Let Me Be Your Lover

Right after the door is shut, this so called Choi Seunghyun guy looking at me up and down, I don’t know whether he checking me out or what. . .  what ever its by looking at his grumpy face I can feel that this is not going to be a good conversation. . . . . . .

“You must be the ‘woman’ or should I say the brave and crazy ‘woman’. The one who dares to take this absurd, childish, idiot job! For your information, I don’t like roleplay. I prefer real play. As long as you do whatever I say, I’ll pay you triple as compared to the agreement you’ve signed before!”

            I gape at him in disbelief. . . . what the fish is he trying to prove here? Role play? Agreement? By the look at his face I know he is definitely an asian or precisely a Korean, cant he speak he speak Korean? He talk with Jeremy before this in Korean, why not now? Eyyy he must want to show off. Tchhhhh

“Mr. Choi ssi, cant you speak Korean or you didn’t know how to?” I sid to him sounding sarcastic.

“Why? You didn’t understand what I’ve said?”  he tease me back . . .  but rudely.

“Nope!” people said honesty is the policy aint it?

“Ridiculous! She could be better than this . . . .”  he muttering loudly.

            She who? Who the hell is this ‘she’ girl or guy?

Yahhh! What nonsense is this?”

“Okay, Miss whatever your name is. . . I’ll pay you triple the amount that crazy woman had paid you, as long as you follow whatever I say and play your role as good as you can. I don’t want any error, I want a realistic acting!”

Wae? Which crazy woman he implied to? Is it Madam Lee? Well she is crazy but a crazy perfectionist! Does this guy knew Madam Lee? I don’t think he ever came to the shop before. This is weird. . . and . . . .

“Role? What role? What do you mean by acting realistically?”  I ask him while rubbing non-itchy-head.

“Hmmmmm . . . don’t act like you didn’t know a thing! Being my fiancée for tonight. But remember not to make others suspicious or make they think that you are not my lover. I don’t want you to embarrassed me infront of my family later. After this night end, we can go back to our normal life a.k.a strangers a.k.a not knowing each other”

I scrunched my face while looking at him in disbiliefly-weirdly. . .

“Aishhh which bastard had been spreading rumours that I’m going to bring my fiancée tonight” he muttered.

            This chubby guy is the one who is insane right now!

“I think you’re the one who is crazy here” I said spontaneously.

“Ehh? You said I’m crazy? Yah! Its your friend who is the one are crazy! How dare she made me like this. It’s like every penny I spent on her is nothing.”  Snapped him roughly. Now he is walking back and forth inside the room.

            This guy is really crazy I can confirmed it! Oh God why did you put me in this crazy situation with a crazy person? Before I become crazy like him, I better take my leave. “Err, Sir I’m actually . .”

            “I give you three minutes! Think wisely! Whether you want to go on or not, if yes. . . I’ll  transfer 2,000,000.00 won to your account right now.  Another  5,000,000.00 won be transfer after you finish your task”

            I’m a little bit confuse with what kind of business deal its, but for sure my brain starting to replay all the incident happened at the house last week. Haa!! This might be the way God’ve sent to me!

            “So, how’s?”

            “I agree!” i said confidently.


After a few minutes he show his phone to me. . . Wow! In the blink of an eye the amount inside my bank become 2,000,021.72 won!


            Nodding at him a few times. Who the heck in this world doesn’t like when they got money?

            “So, I’ll meet you outside in ten minutes. See ya!”


I’m standing like a lost kid infront of the room. Where is the chubby guy? He said in ten minutes but where he is now? All of the maids who walk through this hallway looking at me weirdly. Jeremy and all his crews gone to nowhere i can find him. Aishhhhhh, if I refuse his offer just now, I might be at home on my bed with poongpoongie right now. Phewww. . . .

            Is it too late if I want to back off? That chubby guy is not even here. No one knows about this deal, but how can i back off when he already transferred the money? Omma doesn’t raised me to be a thief! As I was busying myself in my own thought a voice came

            “Hye! Have you wait that long?”

A man in full suit standing beside me. I look at him weirdly try to compromise who is this another chubby guy. . .

            “Hello? It’s me your boss. Lets make the grand entrance!” he wave at me trying to get my attention.

Ehh? Boss? They have the same and same body but the difference is he had no beard and kind of look good in a full suit. He’d shave all his beard, that’s why he look hella different! But this ‘new’ him kinda remember me of someone I used to know. . . . hmmmmm . . . ahh nevermind. He is actually a very goodlooking I tell you.

“Ahh, Its you . . .”

            “Good! Now, I want you to smile as sincerely as you can throughout the ceremony after this. But remember, let me the only one who answer all the questions later. You can answer them if only I give you the signal.” He warned me then he stretched out his arm as a sign for me to hold it like a couple always do. He bring me straight away to the main door I as the maids open it.  My heart is beating so hard like its going to explode in any minute. You can do it Bom!

            As we enter the ‘room’ or I can say a dining hall. . . A freakin huge dining hall! Much more bigger than the place I’m stayng right now! Before I can continue my gaping at the huge dining hall, a guy also in a sleek black suit come to us. I think I;ve seen this guy somewhere . . . But where I cant remember.

He slap on ‘boss’ shoulder lightly a few times. I can see the smile he is giving to ‘boss’ is not sincere . . .

            “Seunghyun . . . everyone are gossiping about you bringing your future wife to meet us. I thought it’s just a rumour. But I think I was wrong. So this must be . . . .”

Before he can finish his words, his eyes turns big and just looking at me for a minute then squint his eyes as an assurance.

            “Your girl . . . err. . . Miss Judgemental a.k.a Miss Prejudice?” he look at ‘boss’ and me back and forth.

            “Err . . . Mr. Charity?” I ask him weirdly.

From the corner of my eyes I can see ‘boss’ is looking at the two of us back and forth.

            “You guys knew each other?”

            “Yes at the airport, she . . .”  before he can finish his word I jump a little at him and cover his mouth.

            “Ahh yes, yes. We kind of knew each other”

            “Good then, I don’t need to waste my energy introduce you to Jiyong then. Please excuse us my dear cousin, we have something much important to do” he drag me away from Mr. Charity or may I say the Jiyong guy.



The sound of spoon and fork can be heard, everyone seems busy with the food that had been serve. They were talking to each other except for me who doesn’t know anyone beside ‘boss’ who is sitting on my right and Jiyong who chose to sit in front of me.

            “Why Bom? Is the food doesn’t taste that good?” Grandma Seulli ask me. She is sitting at the end of the table, well she is kind of the Ma’am to the household.

            Grandma Seulli is the grandmother to my ‘boss’, she told me she is almost 70 years old but trust me she doesn’t look like an almost 70 years old grandma.  Still pretty and strong!

            “Its not like that grandma . . Actually I’m full” I need to lie eventhough my stomach is grumbling like a mad man. Its not the foods are not good, but its look so westernized where only reach people could afford it. Lobster . . steak . . . salad and many more other dishes that I’ve ever seen before and its not because I don’t want to. Come on! Its free, who doesn’t like it?! Tell me. . . . Its just that I’m afraid that my acting is going to be spoil. The only dishes I manage to eat is the salad. . .

            My so-called-fiance are too busy with his foods. He is not even look at me! Tchhhhh

No wonder he is fluffy!

            “You must be feeling awkward isn’t Bom?” Grandma Seulli ask once again.

I nudge ‘boss’. He warned me that I talk unless if he give me signal but he doesn’t give me any signal from the beginning. He is just too busy with his foods like he didn’t eat for a year.

He turn his head to look at me looking mad. Eyyy don’t say he is mad because I interrupted his moment with foods.

            “Just answer her.”  Whispering at me with his mouth full.

Eyerrkkk, so unmannered!

            “Ahhhh, yes Grandma.  Didn’t expect its a big family dinner” answering her politely.

            “Dont worry, its going to be your family either”  she smile at me sweetly.

Swallowing my saliva. My family? Oh nooooooooo. I just smile at her. I can see that boss’s mother and father are glaring at me from the beginning we made our so called grand entrance. Welp, seems like they don’t like. Well its okay, its just for tonight ‘omma’  . . .’appa’ . . . Then my eyes stuck at Mr. Charity, he is also has been looking at me this entire time.  From my imagination I can see a big question mark is on top of his head by the way he is looking at me. Grandma Seulli voice interrupt my imagination . . .

            “I feel so blessed  to met you Bom, Seunghyun future wife. I really hope both of you marry as soon as possible. Hmmm Grandma didn’t have much time. . .” She said sounding hopefully.

            “Grandma! Why would you say that? Didnt you promise to be my wedding planner?”  ‘boss’ cut her words.

 Grandma Seulli giggle at his words.

            “I’m old already. My body always aching, often in and out hospital even the doctors are sick looking at this old lady”

            “Dont worry Grandma, I promise you I’ll be married by this year!

Suddenly Grandma Seulli clap her hand happily

            “Haaaaa, its god then if you said that! Since everyone is here, why not both of you just marry tonight!” she sound so happy with her planned. She must be joking . . Eyy grandma also know how to joke.

             "Hhahahahahahhaha you must be kidding us grandma!" 'boss' is laughing his off like its the joke of the year. Then everyone also start to laugh with him. When suddenly the slowspoke Grandma Seulli stand up and raise her voice. . . . . .



        “I’m not joking and no one can argue it!” she said firmly so everyone can heard her. Well, yeorobun this the most memorable joke of the year.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha haha haaaaa haaaa haaa haa ha . . . . . . . . Ommaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Authornim..... please pretty please update this story sooner ㅠ_ㅠ
sildaagnesty #2
It's getting more interesting!! Update really soon authornim
maryetta01 #3
Chapter 7: Lmfao will his girlfriend who is gone one a relaxkng holiday fall at his feet and want to marry him once he is M size???
Lmao Jiyong...why so serious and curious. .. its not the fact that they are fake right... interest jn bommie maybe?? Hahaha
Omg she has to study and he to lose weight... this is a very interesting challenge and im hooked. Thanks for the update...cant wait for next chapter. Xo
kratepow #4
Chapter 7: Can't wait to see the M seunghyun and the transformation bom. I bet they will breathtaking. Make them fall in love soon please ㅋㅋㅋ. Thank you for the update authornim
maryetta01 #6
Chapter 6: Omg poor bommie... her life dramas went from 0 to 100 real quick.
Chubby guy at airport is seunghyun hahahha and Mr charity is seunghyuns cousin who knows that bommie isnt seunghyuns girlfriend lol oh so the model girl at the airport was his girlfriend??? Omg this is super funny and a bit sad (for bommie) at the same time.
The grandma is such a good actress hahaha
Everyone will probably give Bom a hard time...since they are all suspicious. Omg how will Jiyong...seunghyun and Bommie relationship ufold??? Curiosity kills the cat. Lol. Cant wait for your next update. Hwaiting.
meanbelon #7
Chapter 6: Finally you are back author-nim. Please update the story soon. Can't wait for it!!
Chapter 6: hmmm.... seunghyun knew bom before? and he teased bom back then? looks like seunghyun was in love with bom but too arrogant to say the three words and he chooses to tease bom. hmm my thought is true, right authornim.. kekeke
update sooner authornim
Hyuugasakura #9
Chapter 6: Wow! I wonder if GD is interested in Bom! Why was Seunghyun so mean to Bom in the past? Can't wait to read more!
haneul024 #10
Chapter 5: whoaa update please .. can't wait untill seunghyun fall in love with bom ^^