Chapter 2

Road to Happiness


“Babe! Let’s go!” My girlfriend, Quinn shouts from the outside of my house.

Today is Saturday. This is the day that I and my girlfriend will visit the cancer patients. I do this for almost five years. I don’t complain, though. Besides this is what I love. Every time I get to see the cancer patients fighting for their lives, I feel so overwhelmed to the point that I can feel the tears rolling on my cheeks because of too much happiness.

I admire people who fight and don’t give up easily. I find it attractive, not in a romantic way. To tell you the truth, my mom was a cancer patient. She had a cancer in blood aka leukemia. Sometimes I feel like giving up. It’s hard to see in my own eyes that my mom is suffering. She doesn’t deserve this. Nobody deserves to be in pain. But I guess, this is our fate. God gave us challenges in order for us to be strong and to know our own strength. And that’s what happened to my mom, she fights and bravely faces her battle, but my mom’s fight isn’t enough to win the battle. She unfortunately rest for life and meet our graceful God in heaven.

And you know how I reacted on this?

I cried. All night

But after that I realized that there is no point in crying. Will my mom be back if I cry out loud? No. So, I took this as a lesson. I learned from it. Move on and Let go. Don’t hold too much on something’s that wouldn’t come back because at the end of the day it’s you who will lose in your own battle.

“Hi Kids!” I gleefully greet the cancer patients when we reached the orphanage.

The kids were just as excited as me and immediately give me and Quinn a tight hug.

“Mr. Nichols, I almost thought you’re not going to come!” The kid with a mask covering half of her face and is wearing a shoulder length wig named Xia approach me.

“What did I tell you?” I sweetly ask her and half-bended my knees so now we’re on the same height.

“You’re not going to let Saturday passed without visiting us.” Xia mocks me excitedly and hugged me so tight that it’s already hard for to breathe.

“You got it right, baby girl!” I ruffles her hair and was about to stand up when I forgot I still have something to say.

“And for the nth time, Xia, call me Miggy.” I hug the sweet girl in front of me.

“Babe, I get jealous every time you hug those kids.” Out of nowhere, I heard my girlfriend’s voice. When I turn around, I saw her pouting her lips like a little kid.

I walk up to her and give her my infamous hug. “Stop being possessive, Babe. You can hug me all you want. I’m yours.” I whisper to her and I guess that gives her a chill in her spine because I saw her blush and get Goosebumps.

I chuckle. This kind of moments where I realized how much I love Quinn, my dear girlfriend

I ruffles her hair and quickly compose myself and shouted at the top of my lungs “Who wants to play with handsome Miggy?” All the kids cheered and went to me with smiles plastered on their faces.

Oh, how I love these kids.

“Sir, I found this on your mailbox.” My maid told me when I enter the house.

Today has been a long day for me but super fun! I would never get tired doing this. I enjoy helping people; I love making them happy.

My maid gave me this super weird envelope.

I sat on the sofa near me.

What’s this? I thought.

I irrationally open the bizarre white envelope.


My eyeballs were about to get out of their sockets.

My mouth turns to ‘O’

And my knees turn to Jell-O

A suicide letter

All the possible questions came rushing through my mind.

What’s up with this girl?

Why would she do something violent like this?

Is she serious?

Or is this just a prank that’s in dire need of attention?

I really don’t know.

I instantly called my maid and told her to find the address of the person who sent this suicide note. As soon as possible

Prank or not, Veritable or not, this is a serious matter that needs to be done, on a dime. And there is only one way to find out. 

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