Chapter 7

Beagle love line
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2 weeks had passed since Jay moved in. Her and DO had gotten very close, always having cutesy pillow talk before falling asleep with a few stolen kisses and touches here and there. Kai had been very attached to Jay while she coddled him and spoiled him constantly.  So far Jay had not initiated anything with any of the exo members, besides DO, which no one knew about. The boys had caught her staring at them, sometimes very obvious, somethings subtle. They didn't care, knowing that they would stare at her too, so it was only fair. 

One day Jay had gone out with Kai and the others were al at home. 

"Family meeting minus Kai!"Baekhyun called for, gathering the members

"Yah, has she had with anyone yet?" Baekhyun shouted impatiently tapping her foot looking around the room

The rest of the members shook their heads.

Baekhyun ruffled his hair, "Her being around here makes me so ually fustrated."

Sehun nodded, his lips, "And shes always wearing short shorts"

"How have you NOT had with her yet Kyungsoo" Chen whined cauing him to roll his eyes

"I'm not animals like you guys. Besides I have 2 roommates"

"Yea, but you two always sleep first cause Jay has work in the morning, and you two are always asleep by the time I go to bed." Chanyeol observed

Suho laughed, "That's becuase you go to sleep so late Chanyeol-ah"

"Ah, thats right" He said smiling at the leader

"She's not some piece of meat guys. Jay's also really nice and helps around the house." Xiumin scolded the youngers

"Yea, she does our laundry and folds our clothes. our BOXERS. Jay's touched our underwear and I want to touch hers." Baekhyun huffed

"I definietly wouldn't mind that" Chen nodded along

"Guys~" Chanyeol whined, "Kai's gonna kill us if he finds out we're talking about Jay like this, besides she's really nice." he sighed dreamily

"Chanyeol you're so in love with Jay. Personality and hobby wise she's perfect for you. But if you want to date her let me have with her first." Chen said

Baekhyun nodded agreeing with Chen, "Yah, Do Kyungsoo. Have you two done ANYTHING in that bed of yours?!" 

DO looked away crossing his arms, "no." he said quickly

Baekhyun grabbed DO, "you liar! What did you guys do?!"

DO shoved him off, "ugh we didn't do much, we just kissed a little."

Chen interjected," we know thats not all." he glared

"fine! She's also touched my crotch a couple times, but I've turned her down everytime. But I've touched her a couple of times...." DO trailed off

"and~?" Sehun raised an eyebrow

DO looked away, "and her." he turned a little red, uncomfortable about talking about his life with others

"WHAT?! NO WAY!!how was it!Does she shave or does she go all natural" Baekhyun yelled grinning while wiggling his eyebrows, the others had their mouths open

"Go KYUNGSOO!!" Chen cheered

"no way hyung really?? Were Kai and Chanyeol in the room?"

DO was very uncomfortable but answered anyways knowing that they wouldn't shut up until he did, "of course they weren't in the room. and it's not like every night. calm down guys. It was only once or twice, but she does shave and usually we just talk about random stuff before going to sleep."

Xiumin was genuinly interested, "What do you guys actually talk about?"

DO shrugged, "Like who she wants to have with, what she likes in a guy, her past, how Kai was as a kid, our hobbies, and like things we like.

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1301 streak #1
Chapter 64: The last part of the last chapter is the most cutest thing ever. I love how Chanyeol dragged Jay along to join them on stage. I also did expect them to have another child.
1301 streak #2
Chapter 42: I did have a feeling the boys will surprise them on Chanyeol's birthday, it's kind of funny they surprised them just as the two finished their intimate moment.
1301 streak #3
Chapter 27: I love how Jay acts really cute whenever she's around the boys.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 12: It makes me wonder if Chanyeol is the one she really likes since they have so much in common. I like the part where she asks Chanyeol for a hug, it reminded me of a cute little boy in this Chinese novel I read where he always ask for his mother figure (the female lead) to hug him.
1301 streak #5
Chapter 5: I like how Jay is bonding with the boys and also feeling something for them. The part where she watches Chen moving his hips kind of made me laugh because I was thinking what would happen if Chen turns and notice Jay staring at him.
I love exomentary bowling, my favorite parts is Xiumin's reaction to drinking the coffee and Lay holding onto Kai who is trying to bowl.
1301 streak #6
Chapter 1: I just started reading this today and I couldn't help but think how adorable Jongin's relationship to Jungin is. I like the part where he doesn't want to let her go and how she also refers to him as her puppy.
Chapter 64: Aww that was really cute! Jay and Yeol's family is perfect ❤ ugh I will miss them and the exo boys so much :( thank you for write this. I really love it
Olivia_exo #8
Chapter 64: Aww, I knew they would have a 3rd!
Risa_sweden #9
Chapter 63: Ohhhhh!!!!
Olivia_exo #10
Chapter 63: WHAT THE HELL CHANYEOL! I'm happy they are married and Jay is pregnant, but Chanyeol can not keep it in his pants!