...Our Location... "...!..."

The Cloning: Rise Of The Hallyu Wave [HIATUS]


Heechul’s POV


My eyes opened when I felt a small grumbling on my stomach. The room was pitch black but I knew we were still in the same room because Ryeowook was in my lap, our position on the numbing floor, unchanged. He shifted about and I whispered up to him not hoping to wake up the others.

“Wookie… are you awake?” I asked and he sighed, sliding from my legs to the space beside me.

“Neh, hyung… I’m hungry…” he mumbled, moving about to make himself more comfortable. Why was it still pitch black? Did being in this place mess up our body clocks or something?

“Yah… is anyone awake?” I called out but there was silence. “I guess not then…”

“I am…” Donghae’s tired voice next to me croaked and he sat up, earning a moan from Luna who must have been comfortable beforehand.

“Hyung?” I could hear Minho question and Taemin and Dara were whispering.

“So you decided to ignore me then…” I grumbled and brought my legs to my chest.

“So… does anyone have the time?” Donghae asked and Luna’s wrist watch flashed on and off quickly.

“Yeah… it says 10:27…am…” he trailed off.

“Then why’s it still dark?!” Krystal stole my thought and voiced it out. “There are no windows or anything… where the hells are we anyway?”

“Apparently, where in an interrogation room but it feels like a recording studio…” Donghae said.

“If it’s 10am, why aren’t the lights on?” Minho asked and we all thought in confusion. Why didn’t they wake us up? I got up and stretched a little, shuffling over to where I thought the large window was and knocked on it.

“Yah! Why didn’t you wake us and where are the lights?!” I screamed banging the window again but there was no answer. A minute passed and the intercom had displayed no signs of crackling to life.

I sighed and tried beside the door for some lights. I felt a switch and flicked it and the bright lights on the ceiling flickered on, half blinding most of us.

“Good morning sunshine?” I smirked sarcastically going back to sit with them and think about what to do next.

“Where are the moderators and investigators?”Donghae asked walking to the door and opening it to find a deserted observation room, the computers and technical equipment off, except a small red light…

“There weren’t any when I Krystal and I came…” Ryeowook pondered, also getting up to go and take a look at the empty room he ventured into when they first arrived.

“Yeah, what moderators Oppa?” Luna asked looking at Dara and shrugging.

“Heechul Hyung… there were people sitting in those chairs when you arrived, no?”

“Yeah there were…and the detective dude...” I frowned.

“He questioned me too… before leading me here where I found Heechul” Minho briefly explained.

“So… a room full of investigators, moderators and a Detective, Supposed to be helping us… have vanished from their stations over night?”

“Seems that way…” Luna agreed

“Okay… then… let’s split into two groups… Luna, Krystal, Ryeowook with me… Dara noona, Heechul Hyung and Taemin-ah with Minho-yah… okay?”

“Neh…” we answered in unison getting up and adjusting our clothing.

“We’ll look for food and the investigators… come back here with any food you have in half an hour okay?”

“Neh…” we answered again and slowly left the room and entered into a red carpeted corridor, dimly lit by flickering light bulbs. Again… no windows… so there was no telling if we were in a floored building or if we were even in Seoul.

 “We’ll go this way,” Minho said not even looking at Donghae as we turned left down the dim hallway. I guess he was still pissed with him scaring Taemin. I knew Key was protective over him, I didn’t know Minho was the same, or even more so. It’s cute but I have to agree with Hae… it’s unnecessary, him being 18 and all. The corridor narrowed as we reached a dark wooded door.

“Wait hyung don’t open it!” Taemin jumped forward grabbing Minho’s hand and pulling it back frantically.

“W-wae… Taemin it’s a door… I doubt there’s anything hiding behind it…” he said turning back to the frightened boy.

“… The door knob… it could have an electric current running through it… I saw it in a movie…” he mumbled shakily.

“And what movie was that? Who let you watch it?” Minho asked forgetting about the door and looking angrily at his dongsaeng.

“I don’t remember the name… Jonghyun Hyung let me watch it with him…” he trailed off as Minho put a hand to his head and sighed.

“Taemin-ah… you know what those movies do to you-” he was about to rant when Sanadara and I ignoring their little manic tested Taemin’s theory and interrupted them.

“Minho-yah… He’s right…” I tapped him and Dara used the metal part of her rubber clip to lightly touch the door knob.

“It’s also very hot… high voltage, but… I don’t think we’re here to be killed…”

“We’re not supposed to escape…” I murmured but they heard me.

“See, I told you hyung!” Taemin exclaimed before going into hysterics. “Hyung, you could have been fried! You could have died! I’m already going mad thinking about what I’d do without you-”

“Shh… Taemin… I’m here and I listened to you, I didn’t touch it alright? I’m right here…” he soothed as Taemin calmed and whimpered quietly into the elder’s chest.

“Let’s try another door… we walked past one…”I changed the topic back to finding food by pointing to another door with the same style handle.

“I’ll try it first…” Dara said walking toward it with the clip ready. She tapped the handle lightly and nothing happened.

“Is the handle hot?” I asked and she put her fingertip to the metal, looking up and shaking her head. “Then I’ll do the honours…”

I opened the door letting Dara walked past first, them myself, letting the other two follow behind. I guess Minho wasn’t going to be much help after all, given Taemin’s panicked state. Hopefully this place will teach him a thing or two about bravery. You’re only a kid for so long. Now would be the right time to grow up…

“Dara, don’t go off on your own…” I called catching up with her as we found some stairs and began to go down. I don’t remember their being stairs when I arrived here though…  I don’t remember a lot of things… I remembered walking into a building in seoul, but that one had windows and police… I remember… ahh… I fell asleep in the police office and woke up to an investigator… this isn’t the police station?

“Minho…” I turned back to see them strolling, Taemin clung to his arm like there was no tomorrow… in this case we really didn’t know… “..Did you think we were in a police station when you woke up?”

“…Yeah… so we aren’t… ah… I must have fallen asleep in the police office…” he repeated my thought.

“Me too!” I exclaimed in shock before looking at Dara who nodded rigidly…

“Maybe the stuff in the injection was still active?” she questioned and we shrugged… “Ask the others when we get back…” he said resuming the walked down the stairs before we reached a sign.

“Oh… so we were on the 5th floor… theirs …33… wait… Minho… Taemin… how many floors are there in SM?” I turned around to see them scratching their heads, them Minho answered and faltered.

“Around… 33…!…”



AHHH! I’m so sorry!!!!! I haven’t updated in ages, because … this is going to be a difficult story… I have the main points marked out… it’s just the bits before… you know… creating relationships, scenarios and storylines that will make sense later on and throughout the fic…

My parents are also no help, they just think I sit at my laptop doing nothing, when writing fics is improving my English grade, rapidly… aish… I seriously hope I can update this soon and not leave you for like… a month (it was an accident I swear!!)… My friend calls this story ‘the neglected child’ because it doesn’t get as much ‘food’ and attention and ‘nurturing’ as my other fic. The poster… I’m making it myself because… stupid graphic people rules: ‘if I don’t like it I still have to use it’… this fic isn’t long enough for me to be rambling yet … hajiman(!!!!!)....I will have a new chapter up… Soon… ok?

*I aIso dont know how many floors there are at SM... plus they have more than one building... so.......fiction!!!

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Sorry!!1 I'm such a liar... I just cant think of anything to update! Everything I come up with seems to be boring. I'll hopefully update this on the 18th...


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doraemonmojacko #1
this is cool!!
Update please~This is so interesting ^____^
DomoChocolate #3
Its ok, take as long as you want ^^ I'll wait :) Hwaiting!
DomoChocolate #4
UPDATE SOON!!!! It sounds epic already!!!!!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #5
Hwaiting! Looking forward to the story! :DDDDD