarcastically, but with a degree of finality that finally shut Chanyeol up.

Jongin was fast asleep in the passenger seat by the time they got back to their apartment, so the two of them whispered thank yous and goodbyes to a very fond looking Kyungsoo before braving the cold night air and running for the door of the apartment complex. Until Baekhyun froze suddenly, groaning and clutching at his stomach like he was going to give birth in the middle of the parking lot or something.

Chanyeol waited patiently even as his knees knocked together from shivering, running his fingers through Baekhyun’s hair and frowning at his shaking shoulders.

“Come on, you're going to actually get sick if we stay out here for too long.”

“What if I puke in the elevator? I'm so dizzy, oh my God, I think I'm gonna die.” Baekhyun said as he stood up straight, squeezing his eyes shut. Chanyeol picked him up, and Baekhyun whined about his image and worried that someone would see him even as Chanyeol reminded him that it was way too late for their fairly old neighbors to be wandering the halls.

Baekhyun’s arms and legs were wrapped around him by the time they made it upstairs, and he hadn't gotten sick in the elevator. He carried him around to turn on all of the lamps in the living room, opting for dim lighting to avoid making his headache worse. He deposited him on the couch once he was done, patting his head gently.

“I'm gonna go get you some water and medicine.”

“Ok. I, um, I'm sorry I kissed you.” Baekhyun said once Chanyeol exited his frame of vision, finding it a bit easier that way.

“It's okay.” Chanyeol replied from the kitchen, shrugging a little even though Baekhyun couldn't see him. It was okay that he did it. He couldn't have known that Chanyeol was going to have all this dramatic inner conflict about it. “Why exactly did you do that, though?”

“There was this lady. She was looking at you and I was pretty sure she was gonna kiss you, because you were standing under the mistletoe- you didn't even notice it, did you? Dummy- and I guess maybe you might've wanted her to, I don't know, I didn't really think about it. I'm not good to bring to these things if you're trying to hook up with someone.”

“Good thing I wasn't, then.” Chanyeol hummed, returning and handing him a glass of water and a couple tums to settle his stomach.

Baekhyun swallowed thickly at that, taking his time chewing up the medicine and swishing water around his mouth. “But even if you weren't, I'm sorry for being jealous”- Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at that, “no, not jealous. That's not what I meant, I just didn't want her to kiss you.”

“So you kissed me yourself? You were being possessive, then.” Chanyeol said helpfully, grinning at Baekhyun’s steadily reddening face.

“It doesn't matter what I was being. I'm trying to apologize, be quiet. I'm sorry I kissed you in front of everyone you work with, even if most of them were too intoxicated to pay any attention. I know it's probably embarrassing for them to think that we’re… involved, so I shouldn't have-”

This was a beautiful apology and all, but Baekhyun was pretty blatantly wrong about that, so Chanyeol interrupted him by leaning over and pecking him on the lips.

Baekhyun surprisingly wasn't very red anymore when he pulled away. He was kind of pale, in fact. Chanyeol was confused for a second until he was suddenly pushing him away and hurrying to the bathroom, which wasn't exactly the reaction Chanyeol was looking for.

He went to the bedroom after a few stressful minutes of waiting for him to return, unsure if he was just having another episode of feeling sick or if he'd made a horrible mistake. As stressed as he may have been, he was still tired, and it didn't take a long for the comfortable sheets on his bed to start taking their toll on him.

He was half asleep when Baekhyun finally joined him, the bed dipping beside him as he scored closer. He forced his eyes open just in time to see Baekhyun leaning closer and planting a kiss on his lips.

“Don't worry, I brushed my teeth.” he teased when Chanyeol looked taken aback, patting his cheek before tucking his head under his chin and closing his eyes. “We can talk about it in the morning.” he murmured, mostly to himself. Chanyeol wasn't so worried anymore, and a Baekhyun felt a bit better. Soon they were both fast asleep.




A/N: This chapter is honestly a mess and I apologize. I barely proofread it because it took ages (as you can tell) and I was just so tired of it, so I apologize for any errors! If anyone wants to be my proofreader/motivational assistant I would love you forever. 😘

Also the song for this chapter is pretty unrelated to the story, but it's a great song so I just had to include it. I wonder if you guys like the songs or if it's kind of silly for me to include them? 🤔 Oh well, I already started this way so I guess I'll finish this way. 

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meongmungee #1
Chapter 5: I like the songs, I listen to 10cm so when I see you include that song, I feel so excited kkk
chandanasan #2
Chapter 5: awwww OMG SO MUCH FLUFF OMG.
Lmao jongin and Chanyeol really enjoy the snack table lmao. And that Krislu LOL

ahhh they kissseddddddddd. Lmao baekhyun threw up right after lmfao lmfao lmfao.
t_aeri #3
Chapter 4: OMG
I will have cavities from the sweetness
Chapter 3: Omg!!! Cuties!!
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 2: They are so adorable!!!!!!!!!