Present Perfect

Can't Help Falling In Love

“Damn, Jungkook. I am really going to miss you,” you said, tearing up as he looked you in the eyes and passed you your backpack.

Jungkook smiled. There was a tinge of sadness reflecting from his eyes, his facial expressions, but he tries his best not to show it.

“Me too. But it’s just one year… time wil pass real quick and the next moment we’ll be here again, at the airport. Nothing is going to change,” Jungkook rubbed your shoulder, assuring you.

Yeah, nothing will change, one year will fly past, you convinced yourself.

Jungkook pulled you in for a hug.

“Stay safe, best friend. Remember to video call, remember to update, remember to eat your vege—“

“Okay, okay Jungkook. I will, don’t worry. Guess you will be bestfriend-less from today, huh”, you rubbed his back and teased.

“Yeah, yeah. No worries I’ll just go and grab one along the streets later,” Jungkook responded.

You slapped his back twice and released from the embrace.

“Well, then. See you, my Jungkookie~,” you cooed and gave him a casual wave, as you grabbed the handle of your luggage and walked towards the departure hall.

Jungkook raised his right arm and waved, slightly. He smiled at you, glad you are finally living your dreams and going for further studies.

And he was also glad, and more of relieved, that you didn’t realize his heart thumping a little too wildly when he pulled you into that embrace a while ago.



“Hey Kook? Can you see me?” You waved blankly at the screen that was fuzzing in front of your eyes. It went out of focus, and back in focus again.

“Hi. Ahem, hi.” Jungkook cleared his throat. “Can you see me?”

“Yep. Oh my god Kook I’ve got so many things to tell you, it has only been three days but England is beautiful, and I’ve made great friends… oh yeah and all my classmates are really friendly to me, especially this guy sitting behind me, he offered me to join his clique for lunch, … oh and also have I told you? My roommate is this really hyper girl, just ten days younger than me, she is even noisier than you are Kook, and that’s a real acheivement… … “

You rambled on animatedly while Jungkook just watched you furiously gesturing and excitedly sharing about your life. His eyes folded into beautiful crescents as he smiled.

He was so, so glad you are having fun.

That’s it, isn’t it? The feeling of contentment when you see happiness radiating from the person you like.



It was fall.

“Hey Kook!!” Your face was glowering.

There was a male beside you, smiling awkwardly at the screen, and waving slightly.

“Hey Kook, sorry for not videocalling for a while now. Meet Chris, he’s the guy sitting behind me in class… and.. well we have been together for two months now,” you smiled sheepishly and continued, “that was why I haven’t been calling you that often.”

Jungkook’s smile faltered a bit.

Jungkook was disappointed, maybe even that is an understatement. But he did a decent job hiding it. His brows folded a while, but hastily regained his composure.

“Uhh. Hi? Chris? Jungkook here.”

And as he watched you link arms with this dude named Chris and smiling back at him, he couldn’t help but to feel his insides twisting and squeezing all the sour juices up to his heart.

He disliked this Chris dude already.



You called lesser and lesser. And despite Jungkook knowing the perfect reason for your lack of calls, he still sits by his laptop every night, hoping that you will call over when you wake up, like how you always did for the past months.

But almost all the time, Jungkook just falls asleep by his laptop with no default lame ringtone sounding from his laptop, and the flash-up of your caller ID for which he saved as Dip (the contact name that he saved since he was nine, when everyone was childish and immature, but he just didn’t bother to change, or perhaps he likes it this way, with a sense of intimacy holding on to such a hateful contact name).

It was eleven at night and by now you are probably at school already. Jungkook closes his laptop cover, and crawled into bed.

He stared blankly at the ceiling, feelings all mixed.

It’s going to be a long night, once again.



Chris bought you a three-monthsary gift. It was a watch, something real simple, but you liked it a lot. Jungkook could tell from your face, the one time you called him after three weeks and talked for close to two hours about life, and about Chris. Mostly Chris.

Jungkook wondered what’s the purpose and significance of a gift to celebrate three months together. He thought it was plain lame and cheesy. But he didn’t tell you that, of course, he didn’t want you to be sad.



The next call from you came around a month after the animated call circulating around the watch and Chris.

You were crying. That caught Jungkook’s attention, once he picked up the call.

Tears were streaming from your eyes, and you were resting your head on the desk and staring at the screen, with a wad of tissues right next to you.

Jungkook didn’t have to ask. He never saw you cry that bad before, other than when you lost your grandmama, or when your mom got warded once from a traffic accident.

He knows.

And all he had to say was, “It’s okay, just cry it out. I’ll be here.”

He watched, and listened, for four hours. The whole story, from the start till the end. You told him how you warmed up, how he brought you out for the first time, your first kiss, your first movie date, your first quarrel, and your last day spent with him before he popped the question on break up.

You loved him, Jungkook could tell. Looking at you cry, he felt like he would do anything, anything to just spare you of some of your heartache.

Jungkook spoke quietly after just nodding and saying ‘yes’ to your rhetorical questions of rage.

“God my dear, just know that you deserve so much more. He was stupid enough to let go of such a wonderful person like you, and it’s his loss. Don’t waste your tears on him anymore, you really, really are wonderful and I’d do anything to—“  Jungkook held himself back in time.

“Nevermind, I mean, you really deserve a lot more.” He finished lamely.

But no matter how lame it got, it worked anyhow.

You looked up at the screen, straight into Jungkook’s eyes, and you softened. That’s your best friend for you. Always there when you need him, and probably the only person on earth that would sit therefor four hours just listening to you. You felt real blessed, to have someone like him, always ready for you no matter what you’re going to bomb him with.

“Thanks, Kook.”

“Anything for you. Wanna hear a joke?”

“… Is it one of your lame jokes again Kook? The ones about chicken crossing the roads and your gazillion variations?”

“No. I’ve got a new one.”

“Better not be lame—“

“What do you call a fake noodle?”


“What do you call a fake noodle?” Jungkook pressed, sheepishly smiling.

“Sounds lame already, Kook. What can I call a fake noodle? What’s a fake noodle?? Fopdoodle? Fakenoodle? What…”

“Give up?”

“… Fine.”

“An impasta!!” Jungkook hollered, with arms spread wide and flashing the this-is-a-brilliant-joke smile back at you.

“… Kook …. “

“Okay. Okay sorry now do you know what Obama said to Michelle when he proposed?”


“I don’t wanna be Ohhhbaaamaa self,” Jungkook bellowed, dramatically self-hugging and emphasizing on the word ‘Obama’.

“I am going to hang up, Kook.” You snapped at him, with a small grin twitching at the corner of your lips.

“Okay. Okay sorry,” he rubbed his hands together pleadingly and gave his fake please-forgive-my-sins look.

You laughed. You were not feeling upset anymore. Funny how Jungkook is able to make you get over something so enormous in just a while.

The thought of the break up still brought a dull ache to your heart, but it doesn’t hurt that much anymore.

Thanks to Jungkook.

So even till it was three in the morning over there and you forced him to go to bed and sleep, and he already logged off and your screen is plain black, you let out a small whisper at the screen, hoping Jungkook can hear it, even if it’s in his dreams.


“Thank you so much, Kook.”



You started spending more time with Jungkook, again. Just like before, when you first started off.

“Hey Kook, you see me?”

“Yep. What have you bought?”

“I’ve got some corn and egg and some cereal here, and I am still doing up some bacon and mushroom soup. What about you?”

“Ramen with—“

“Eight slices of luncheon meat? Are you serious? Didn’t I just nagged you two weeks ago to not eat so much ramen and luncheon meat? You are just spoiling your body—“

“Chill girl. I only put in six,” Jungkook cut you off, flashing his bowl of ramen at you indignantly.

“Still. Six pieces? You are the only person I know who eats luncheon meat like drinking water,” you retorted back, still slightly mad at how he is still eating so unhealthily.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly. “Alright fine, I’ll cut down … soon. Can we start already?”


That, was you two dining together. He ate dinner as you ate breakfast. Both of you now made sure you spend a meal a day with each other, and you two figured this was the best arrangement.

You always look forward to meals with Jungkook. Even though it was just watching him through your laptop screen, the two of you still chatted like how normal friends do when they have meals together.

“Conjuring Two is up in the theatuurs, rilly wish you wur huere so I conn woch it wit you,” Jungkook casually said while chomping down his ramen.

“God Kook can you eat slower? You are gross as crap,” you said, half amused at the sight before you with ramen soup dripping everywhere on his table and on his laptop. “I already watched it with Chris a while ago, though.” You shrugged.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows. She isn’t reacting so badly when she talks about him anymore. Jungkook thought.

Jungkook regained his composure and gave you a small smirk before continuing.

“I bet you were scared less.”

“No I wasn’t!! Honestly that idiot Chris ran out of the cinema halfway through the movie… I think it was a great idea we splitted, ya know. I know I need a boyfriend like you, who can sit through horror movies with me and still in the right mind afterwards.”

You started to bite on your corn, but Jungkook kept staring at you.

He stared… and stared. And he spoke after god knows how long.


“Boyfriend … like me?”

You stopped biting your corn.

Did I really say that? You mentally slapped yourself while heat started to creep up your cheeks. Somehow for some reason your heart started beating twice the speed while you glanced everywhere except back at Jungkook.

“N-no lol please Kook, it was a mistake I mean it’s great to have someone who can take horror like me … not necessary a bo-boyfriend … lol forget I said that sorry, I spoke too fast and wasn’t thinking—“


“Why are your cheeks red?”


That’s it. With that innocent question, he set you full-fletched blushing.

“No it’s not!! Sorry Kook I think connection isn’t … too good here … … oh my bacon is done … I gotta go get it … talk to you later Kook!!”

You frantically closed the videocalling tab and your blank startup screen greeted you back.

Okay. No more Jungkook staring back at you. Whew.

But why is your heart still thumping so wildly?



You still contacted Jungkook everyday, but nothing has been the same ever since.

You noticed Jungkook is gradually turning more and more reserved, but you know you are, too.

Your casual, comfortable two-hour conversations can now be shortened to just mere twenty minutes, with many awkward silences, where you both know that you are thinking of the same thing but just not saying.

They mostly all go like this:

“Hey, what’s your meal today?”

“Ramen. With five luncheon meats.”

“… Oh. Didn’t I tell you—“

“Yeah I did cut down! It’s now five pieces—“

“It’s still unhealthy!!”

“Why are you so worried??”

“… … Okay nevermind then. Let’s eat?”



You seem to always, always be at a loss of words whenever any part of your conversation reminded you of that day. Boyfriend like Jungkook. Damn, the thought of it sounded so wrong already. You guys have been friends even before puberty. You have seen Jungkook in his adolescent years, quiet and distant from many people; he has seen you before and through puberty, insecure and self-conscious.

The two of you are indeed inseperable, but you have not once thought of Jeon Jungkook as a male. As someone of the opposite gender, someone that may actually, be able to spark something with you.

Not until that day. You have no idea why your heart thumped so badly.

You know it’s telling you something. Something you still, refuse to accept.

But what is troubling your heart even more, isn’t the trampling beats whenever you think of him nowadays, but the fact that this lack of comfort, lack of communication with your best friend, is really tearing you up inside.

You miss Jungkook.

A lot.



Jungkook laid on is bed under his duffets and stared blankly at the ceiling.

He can’t seem to fall asleep. It’s three in the morning.

All that is running through his mind is your sensitivity and reservations held towards him recently. Things are hella awkward these days, he thought. Did I let my cover slip or has she realised herself that my feelings for her are way far past ordinary? Damn it. I knew we should have just remained at the comfortable jokey friends level where we steal each other’s chocolate eclairs and stuff disgusting food in each other’s mouths… Damn it Jungkook. You dumb shouldn’t have picked in such detail that day about what she said. It was just a reference, she said ‘boyfriend like Jungkook’, not necessarily me. I shouldn’t have … it made everything awkward.

A small part of Jungkook wishes you to feel the same way as how he feels for you, but he knows that’s impossible. You just ended with Chris not long ago, and heck, you guys have been friends for ten years. If you liked him, things would’ve sparked long ago.

Jungkook sighed. It’s time to clear things up with you, to say that everything was a joke (although he perfectly meant it in all seriousness), and say things like “Damn you actually thought I can be your boyfriend? No way, I’ve even seen you in underwear and peed in the pools together!!” or something like “who are you kidding will I even like you that way—“

Jungkook’s phone vibrated and lighted up with one notification.

He recognised that contact picture anywhere, he wouldn’t shove his fingers up any other girl’s nostrils like the way he did for you, even snapping a picture of the contorted expression you had.

He swiped open the chat and read the contents.


From: Dip

We need to talk.


Letting out one shaky breath, he sat up from the bed, grabbed his laptop, and waited for your video call.



“So… um. Hi.”

“It’s 10am over at your side, don’t you need to go for lessons?”

“Nah, we have self-study today and I’m just staying in the hall.”

Awkward silence.

You noticed Jungkook was fidgeting with his fingers and not looking at you. You took a deep breath and spoke.

“So… about the other day… I’m sorry if I made things awkward, it was just a slip of tongue. I mean, it isn’t bad to have a boyfriend like you Kook, and I would— n-no, I mean you are all good and nice and you are real considerate and whoever … gets you as their boyfriend would be one hell of a lucky girl. You know that?”


“But I want that lucky girl to be you.” Jungkook whispered bluntly. He realised what he said, a millisecond after. Jungkook mentally slapped himself. He looked at your shell-shocked expression which gradually turned unreadable.

What’s done is done, Jeon Jungkook. You’re a retard. He rolled his eyes seemingly done with himself, and tried to find a way to salvage the situation.

“I-I didn’t mean that, lol I was just… just trying to lighten the atmosphere and ya know, make things easier—“ His face contorted into an expression of self-disgust. Where has the confident, self-esteem-hitting-the-roof Jeon Jungkook gone to?

Your feelings were no less confusing as you struggle to evaluate what Jungkook said out of that moment of hurry. Your cheeks unknowingly flushed as you feel your insides twist in nervousness and excitement. It was so different, different from when Chris started to express his interest, or even when he confessed.

This was different. Perhaps it was the ten-year friendship you and Jungkook has built up, and in this sudden moment both of you realise that it doesn’t seem to be platonic friendship anymore.

“ it.” You heard Jungkook mutter. Your head shot up and looked at him, uneasily shifting from side to side in the screen. He took a deep breath, and spoke.


“I’ve already ruined it, so I might as well tell you everything. Heck it, it may ruin our ten year friendship, but since I’m already halfway through it I thought… I thought I should just go all the way. Tell you what I really feel, about you.

When was it? Was it when we were both sixteen and you first wore a dress to prom night? Or was it when we were fifteen and we were in the same class for the nth time, and we had to do self introductions and when you introduced yourself I thought you were the prettiest person alive? So many occations, so many happenings – till I forgot when I started to see you as a girl instead of my childhood playmate, a piece of , my best friend.”


“To think of it, I have been keeping this in for real long. Three years, at least. But they say if you really like a person, you’d do anything. You’d wait, you’d be happy for her.

You have no idea how sour I was when you introduced Chris, as your boyfriend. You don’t know how many times my heart has tripled it’s speed just by your words, your actions, or any form of physical contact. You may not realise, but I was actually glad you and Chris didn’t make it. A few seconds after that thought, I slapped myself for thinking so selfishly. I realise, when you aren’t happy, I am not too.”

Jungkook cleared his throat.

“I told myself to wait. Maybe as time passes, your opinion of me will change. Maybe we will stand a chance. But I ed up. I made it obvious, I rushed this. I made you feel uneasy.

But this is the truth, and I am now telling it to you.

I like you. I like you, a lot.


You were obviously flustered. Your cheeks were wearing a pink tint; your brain was in a mess; your heart is palpitating.

He is the first, first to ever make you feel this way. So strong, so important, so loved.

Looking at your best friend fidgeting in the screen in front of you, you blushed, and smiled softly.

You replied his two-minute long confession with something you confirmed, after debating with your heart these few weeks. It’s time for him to know.


“You know what?

I think I do, too.


With such simplicity, Jeon Jungkook has never smiled brighter in his life.



From that day onwards, your usual happenings carried on. Eating with Jungkook, calling once or twice every day to talk.

Just that now they happen with a freedom of expression. Of affection, of liking, for each other.

“Oh my god Kook you have vegetables in your ramen???”

“You got problem?”

“No I mean?? Vegetables??? Last time I remembered you eat ramen with six pieces luncheon meat and not even a single leaf in your food,” you exclaimed.

“Just thought I’d start eating healthy, can’t disregard my girlfriend’s words all the time, can I? Gotta start being healthy since I’m.. you know, planning for my future family as well,” Jungkook shrugged.

“… What future family??”

“You, who else? Maybe have two kids, they are gonna be beautiful.”

“Who said I am going to have babies with you? And you ain’t that good looking, don’t be too sure of the beauty of your kids,” you scoffed, slightly smiling.

“Well that one I’m so damn sure, because their mom is gorgeous.”

You blushed. “Jeon Jungkook. I’m hanging up!! Bye!”



On the other end, Jungkook smiled as you hastily pressed the ‘end call’ button with your red cheeks close up at the camera. He loved how flustered you are everytime he goes all cheesy, and everything you do, every interaction you have with him just makes him fall for you even harder.

He’s so glad, so glad to be the one making you feel that way.



The day has come and Jungkook can’t hide his nervousness. He alighted from the subway and walked up the escalator. He anxiously scanned the board of schedules in front of his eyes, checking for your flight’s arrival time.

KR609, KR609, KR609, Jungkook repeated over and over again in his head as he headed towards the arrival hall. All he could think about was seeing you.

He paced impatiently around the arrival gates.

KR609 has landed, where is she? Jungkook anxiously thought as he strained his neck to look at the people walking out of the gates.

Where the heck is this girl?

The gates were open and tons of people were flooding out. No sign of you, no sign of you, no sign of you—

You were clad in your red bomber with dark denim jeans, Jungkook wouldn’t miss that for nuts since he was practically the one who got you that bomber for your 18th.

You walked out of the gate and stopped. You glanced around for Jungkook. Where is that boy?? You scanned the sea of people in front of your eyes. Till your eyes rested on him. Black, fluffy hair, plain white t-shirt casually half-tucked into his jeans, staring straight at you.

Your eyes met and locked. A thousand feelings ran through Jungkook, seeing you, in reality, right in front of his eyes. Now not just his best friend, but also his girl.

You stood rooted to the spot, and watched Jungkook as he brisk-walked towards you. His footsteps became faster, faster, and before you knew it, he was just right in front of you.

He stopped, and looked you in the eyes. You smiled, shyly, as you tilt your head slightly and spoke.

“So… I’m back.”

Jungkook lifted his right hand and gently carressed your face. She’s really back. He has been waiting, waiting for this day to come, where he could really shower you with physical affection.

You were obviously flustered, but you were okay. Because you both know that this ain’t platonic friendship anymore.

“Oh god, you are so beautiful,” Jungkook whispered and pulled you in for a hug.

He spoke softly, right against your ear as you rested comfortably in his arms.

“Remember how I said nothing was going to change, when you left?

Well, something did change. I got my confession out, you accepted and we grew, and I can say I definitely love you more today, than ever before. And it’ll still continue to grow, that love. I missed you so much, you know that? Was waiting for this day where I can have you in my arms, again.”

You chucked, warm in his embrace. “Just that now, we are of a different status, aye?”

Jungkook looked down at you, into your eyes, and his eyes folded up into crescents. He took your right hand with his left, and placed it against his heart, in between the two of you.

“You feel it? It has always, always been beating like that. I’m glad it’s finally requited.”

You smiled. “Woah, it’s going faster than hip hop trap beats, Kook looks like you are too into trap it has integrated into your system,” you giggled and scruched your nose playfully.

Jungkook wasn’t even paying attention to your comment. She’s so adorable. She’s my girl. She is my girl.

He leaned in and, while you were giggling, gently pecked you on the lips.

Your eyes opened, wide, as you process what just happened. You looked like you were about to beat him up with his sudden violation.

“What? Am I not allowed to do that? I’m your boyfriend!!” Jungkook retorted.

You chuckled softly. You looked at him, into his eyes, at his indignant expression, and said.


“Kook, do it again.”


As Jungkook locked lips with yours and your eyes fluttered close, you can’t help but feel the bliss and happiness bursting from your heart. He was so sweet. You flashbacked a few milliseconds, thinking of how much he has done for you these years. And as he deepened into the kiss, you smiled against his lips.


It’s true, you thought. Actions wring love out of the heart better than words ever can.







thank you so much for reading, i'm glad i got this up here after so long lol 

i hope all of you enjoyed this, despite it being sort of short

do comment & support !! <3 may go for an additional chapter if i feel like it 

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Chapter 1: How i wish to have a bf like jungkook but i'm waiting for him. I won't give up till i see him in person. After my graduation and get my job(maybe at the age25-6) i would stil go to korea and search for him. He wil be 27 by then haha
sorry for that one..i loved this fic. Good job!
Chapter 1: Aww. So adorable and sweet and definitely a lovely story.
Luminousdevil #4
Omygoshhhh this was so freaking gooddd I can't even!!! First time I've read a story and it made me feel like I want to be in love too!!
wangjeon #5
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!!! i have the butterflies on my stomach