Father's Day

In This Life

This is a Markson update. It's Father's Day where I live and I wanted to do a fic based on that. It's 2.7k words with a little bit of ual references. I hope you guys enjoy reading. Thank you for everyone who subscribed and commented even though I've only published one chapter. Please continue to subscribe comment, and maybe upvote. @(*^*)@


Jackson felt himself being wrestled from his slumber. He felt kisses all over his face and neck. He wanted to respond but sleep was giving a more alluring call.



“Gaga wake up,” seductive voice called to him. It was almost able to convince him. A hand slid down his side in a blood boiling fashion. The hand moved to his hip and then to his pubic bone before he received a massage of his s.


“Ahhhhhhhh.” He moaned lowly. Light was beginning to flitter behind his eyelids.


“Wake up Jacks.” The hand kept massaging.


“Stooooppppp. Don't fondle me if you're not going to continue.” He whined and swatted at the hand.


The other man chuckled. At least his husband knew he wasn't getting any this morning.


“Open your eyes.”


“Why? Let me sleep.”


“No, our child is in her chair all alone. The sooner you wake up, the less she'll be in danger.”


“Bring her here. I need to cuddle with someone.”


“Nope get your up.”


Ugh. I need a husband who doesn't disturb my sleep. Jackson wiggled and rolled around under the sheets for a couple of seconds and then sat up to stretch. He seriously loved Mark. Really he did, but he also deserved rest, especially on the weekend.


He trudged to the bathroom. As he was relieving himself, Jackson thought, He'd been so cooperative last night. I wonder what happened. He washed his face, shaved and brushed his teeth. His baby girl didn't like when he had stubble, even if it wasn't a lot. He ran a hand through his hair. Should I shower? Well I'm already . Jackson stepped into the shower. He wanted to hurry since there was probably a reason he'd been separated from sleep. He quickly shampooed his hair and washed his body, paying special attention to the places Mark like to kiss. As the hot water rolled down his body, he realized how hungry he was. He did a final rinse and removed himself from the shower. Jackson wrapped himself in a large towel and walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair. He went to the dresser and pulled on underwear and a shirt. What about pants or shorts? No, it's summertime. Since he was finished with his morning routine he could finally see his family.




The small human giggled and clapped her hands. His daughter was sitting in her high-chair eating fruit. She was 8 months old now and becoming more amazing everyday.


“Good morning. Sit down at the dining table and wait for breakfast.”


Mark continued to work on the enormous breakfast he was preparing. There were so many dishes and he'd been prepping all week and had started early this morning for this 10 o’clock meal. Even though he's been awake for only four hours, he felt completely drained. He'd had to: shower, start breakfast, deal with the child, feed her a little, wake up Jackson, and continue cooking. It was way more than he did on a normal morning. Jackson made breakfast most days.


After a ten minute wait, breakfast was served. Many dishes covered their dining table. Chinese and American and whatever other nationality breakfast foods came together for an immense spread.


“Happy First Father’s Day Jackson Wang!”


“That's today? OMG thank you so much Mark for doing this. Thank you little one for being born and healthy and making me a father.” He said as he got up and kissed Mark and his daughter on the cheek. Jackson had completed forgotten about Father’s Day. He'd been so wrapped up in work and family that all his days blended together.


“Let's eat. I'm starving. This looks delicious.”


The couple enjoyed their meal while feeding and playing with their daughter. She had been a light in their lives. A surprise light, but a light nonetheless.They were happier than they'd ever been which was surprising with how content they'd been as two.


“Mark this is great. I really appreciate it.”


“You're welcome.” Mark was glad all the food turned out alright. He was also happy to see a bright smile on the other’s face. “Don't forget to call your dad.”


“I won't. I'll call after breakfast. He probably won't listen to me too long anyway since I don't capture his attention anymore. This one stole it rightfully.” He pinched the cute girl's cheek.


Mark chuckled. “I called my dad earlier and he was disappointed that she wasn't awake yet.”


“You could have called him later.”


“No, we have a long day planned, and we’re going over there later.”


“You made plans?”


“Yup. I can't let you relax at home today unfortunately. We need to do something exciting our first Father’s Day.”


“Which consists of?”


“We're going to the zoo.”


“Shouldn't we go somewhere that's more directed at me like the fencing practice hall or going watch a game?”


“I thought about that but those things wouldn't be fun for the kid. It won't capture her interest long enough. Plus I want memories of you guys together. A baseball game is a good option but a too bit loud though.”


“I guess you're right. You're truly a great mother.”


Mark smiled and kissed Jackson on the lips a couple of times.


“Thank you. Let me clear this table so that we can start getting ready.”


Jackson cleaned up his daughter’s face. Even though this day was “his” day the responsibilities of a parent were not removed from his shoulders. He removed her from her seat and moved into the living room. They sat on the couch and played. She was literally the cutest thing ever, even cuter than Mark.


The latter listened from the kitchen as he attempted to clean the kitchen along with the dishes. He’d done some cleaning while he was cooking, but there was an immense task ahead of him. He cleaned for less than half an hour before Jackson came to help. Their daughter now sat in her playpen contently.


“It may be Father’s Day, but I can't let you do more than half the work.” He moved to dry the dishes the older man had been working on. They quietly moved through their kitchen chores. The dishwasher was loaded and started. All cooking tools were cleaned by hand and left on the counter to dry. The stove and counter had been wiped down as well. Everything was now clean. The duties in the kitchen were not yet over. Jackson began packing a lunch kit for their outing. It contained: bananas, pears, “rice mush,” as he liked to call it, and four bottles of milk.


Mark left to go get their daughter and himself ready. He picked a cute but weather appropriate outfit, a cute romper with light blue vertical stripes. In the diaper bag he packed: extra diapers, wipes, and extra clothes. Jackson had the stuff that was in the kitchen.


“Jacks she seems sleepy but don't let her sleep until we get in the car.”




Mark put her on the ground so she could crawl around. There was no benefit to carrying her too often. He went into their bedroom to dress. He decided to wear shorts and a t-shirt since it was pretty warm outside and they'd be in the sun. He didn't feel like styling his hair so he just pulled a baseball cap on and called it a day.


“Your turn.” He said as he started to gather their stuff while watching their daughter play on the floor. She was a surprisingly quiet baby, considering who her father was. She was only loud, not in a bad way though, around a lot of people. He put the lunch kit that Jackson had packed in the diaper bag by the door. He gathered the stroller together. He got his wallet and popped his head outside. It's warmer than I thought. I'll get her a hat and some sunglasses. He quickly went to the nursery and got the items before she got into too much mischief. He returned to see her safely playing in her play area on the floor in front of the couch. Jackson came out in a simple white t-shirt and jeans.


“You know it's hot outside?”


“Yeah but I'll be okay, probably.”


“I think you should put on looser bottoms. We'll be walking and you're going to sweat. You're not allowed to be gross around my parents” He fixed his daughter's hair into pigtails.


“Fine.” Mark made a good point so he changed into shorts. It was probably a good idea but he looked good in those jeans.


He came back to see Mark rubbing the baby with sunscreen.


“Want me to help you? I'll reach all your spots, even the hidden ones m.”


“Can you keep it in your pants for a day?”


“If you weren't so y I'd have more control.”


Mark rolled his eyes. Jackson took the sunscreen and rubbed his arms, neck, face, and legs without too much mischievous touching. The older man rubbed the same areas with no mischievous touching. After they were sufficiently prepared and Mark had ran through the list of things they were bringing, Jackson started the car. His duty as a father wouldn't end. He loaded the car as Mark buckled the child in.


“Babe did you bring two pairs of sunglasses.”


“Yeah. I put them in the car. You can't change them since I already locked the front door.”


“You're the best.”


Jackson sat in the passenger seat. Mark could at least drive.


“These are a good choice. I look good,” as he preened in the mirror.


Mark sat in the driver’s seat and rolled his eyes. He put his own sunglasses on and started to back out of the driveway.


“She's already asleep.”


Mark just made a noise of agreement and continued driving. The drive was peaceful and the couple talked about anything and everything until the arrived at the zoo. It wasn't as crowded as they'd expected. The unloaded the car and organized everything before getting their daughter, who was still sleeping, out of the car. Once she was in her stroller, they made their way to the entrance of the zoo.


“Why is it so hot?” Jackson whined.


“It's almost summer plus cement,” as he slipped on his own pair of sunglasses.


Mark bought their tickets. They entered the zoo and decided it was time to wake the sleeping child.


“Baby, wake up. Angel were at the zoo.” Jackson shook her a little as he held her in his arms. How could someone be so pretty? Well her mother is pretty attractive so… She rubbed her eyes a little with her cute, tiny hands and looked around.


They walked around and it was ridiculously hot. Their shirts stick to their skin. Jackson didn't want to hold Mark's hand since it was so hot. They stop midway through their excursion to apply another dose of sunscreen. There were a lot of people but not an amount that made the areas too crowded. People were generally well-behaved. They ran into some familiar faces who were just acquaintances. All the animals seemed to want to put on a show for their guests so the did a lot of interesting things. The monkeys were having conversations. The lions and tigers came close to the barriers and the child loved it. They fed the giraffes and the elephants. The saw a lot of birds too. The amphibians and reptile exhibit was really interesting as well. Mark loved taking pictures of those two with all the animals. Every animal seemed to be accompanied by at least 20 pictures. Jackson had her completely engaged and helped her interact with the animals. It was definitely an enjoyable experience together. They made plans to come again one day. They saw so many animals, and their daughter wanted a souvenir for each exhibit. They ended up at the cafe for lunch, with the child eating her pre-packed food.


“This food won't be as good as my breakfast.” Jackson said he looked at the menu.


“This place actually has a chef.”


“Really? Still it won't be good as yours.”


Mark just smiled.


“Don't eat too much food since my parents are cooking dinner.”


“Are your siblings going to be there?”




“Maybe that means we'll get alone time.”


“You wish. You're going to be the life of the party as usual.”


“Sounds like you're jealous.”


“I'm not. It's the truth.”


“Whatever. The life of the party is our daughter.”


They ate lunch. They went to some more exhibits they seemed to have missed. After about four or five hours at the zoo, they ended up with two bags of souvenirs, most were plushes, and a slight tan. She'd cried a bit at the souvenir shop because Mark refused to allow her to get a really large stuffed bear.


They packed up the car and climbed in.


“On to the in-laws house.”


“They're not my in-laws.”


Mark ended up falling asleep not too long after they’d left the zoo. Jackson was now able to listen to whatever music he wanted to even though his daughter was still awake. The two of them jammed and “sang” along to Jackson's playlist. Mark usually made them listen to children's songs.


An hour later, they arrived at the Tuans’ house. There were cars in the driveway belonging to Mark’s three other siblings and their parents. Jackson lightly awoke Mark. The older man stretched and looked around. His daughter was more like her mother it seemed. Mark silently got out of the car to get the diaper bag while Jackson got the child. They walked up to the two-story house and opened the door.


“Look who it is!” one of Mark’s sisters exclaimed.


“Mark, Jackson you're finally here. We were hoping you'd make it in time for dinner.” Mark’s mom said as she kissed her children's cheeks. She opened her arms for her granddaughter. Mark put the diaper bag on the bar by the kitchen.


“Happy Father’s Day Daddy.” Jackson said cutely.


Mark's dad smiled and enveloped them in a strong hug. He motioned for them to seat themselves at the table where the rest of the family was gathering. Once they were all seated and dinner was served, the families talked about their individual Father’s Day, their daughter, and normal catching up. It'd been awhile since they'd gathered together.


Eventually they made it to the couch and everyone was too busy playing with their baby to notice the married couple talking to themselves.


“Thanks for this day Markiepooh.”


Mark chuckled. It'd been awhile since he's pulled that nickname out.


“You're welcome. You deserved it,” Mark paused. He was about to say some seriously emotional words,” you've been so great over the years, and when we found out I was pregnant, I was so thankful for how supportive and thoughtful you were the entire time. Then when she was born, you became even more amazing by becoming such a great father. You stayed up late at night, you attempt to feed her diligently, you change her diapers, you were there through my recovery, and I know you'll do just as well and better in the next upcoming years. I love you and I just want to thank you for being the father of my child.”


Jackson, at some point, started crying. He never knew to what extent Mark had thought of him as a father. He'd been trying his best as it was his first time. It wasn't like taking care of a dog. It was a human child that he had to take care of now and until he died. He'd wanted to be supportive, helpful, and nurturing during the pregnancy and after the birth. It was an honor to bring a child into the world with Mark, and he was honored to be the father of the little girl in his in-laws arms.


“Thank you Mark. I love you. I hope to be able to become an even better father in the future.”


Mark just smiled in response as he wiped away Jackson's tears.


This day had been so nice. He'd made a great memory with his daughter and had gotten to go somewhere fun with his family. There were some baby tears but that was just apart of the experience.


Jackson was grateful for the gift of fatherhood. Mark had blessed him with a beautiful child that he hoped to teach, love, and create memories with in the future. It was his first Father’s Day, and this day made him look forward to future, whatever that may have include.


I hope you guys liked it since I enjoyed writing it. I'm just going to bounce some more ideas off of you guys. I'm going to make Jackson an ownwer of popular clubs and resteraunts, but idk what Mark's job should be so if you have any suggestions they'd be very much appreciated. I haven't named their child yet (sorry) I'll come up with something soon. Once again I'll ask for comments, subscriptions, and votes. Thank you for all your support @(*~*)@

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Chapter 1: omg this is so sweet and fluffy~~~ ♡ I'm usually not into mpreg stories, only if they're really good... so apparently yours is really good ㅋㅋ
JulyChans #2
Chapter 8: I like the way in which they are treated each other, are so different and are understand at the same time, they complement each other, i love MarkSon, thanks for update :)
PS: I hope that the next chapter be Bnior, please!!!!
Chapter 8: I miss your jjp :(((
JulyChans #4
Chapter 7: Everything is so cute, i enjoy reading every chapter, thanks, i can't wait for the next! :)
Chapter 1: OMG ! >//< i like this story, its first time for me to read this story ! anddd jinyoung~ its cheesy in the end of the chapter kyaaaa
Chapter 6: Finally they came up with a beautiful name with their baby girl!! Ah I can really imagine Jackson having long talks with the baby still inside Mark's tummy. Aigooo just so cute~~
floralis #7
Chapter 6: Really sweet double update ! We can see how hard you work for it :)
Chapter 4: This is soo sweet :') ❤ I love daddy! Jackson and mummy! Mark so much XD And Vivian is such a cute name, can't wait for JJP's baby :') ❤