The Best Gift

In This Life

This the first entry in this collection. It is a oneshot but I left a few hints that allude to future stories so respond if you'd like to read more.  It's 4.1k words. Please enjoy, upvote, subscribe, and comment. I love comments. @(*^*)@  


Jinyoung couldn't believe it. He lowered himself to the bathroom floor in shock. It was finally happening. He was finally going to have the thing he had wanted for so long. They'd tried for a year, been planning for longer, and now all that hard work was coming into fruition. A baby. He and Jaebum were going to have a baby. Together.


Jinyoung had started dating Jaebum in college. It had been a taboo love affair actually. Jaebum was a professor, with a girlfriend, and he'd been a first year planning to major in Korean and Literature. Jinyoung had registered for his poetry class as a first year and somehow everything in his life changed when he walked into that class that first day. It started with questions in class, then debates in class, and then after that came after class discussions. Followed by outside of after class talks came fond looks, a night of wine and poetry and literature, and eventually Jaebum cheating on his girlfriend then breaking up with her to be with Jinyoung. It was the type of romance that was a great story but stressful in real life. As much as he'd like to reminisce over the details, those weren't important right now. Maybe another time.


They were together now, in a healthy relationship and expecting a baby, after so many trials and tribulations. Even after getting married, very little went smoothly. Jaebum got a new job and thus they had to move to a new apartment. Jinyoung got a job writing for a big newspaper. That had been a huge adjustment for them because of its demands on his time. Life had been stressful and new in their first two years of marriage.


Here they were now. They'd just celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary a month and a half ago, maybe that's when their wish had been granted. They had an awesome house, Jaebum was working at one of the best universities in the country, Jinyoung was writing his first novel and had become accustomed to his job as a journalist, and they'd bought their first car. The couple was at a great point of their lives. They were happy.


Jinyoung had begun to desire more in their union after they had settled into their lives, and Jaebum has reciprocated those desires. They wanted to grow their family. They started planning about two years ago. The first step had been going to the doctor to confirm if he'd be able to bare children, only about fifteen percent of the male population could. The couple braced themselves for whatever news they'd receive as Jinyoung received his ultrasound.


“Congratulations Mr. Park, you are physically able to get pregnant. We'll do further tests to determine the likelihood of you conceiving and at what times of the year you would be fertile.”


“Thank you very much Dr. Jung. Thank you so much”.


The initial news had been wonderful but following tests, which were revealed at a later appointment by himself, dampened the couple’s spirits.


“As you know Mr. Park, males who can become pregnant are less fertile and irregular compared to the normal woman. According to the tests, you'll be able to conceive about 2-3 times a year, and it cannot be determined when until, at the soonest, a month prior to peak fertility. Most likely you'll know during the week before.”


“Why have I not conceived before?”


The doctor flipped through the file and read over the information that would answer the question.


“It seems that you have medium to low fertility which means that it may be difficult for you to conceive. You have about a 25-40% chance of conceiving and being able to carry a fetus full term.”


Jinyoung wanted to cry. What would he tell Jaebum? He'd probably be heartbroken. He might even find Jinyoung to be defective. This information was crushing him.


The doctor could see the despair crawling into her patient’s heart.


“Don't give up yet. Your level is normal for males that can carry. We'll establish a regimen to assist you in conceiving. It'll involve some fertility medicines and you taking fertility tests regularly. I'll do my best to help you so don't worry.”


Jinyoung started crying. The doctor’s reassurance had been comforting. He couldn't hold back the tears. The journey wasn't over. It wasn't over, he thought.


Jaebum had been supportive after hearing the news. The couple knew communication was important, and would be in the future, in helping them have a baby so they tried to be open with each other about their feelings and knowing all the information. Jinyoung started taking fertility treatments monthly, and made sure to take fertility tests weekly. It became a part of their daily routines. When his fertile periods did come, they tried multiple times within the week. Bambam would you usually send dirty text messages at those times. Even though there had been three fertile periods that first year, they hadn't conceived. It was extremely heartbreaking each time they looked at the pregnancy test and it read negative. Jinyoung couldn't help but cry and even though Jaebum didn't break down or get too visibly upset, his husband knew he was disappointed as well.


Each negative was a hit to their pride and dignity. Jaebum was a man, and as a man he should have be able to get someone pregnant. Especially the person he loved more than anything in the world. He ended up going to the doctor after the second negative. He was evaluated to be normal. His count was high, and he was fertile. When Jaebum told him, Jinyoung felt broken. Was he actually defective and the doctor had told him the nicer version of the truth?


“Stop blaming yourself.”


They were in their bedroom. Jinyoung sat defeatedly on the bed. Jaebum was taking off his work clothes, which consisted of a suit jacket, a dress shirt, and slacks, and gathering the clothes he'd sleep in after his shower.


“It's not your fault, so it must be mine.” His getting thick with emotion.


“We expected this might happen so don't beat yourself up about it.”


“Our future rests on my ability to conceive and so far I'm doing a terrible job.”


“It's not a job.”


“...” He glared at his husband. He couldn't believe he was nitpicking his choice of words right now.


“I understand what you're saying though.” Jaebum walked over and crouched in front of his husband. They looked deeply into each other's eyes.


“Listen, whether we have a baby or not, we'll still be a family. We could adopt animals or a baby. And even though we haven't been successful yet, doesn't mean we won't ever be successful. We just need to keep trying. I won't give up if you don't give up.”


“You're so cheesy. I love you though. What would I do without you?”


“Cry and be a .”


“Well you continue to cry so I don't think I have any influence on that. The thing… well that's been over with a long time ago.”


He gave a quick kiss on the forehead and another lips and went to take his shower. They'd be okay. They'd get through anything.


The couple kept trying and so far they'd be unsuccessful as their journey extended into its second year. Unfortunately, sometimes Jinyoung forgot to adhere to his regimen. He hadn't taken a fertility test in two weeks because he'd been flying out of the country and writing so many articles he'd barely been able to pee in his free time. So when their marriage anniversary came around, Jinyoung was only focused on celebrating, and did they celebrate.


Jinyoung was in shock. He still couldn't actually believe it. He remembered his mother’s advice to go to the doctor’s office if he had a positive reading. False positives happened, and he definitely didn't want to be excited for no reason so he arranged an appointment for the next week.


It was extremely difficult not to tell Jaebum the good news. His other half had been curious why he'd been seeming a bit off lately, it was the fatigue, morning sickness, and mood swings, but he seemed to not be too bothered by it to bring it up. Their life had stalled because of the fatigue, but Jaebum didn't seem to mind. He's really lucky to have married such a great guy.


At the doctor’s office, Jinyoung nervously waited for her appearance.


“Hello, Mr. Park it's good to see you, but why are you here?”


“Well… I think I'm pregnant, but I just wanted to come here to make sure.”


“Well hopefully we'll get a positive and you and your husband can celebrate.”


The doctor took some blood and sent Jinyoung into the bathroom to take a urine test. He waited nervously for the results.


“Well this urine test says positive so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and do the ultrasound.”


The doctor arranged the machine, and Jinyoung moved his shirt and lowered his pants a bit..


“Alright let's see…” The doctor has spread the ultrasound sound gel all over his abdomen and was running the device through the gel.


Jinyoung was nervous.


“Okay… okay, I see... a fetus. Yes... I definitely see it. You most certainly are pregnant. I'll print a picture now.”


“I-I c-can't believe it. We- we’ve wanted this for a while and I'm so happy that I can give this gift to Jaebum.”


“Well now that your good news is confirmed, I'll just explain what you should expect and what to do during this pregnancy…”


Now with a confirmed pregnancy, Jinyoung needed to plan how to tell Jaebum. He wanted to surprise him. Jinyoung hadn't even told him how rough the mornings (and days) had been and how out of whack his body had felt. He'd had some instances of mood swings more frequently but his husband probably just attributed it to his personality. To be completely truthful though, Jinyoung had all the typical symptoms including the increased need to urinate and the fatigue. Jaebum had witnessed the fatigue and mood swings but probably associated the symptoms to his love’s general moodiness.


If he needed an idea, he would have to tell someone. He could call his mother… but she'd probably just be overwhelmed and incoherent. He could call Yugyeom… but that kid wouldn't be helpful. His best option would probably be Mark or Wonpil. Wonpil and him had had a fight, on the significance of flowers in different works they'd read, a couple of days ago, and he wasn't in the mood to try and patch that up at the moment. Mark was the winner of the day.


Jinyoung picked up his phone and clicked on Mark’s contact. It started ringing. He heard about three rings before his friend picked up.


“Hey Jin. How are you?”


“Hey Mark. I'm good. I actually want to talk to you about something awesome.”


Jinyoung heard wailing and grumbling in the background.


“Yeah sure. I'm just going to move into another room.”


“What was all that noise?”


“Our precious, sweet child doesn't want to eat the food we painstakingly prepared, and Jackson's trying to force his will onto his opponent. It's an intense battle.”


“Who's winning?”


“The child, but not for long. When we're done talking, I'll be the winner.”


“If you're busy you can call me back later.”


“No, Jackson wanted to do the feeding by himself so I'll let him.”


“That sounds like him.”


“So what did you want to talk about?”


“I'm going to be direct. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.”


“NO WAY?!”


“Yes way. I'm pregnant.”


“Congratulations! Congratulations!Congratulations! Now I won't be alone in my suffering.”




“I have a kid with Jackson Wang who is also a child.”




“So have you told Jaebum?”




“How are you going to tell him?”


“That's why I called you.”


“Why'd you call me?”


“You're smart and you've been pregnant before so I thought you'd have some advice. How'd you tell Jackson?”


“He was there when I took the test.”


“Darn… Do you have any ideas?”


“You could deliver a box to him with a baby toy and a card that tells him.”




“You could record a video with you telling him and he'll show it accidentally during class.”


“Those are good. Give me more.”


“More? Umm… Jackson's the idea man in our relationship. I'll give him the phone and go feed the kid.”


In the background, he heard the following conversation:


Gaga, let's switch.”


“Nooooo. I'm about to succeed.”


“You're not. I see tears, snot, and a red face meaning nothing has progressed. We're switching. You're getting the better end of the deal. I'm talking to Jinyoung right now so…”


He heard rustling and the sound of running.


Good luck babe.”


Hellooooo Jinyoung.”


“Hi Jackson.”


“So what'd you call my angel for?”


“Well… I'm pregnant.”




This is why Jinyoung did not call Jackson. He was just so loud.


“I'm pregnant.”


“Yeah I heard that. How did Jaebum react?”


“I...didn't tell him...yet.”




“I didn't tell him. I just found out like a couple of weeks ago.”


“AND YOU DIDN’T TELL HIM!!! He should know. You have to tell him.”


“I'm not not going to tell him… I just need an idea. That's why I called.”


“Ahhh. I can definitely help.”


“What're your ideas?”


“Well. You can take a picture of a heart on your belly and he'll see it. Ooh, how about you could leave a clever poem somewhere he'd see it? You guys met because of poetry so it'll be perfect… I'm looking on the internet. Jaebum takes showers right? Do a foggy mirror reveal. Or you could just write on the mirror in marker.”


“Those are all good ideas. I don't know I'll have to think about it.”


“Well, don't wait too long or else he'll notice the weight gain.”


God Jackson, do you know how to shut up? People can be insecure about weight gain. I know I was.”


“I'm telling the truth though.”


“Go away. Clean up the child. I’m the winner of the battle of wills.”


“That's only because you're the mother.”


“No, it's only because I'm not an incompetent feeder.”




Jinyoung heard rustling again and something that sounded like a slap and a yelp.


“Mark here. I don't know what ideas Jackson gave you, but I'll leave you with some advice. Jaebum will love the news however you tell him. Do whatever you want but don't forget that fact. Don't worry too much. Bye. I'll see you soon. Take care of yourself.”


“Bye Mark. Thanks for the advice. Tell Jackson bye and thank you.”


Jinyoung heard a mumbled agreeance. He had a lot to think of and work to do. He'd do some more brainstorming later.



He decided to not go with something public, a week later. He didn't want Jaebum to lose his street cred at his job. He decided to go with the gift idea since it'd be the other’s birthday in two weeks. He would buy an actual gift, well gifts, because he wouldn't be that guy, but he would buy a box for the pregnancy test, some kind of baby item that had words on it that would indicate a child, and put the ultrasound pictures in the card. It was a good idea. It was all about execution.


“Have you made plans for your birthday yet?”


Jinyoung was currently at the office. He was in the middle of his article and was eager for a distraction.




“Are you okay with it being just us?”


“Just us?”


“Yeah. I'll cook dinnnnner. We’ll eat caaaaake. I'll give you gifffffts. You might get luckyyyyy.”


“That sounds nice. Let's do it. I gotta go; there's a line outside of my office. I gave back the graded bonus assignment today marked with so much red you'd think someone had been murdered. I love you. See you later.”


“You're evil. Bye. Good luck.”



Jinyoung was ready. He had on his black slacks, black dress shirt, and a cardigan. Sure he looked like a salaryman, but Jaebum never complained. What was he thinking?, he thought, Jaebum deserves at least a nice sports coat and ripped black jeans. I need to look hot like when we dated. He changed into a wine-colored, velvet sports coat, kept the black dress shirt, and put on the jeans. My looks so good.


He's glad the fatigue didn't hinder him today. The food was prepared. The gifts had been put together. He'd gotten Jaebum an awesome pair of sunglasses and leather pants that had baby versions of themselves in the bag for the pregnancy reveal, and the camera he'd been pining after. His original idea had morphed into Jinyoung getting small versions of the gifts, except the camera, along with the ultrasound pictures and pregnancy test. Jinyoung had really outdone himself this year. He'd never live up to this birthday, but that's okay.


He hears the front door opening and he walks from their bedroom, down the wooden stairs and into the foyer.


“Happy Birthday Im Jaebum. Welcome home.”


“Glad to be back. It smells good in here. You smell good.”


Jaebum drops his briefcase and wraps his arms around his husband as the other does the same. Jinyoung kisses him. The kiss is sensual and emotional. They were communicating with their lips essentially. Jaebum draws back and nuzzles the other’s neck.


“Long day?”


“Yeah. Even without class my job is annoying.”


“But you love it.”


“Yeah… You look good.”


“Thanks. Let's eat dinner before its cold. I'll take your jacket.”


Jinyoung comes from behind and pulls the older’s jacket off of him. With his arms free, he s his shirt partially. He hadn't work a tie today. Jinyoung hangs the jacket on coat rack; he'd have to get it later to put back in the closet. Jaebum walks to the dining table, which was long, wide, made of dark wood, and surrounded by six extra chairs, as the other goes to the kitchen to plate the food. The gifts sat prettily on the thin table behind the couch across from the table.


The table was set amazingly. Jinyoung seemed to be talented at decorating. He had latent artistic ability.


“Dinner is served.”


“This is gorgeous.” The birthday boy pulled out his phone to take pictures.




They enjoyed dinner as always. They discussed each other’s day, how many birthday wishes and gifts he'd received, and how old Jaebum was. He was 36. Time had really flown by. They'd met when he was 28, which was admittedly young to be a professor. Jaebum was highly intelligent though, so he'd skipped some grades in his school years.


“It's cake time!” Jinyoung kept from his seat to go get the cake. Even though it was his birthday, Jaebum moved the dishes and put them in the sink with hot soapy water to be washed later, much later.


“You didn't have to do that.”


“I know but you've worked hard today and I know you've been tired lately.”


“You're sweet.”


Jinyoung placed the cake on the table and lit the candles he'd placed in it already. It would be a long time before they had his birthday with just the two of them again. Jinyoung pulled out his phone to take pictures before he turned out the lights. After turning the lights off, he started recording a video and started singing.


“Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday my dear Jaebummie. Happy Birthday to you.”


Jaebum blew out the candles, and they clapped together.


“Thank you. Jinyoung you're such a good singer. I love you.”


They exchanged a quick kiss.


“I love you too.”


The birthday boy cut slices of cake for the two of them and pushed the rest of the cake to the middle of the table.


“Before we eat, let me give you your gifts.”



Jinyoung brought all of the gifts over to the table and set them down.


“Okay this one first.”


He handed him a thin box which contained the leather pants.


“Jinyoung, these are awesome. You think I can still rock these even though I'm old?”


“Yeah. You're not old though. You're quite edgy so I think you'll be able to pull the off. Next!”


This was a small bag with the sunglasses in it.


“These are totally my style. I can now add them to my large collection.”


“I completely support your collecting habit whether it be sunglasses, ripped jeans, t-shirts, Bart Simpson anything, or sunglasses.”


“That's why I married you.”


Jinyoung scoffed as he moved the next gift in front of the other.


“That's not the only reason.”


“No, that's not the only reason, just one of many.” Jaebum beamed at him.


Jaebum excitedly tore the wrapping off the box.


“Jin! This is not what I think it is. There's no freaking way.”


“It is what you think it is.”


“I can't believe you got me this camera. I love this thing even though I haven't used it yet. I love it so much. I love you so much.”


“Mhmm. Next gift.”


“There's more?! There's no way it'll surpass this.”


“I wouldn't bet on it.”


“Is it a homemade o?”




Of course Jaebum would think the surprise he was about to receive would be .


He handed the bag to Jaebum. Jinyoung could swear his hands were shaking in anticipation.


“Tell me what you see and make sure to explore the entire bag.” Jinyoung was pulling out his phone to record the moment.


“I see a small pair of sunglasses. Way too small to be for you. I see a small pair of leather pants also way too small to be yours.” Jaebum dug around some more. He was a bit confused. None of this stuff was for him or his husband. “All I see that's left is a small box and the card.”


He opened the small box slowly as he saw a small glimpse inside.


“T-this i-is a p-pregnanc-cy t-test. I-it has a plus sign on it. It has a plus sign on it. IT HAS A PLUS SIGN ON IT!!! PARK JINYOUNG ARE YOU ING PREGNANT?!”


“Yes. Yes I am pregnant.” Jinyoung was soon wrapped in Jaebum's embrace. The older put his hands to his face and started to kiss him all over. Starting with his forehead, then both of his cheeks, then his nose, then any other accessible part of his face, and lastly his lips. He kissed them over and over and over.


Jaebum backed away with tears on his face and in his eyes.


“I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to be a ing dad.”


Jaebum proceeded to run around their house screaming the same sentence.  Jinyoung filmed all of it.


When he returned to the table he kissed his husband again.


“Open the card.”


He followed his instructions and read the card which was a typical birthday card with great meaning and a handwritten poem. Poetry was a good way to mess with his heart.


He looked into the envelope since he'd felt something earlier.


“These are the ultrasound photos?”


“Yeah I took them a couple of weeks ago so I'll get some newer ones soon.”


“I want to be there. At the appointment.”


“You can be there. At every appointment if you want to be.”


Jaebum walked over to Jinyoung and dropped to his knees in front of his soulmate’s lower abdomen. The latter pushed his head closer to him.


“Hello there Baby Im. I don't know what you look like. I don't know what gender you are. I don't know what you'll do in the future. I don't know anything about you, but I know I'll love you and that I'll be your father. I also know that your mother is a great person so please treat him well. He's sacrificing his body to bring you into this world so don't wreck it. I love you very much please sleep well.”


Jaebum rose up and imitated a heated kiss with the younger man.


“Have you told our parents yet?”


Jinyoung shook his head.


“Our friends?”


“Only Mark and Jackson.”


“How did they find out before me?”


“I needed ideas from them.”


“Let's tell everyone now.”


“Are you sure?” Jinyoung asked seductively. “We could tell them later after you get your last gift.”


“What's my last gift?” Jaebum's mind completely blank.


Jinyoung met the other’s lips that went straight to his guy and made his blood flow to that one place. The look the younger had in his brown, slightly closed eyes was lustful and indicated something good was about to happen. A finger wrapped itself professor’s belt loop and tugged him toward the stairs. The cake forgotten on the table.




Hello it's me again. This story didn't turn out like I expected it to, but I like it anyway. Did you like it? If you did please comment and subscribe.  @(*^*)@
(Why do I keep making these weird faces?) Oh, I almost forgot: What gender do you think the Markson baby should be? I'm thinking a girl but I could go in the other direction with enough support. I really love comments; they're like my writing lifeblood. Anyway, thank you for reading. I think that's all the words I can give today. 
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Chapter 1: omg this is so sweet and fluffy~~~ ♡ I'm usually not into mpreg stories, only if they're really good... so apparently yours is really good ㅋㅋ
JulyChans #2
Chapter 8: I like the way in which they are treated each other, are so different and are understand at the same time, they complement each other, i love MarkSon, thanks for update :)
PS: I hope that the next chapter be Bnior, please!!!!
Chapter 8: I miss your jjp :(((
JulyChans #4
Chapter 7: Everything is so cute, i enjoy reading every chapter, thanks, i can't wait for the next! :)
Chapter 1: OMG ! >//< i like this story, its first time for me to read this story ! anddd jinyoung~ its cheesy in the end of the chapter kyaaaa
Chapter 6: Finally they came up with a beautiful name with their baby girl!! Ah I can really imagine Jackson having long talks with the baby still inside Mark's tummy. Aigooo just so cute~~
floralis #7
Chapter 6: Really sweet double update ! We can see how hard you work for it :)
Chapter 4: This is soo sweet :') ❤ I love daddy! Jackson and mummy! Mark so much XD And Vivian is such a cute name, can't wait for JJP's baby :') ❤