Chapter 1







He is no longer in Busan, the sound of ocean waves he grew up to are now replaced by the sound of leaves gently rustling in the breeze. Everything before him was abloom, plum trees that lined the way up a gently sloping hill showed off their dainty blossoms. White petals swirled as if doing a dance especially for him. Stretching out his hand, a perfect petal fluttered down and came to rest on his palm. It was a warm and bright day and for Kang Seungyoon, it might just be the very day that he gets himself a new place to call home. Delicately placing the wayward petal in his wallet, he continued his walk up the hill.


Having carefully memorized the way from the cafe his friend worked at just down the hill to the apartment, he stopped halfway up the street from his destination. He spotted a small park down by the river at the bottom of the hill along with a convenience store at the corner from where he was standing. Another cool breeze blew past him at that moment, making the leaves on the trees above him rustle. Seungyoon faced up the sky, revelling over how blue and vast it was. Taking one last moment to enjoy the breeze and everything else around him, Seungyoon released a satisfied sigh as he began walking again.


    “It should be this building right here.” he said to himself, turning to face the building behind him.


It had six floors with balconies facing the treelined street he was standing on and there was what appeared to be a car park on the other side of the road. The entrance was not grand in any way, blooming primrose in flower pots were positioned on the steps leading up to it, making the whole place seem unpretentious and inviting. Coming closer, Seungyoon took notice of several small notes posted on the door.


Recalling that the landlord had told him to wait by the entrance, Seungyoon sat down on one of the steps that was partially in the shade of a blossoming plum tree. He hoped that this place would be right for him, that this place would finally be it. The apartment complex was only a short bus ride away from his university and there was also a subway line he could take if he walked a couple extra minutes. His childhood friend, Lee Seunghoon, was the one who tipped him off about it the previous week. He worked at a cafe located down the hill from where he now was sitting and waiting.


    Toodle Doo!” the shrillness of the voice startled him, making him jerk his head up to where it had come from. Above him was an old woman with the fluffiest hair of white he had ever seen. She was leaning over the balcony excitedly waving down at him.


    Are you Kang Seungyoon? The one on the phone looking for a room?”


Seungyoon abruptly stood up. Bowing towards the old woman, he started to wave back.


    “Yes, ma'am. I came to have a look at the room you have for rent.”


The old woman nodded at him and smiled a strange smile.


    It’s on the 6th floor! Apartment 601! The front door is open!”




Walking up the stairs, Seungyoon regretted not taking the elevator. It was a warm day and he was already feeling a little clammy from walking up the hill. He wanted to make a good first impression even if the landlord had appeared a bit odd. Stopping at the last flight of stairs to the sixth floor, Seungyoon paused and quickly ran a hand through his hair, hoping that it would at least make him look more presentable.


The door to apartment 601 was indeed unlocked when he reached it, still he waited for the old lady to come to the door and let him in after he had knocked.


    “Ah, come in! Come in!” she ushered brightly, almost dragging him inside. She was a crooked little woman with a very gentle looking face filled with smiling wrinkles. She quickly explained to him that she had arrived early to tidy up the place, but that it had looked decent beforehand so she had made herself some tea and enjoyed the view from the balcony instead.


Seungyoon already knew that someone else would be sharing the place with him, but the only thing she had told him on the phone about him was, ‘Quiet fellow, pretty face, and he has allergy friendly pets. Moved in over a month ago.’


 “You share the living space, the kitchen, and bathroom. As you can see, it’s very spacious.” the old woman was walking ahead of him, pointing things out here and there, “Now, this here will be your room.”


As the old woman opened the door to it, the first thing Seungyoon noticed was the sun’s afternoon ray slanting at a funny angle through the glass. It bathed the room in a soft warm glow making it seem as if it was almost sparkling. At that moment, Seungyoon felt a strange feeling envelop him. It was a very nice bright and airy room with a window by where he easily imagined he would put his desk. A big comfy bed would be perfect at the far end, then a wardrobe at the opposite wall. Maybe even a bookcase and a moderately sized cabinet for all his other things!! He was already envisioning it all in his mind. It had to be a good sign! The fact that the living space was in between their bedrooms meant that they could both have some privacy too. It wouldn’t be that much of an issue if he played his guitar in there.


Walking out of the room, he paused as he felt the same invigorating breeze from before flow in through the half-open window. Seungyoon couldn’t help but grin, everything seemed to be falling into place, it all felt just right. He could already see himself sitting by that very window drinking his morning coffee. The kitchen wasn’t very large, but he didn’t cook much anyway. Peeking into the bathroom he was surprised to see a bathtub which was very rare for these kinds of apartments.


    “What do you think?” the old woman suddenly asked from behind him. Startled yet again, Seungyoon turned abruptly to face her. She was sipping on her tea eyeing him with a curious look. He wasn’t the type of person to rush into these kind of decisions but everything just felt so right leaving him with no room for doubt. This place is it! Seungyoon knew it to his core.


    “I like it and I would definitely like to rent it should you choose me over the others who have already viewed this place.” he declared with unwavering certainty.


The old woman’s facial expression was hard to read. She took another large sip of her tea and closed her eyes, probably enjoying the breeze like he did earlier.


    “You know, you are the third person to see it this afternoon. I would really like for this to be settled today as I would very much like to go out and enjoy the nice weather.” she paused for a moment, a wistful expression on her face, “There’s something about you, something that tells me you and him will get along just fine.” finishing the last of her tea, she continued, “I say we have a deal, young man. The room is yours.”


Seungyoon instantly felt elated but he wasn’t quite sure if he had heard correctly so he repeated her words out loud.


    We have a deal? I got the room? Really?!”


    “Yes, yes! Hurry along.” She had jumped to her feet as she said it and was now in a hurry to close the window to his promised room. “I’ll send you the key in the mail along with the papers. Should take less than a week!”




Minutes later when he was out on the sidewalk again, Seungyoon glanced up. His gaze falling on the balcony on the sixth floor where the old woman was waving at him from earlier. Unless he had just been a victim to some mean trick, he was now only a week away from calling that very place home. Continuing his way down the hill, he decided to buy himself a cooling drink at the convenience store he passed by earlier, maybe he could enjoy it in the nearby park he spotted before stopping by the university to pick up his ID that should be ready now.


He was just about to cross the road to get to the convenience store when he heard someone frantically call out from behind him,


    “Excuse me! Can you please grab that before it rolls past you?!”


Turning he saw something red and round on the ground about to roll past his feet. He was about to grab it but missed. Chasing after it, the round red object hit a rock and bounced into the air. Seungyoon jumped up and raised his hand, triumphantly catching it in mid air. He cheered for himself internally but it was cut short when he found himself falling.


Disoriented for a moment, he blinked a few times then kept his eyes closed as he tried to remember the last thing he was doing before ending up on the ground. Oddly, he was gripping something hard in his hand and on top of him a nice weight had settled that strangely felt pleasant and cozy. The delicious smell of cinnamon and other spices along with the distinct scent of apples was all around him. Slowly the rest of his senses started to sharpen, he hears the leaves rustling followed by some movement above him that brought his consciousness back.


Pink. It was all that filled his vision when he finally opened his eyes. It was a soft pale color and it instantly reminded him of cotton candy. Seungyoon could almost taste how sugary sweet it would be. He craved it, needed to have it, even if it meant getting cavities.


    “Sorry about that. I tried to grab you by the elbow but I fell over as well.”


Seungyoon is suddenly very aware of everything, especially of the very pretty looking young man on top of him. There is no ignoring the strange bubbling in his chest and although he wanted to say something to him at that moment, his words failed him.


The young man moved away from him, the weight pressing above him disappearing. Seungyoon watches him silently, knowing deep down that he will never forget this moment. A pale, beautiful boy with cotton candy pink hair, standing on the sidewalk in a halo of light. Suddenly, the young man turned to him, grinning. His hand is held out towards him, waiting.


Seungyoon doesn’t hesitate, his hand sliding easily into his. Their palms touching as if reuniting with familiarity. His eyes are captivating, Seungyoon notes, holding his gaze. The young man pulls him up, pulls him closer, pulls him until their foreheads gently conk together. Seungyoon’s breath hitches as his forehead rests against the young man’s. He is warm and solid, and he smells so damn good. Seungyoon is struck by how right it feels, how natural. As if this is the work of fate, as if this is really meant to happen.


    “Thank you.” Seungyoon murmurs, mesmerized, lost in his eyes.


    “I’m the one who should be thanking you.” the flush that climbs up the young man’s neck and paints his cheeks is incredibly endearing. “You caught my runaway apple after all.”


    Hmm...” Seungyoon couldn’t help but tease, “So, does this make me into your hero?”


    I guess so.” the young man relents, laughing a little. The sound of it does funny things to Seungyoon’s belly. He really is beautiful, every bit of the word.


As the young man notices his gaze on him, he smiles sweetly. It’s so sincere and warm, Seungyoon instantly returns it.


    “I better get going or I’ll be late for work.” the young man dips his head, even his voice sounded sweet and Seungyoon for some unknown reason couldn’t help but think of it as home.


    Already? So soon? Seungyoon bit his lip, he didn’t dare tell him that. Instead, he smiled. Handing back to the young man what he now realizes is an apple, he tells him to be extra careful.


Observing him balance a brown paper bag in one arm, Seungyoon watches him walk away. He didn’t feel regretful at all as he watched him leave and make his way up the hill. Soon he will be moving into this very place and that to him meant that he would definitely see him again.


Glancing down at his watch, Seungyoon realizes that the bus he plans to take will be arriving soon. He turns back and continues his walk down the hill, suddenly he feels a hand reach out and grab him, stopping him in his tracks.


The young man was back, his soft pink hair ruffling in the breeze. Seungyoon’s breath catches at the lightness of his touch, and then he smiles, bright and happy.


    Drink this.” the young man tells him, shoving a cool bottle into his hand. “My thanks for earlier.” and then he is gone again, leaving a wake of white petals fluttering in the breeze.


When Seungyoon finally looks down at what the young man handed him, he laughs. It was a glass bottle filled with a golden colored liquid.


    100% Pure Apple Juice. Not from Concentrate.




It took a good nine days for him to be back in the apartment complex up the hill. When the keys arrived along with the documents, he still had about a week to go until the semester started. Pleased that it had not been a hoax and that the room was most definitely and now truly his, he set out early that morning in high spirits. He opted to have a taxi help him bring the few boxes and bags he had with him, all in one go. He owned no furniture so one trip would do.


Reaching the apartment complex, the taxi driver helped him unload everything on the pavement and then he was on his own. Throwing the guitar case with his guitar in it over his back, he picked up a bag and a lightweight box then begun moving towards the elevator. He propped everything up against the wall outside the elevator on the sixth floor. He didn’t want his things to be left out on the street for too long so it was better for it to clutter the hall for a little while. He figured no one would really mind and since he didn’t bring much things with him, he was confident he’d get all his things inside his new room in no time.


Arriving back outside to retrieve his duffel bag and two remaining boxes, he noticed something glinting in a distance. Curious over what it could be, Seungyoon squinted his eyes and watched it moving closer towards him. The sound of something falling on the ground from behind him, catches his attention. He turns his head, finding the duffel bag he placed on top of one of the boxes now on the ground. With a sigh he walked towards it and grabbed it, wondering for a bit over which box he should carry inside first.


    “Need help with those?” There was something about that voice, something that made his nerves swell. Seungyoon turned slowly, finding a young man with a full head of golden hair standing next to his box, the last of it. He didn’t get a look at his face, still there was something extremely familiar about him that piqued Seungyoon’s interest. With his hair being so light, Seungyoon was certain that he would remember if he had met someone like him before.


    In any case, Seungyoon is grateful for his help. “Sure. That’s the last one.”


Gathering his things they squeezed themselves into the elevator together, Seungyoon’s back going flat against the wall. Just as the door closed, it made an alarming creaking sound which in turn made Seungyoon fear that they might end up getting stuck there eventually.


    “What floor?” He suddenly heard the young man in front of him ask, he was standing in front of the panel. Seungyoon could see that the button for the sixth floor is lit up, it had already been pressed.


    “So, what floor?” the young man repeats, turning towards him, and then he smiles making Seungyoon almost literally drop the box he was carrying right then and there.


    “Hey, are you okay?”


Seungyoon didn’t even realize that he had closed his eyes and kept it closed. He opens them, breath no longer steady as realization hits him full force. It’s that guy that he’d been wanting to see from the moment he first visited this place, the guy with the runaway apple, the really pretty one with pink hair.


    “I’m okay.” Seungyoon bites his lip. “I’m going to the sixth floor.”


The young man’s eyes shine and the smile he flashes Seungyoon after is incredibly blinding.


    “Oh, I’m going to the sixth floor too.”


Seungyoon’s heart races at his revelation and almost drops his box again over it.


They don’t speak as the elevator rises to their designated floor. Seungyoon wonders if his hunch is correct, if this guy is indeed the same guy that ran into him about a week and a half ago. Seungyoon is almost certain that the young man before him isn’t aware of him yet, at least he didn’t seem like it as far as he could tell. He wasn’t sure what to make of it, it felt a little unfair that he seemed to be the only one that had kept the beautiful man in his thoughts days after their fateful meeting.


But then the young man turns back, their gaze locking. “Thanks again. For the apple.”




They stepped out onto the sixth floor landing and pretty guy with the golden hair almost trips over the box Seungyoon had left there on his previous round.


    “Is this your stuff too?” he asked. Seungyoon nodded sheepishly while putting down the box he had been carrying.


    “Yup. I’m new here. I’ll be moving in over there.” he said and pointed at the door just a few feet away from the elevator.


The guy looked at him, then to the door he pointed out, then back at him again. His cheeks have gone completely red, Seungyoon noticed. He watches his pretty eyes flit back and forth.


    “Um, I live there.”


    “601?” Seungyoon asked, voice rising.


    “601.” The beautiful young man confirmed, running a hand through his hair.


    Wait, you’re my roommate?!” The disbelief in Seungyoon’s tone is evident. He stepped closer to him no longer caring how obvious he was being. He wanted to be sure.


The young man chuckles, his pink tongue sticking out to wet his lips. Just like the first time, the sound of his voice does funny things to him that he couldn’t explain. Seungyoon watches him nod slowly, his cheeks flushing even more.


    Yeah, looks like it.”


Seungyoon’s heart races, his stomach was tying itself in knots in glee. Meeting the other guy’s eyes, he finds him staring back, not blinking.


    “I’m Kang Seungyoon.” he swallows, smiling at him nervously. “Can I get your name?”


Pretty boy with the golden hair smiles at him as he tucks his hair behind his ear, “Kim Jinwoo.”


Seungyoon can feel time stand still, the feeling that rips through him is surreal. They’re face to face, so close that he could see even the tiniest moles on Kim Jinwoo’s face. Seungyoon is almost certain that there are stars in his eyes and that they are twinkling. Strange as it may seem, the stars in Kim Jinwoo’s eyes don’t seem foreign to him. It’s almost as if they were calling out to him, twinkling brightly and showing him his way home.




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Chapter 4: OMiGod!!! I had a heart attack because of how adorable they are!!!!
TOO CUTE!!! Author-nim thank you for this story, Please keep updating it for us!!!!!
ahzeeee #2
Chapter 4: Beautiful story!
Woah! Its updated! Thank you! Its such a sweet story. I like all your stories, writer-nim (You are actually my favorite aff writer ? ). I look forward to reading more from the both of you! :)
Chapter 1: i've been waiting for your update! thank you so much! Spread love!
Rougeetnoir #5
After what happened at MMA.. I REALLY REALLY needed this. Thank you Jean and Eiryia for the healing! Much love
escapeartist #6
Chapter 1: I only read the first chapter and it's full of rainbows, cotton candies and stars!^^ I love it! Their first encounter feels like in the movies - picture perfect! Jinwoo seems timid and shy) I love description of scents - small details like these ones makes it more real!
hangsangmideo #7
Chapter 3: This is so beautiful I got teary eyed at that last part. Thank you for writing this!
oioill_parena #8
This story is so beautiful!! Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful Jinyoon fiction. I can't stop smiling while i read it. I love how you described the scene and How lovely and adorable Jinyoon is. Hope to see your update soon.
asuske #9
Chapter 2: Where to start okay so first off I don't read JinYoon too often but this is soooo good. I really love the whole roommates concept it's so fun. Also I love how it's written from both their point of views so we know whats going through both their minds. I really like how you have Seungyoon describe Jinwoo in the cafe scene
"He wasn’t the same pink haired guy that he met nine days ago, the really pretty one that he couldn’t get out of his head. He also wasn’t the same guy he was with just this morning, the adorable one who blushed endearingly and fumbled over his words cutely. This one is charismatic and seemed unfathomable. He commanded attention without having to do anything other than exist in the same space."
This just felt so perfect because Jinwoo really does have all those sides to him and I like how Seungyoon can see that.
Oh and flirty Kang was too perfect I squealed multiple times
“Your hair was pink. Like cotton candy.” “You seemed so sweet.”
“I know I should wait until much later but I’m very curious about what’s for dessert.” Seungyoon leaned forward, “I was hoping for something extra sweet.”
I hope we get see their school lives in future chapters because Music major Seungyoon and Drama major Jinwoo is too perfect. Also omg Seunghoon I wonder what 2Seung talked about and how thats going to unfold.
Sorry for the long comment I just really enjoyed this and can't wait for more :D
Chapter 2: Hi authornim long time no see kk. Happy that you two are working together with this . seems like my jinhoon feeling going to be tortured