Now You See Him


And now you'll see him in a whole new different light. He's special, he's important, but he was never the one who would make your heart go wild and your cheeks burst in flames (unless he embarrasses you in front of everyone).

So what's going to happen to you? And to him? And to your friendship?


Hey there! Thanks for clicking into this story!!

I kinda wanna expand this story, so it would be great to hear whether you guys want to see this story! Comments are greatly appreciated!

Meanwhile, if you enjoy this story, do upvote, and check out my other book Behind the Scenes as well!!

If you're a reader from Behind the Scenes, I love you guys!!

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the story! Do forgive me if there are any mistakes in the names here, because this is supposed to be a wattpas version but I decided to share it with y'all here.

Okay I shall stop talking now. Thank you for reading!



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