Side Effect

The Sect - I'll Get You Out
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(Author: This is really long. I hope you don't mind. Okay, have fun. I'll go back to dying over the Stuck MV, bye)


“I love you.”

Hyungwon and Minhyuk were cuddled up on the couch in Hyunwoo's living room where they had slept that night. Hyunwoo and Hoseok of course had spent the night in Hyunwoo's room, Changkyun and Kihyun had gotten the guest room, so Minhyuk and Hyungwon had claimed the couch.

“I love you too”, Minhyuk replied sleepily, slinging his arms a little tighter around his boyfriend and looked into Hyungwon's sleep-swollen eyes. The younger boy giggled and rubbed his nose against Minhyuk's.

“I love you”, he said again, while pushing a rogue strand of hair out of Minhyuk's forehead. Minhyuk was rubbing lazy circles onto Hyungwon's back and stared at him in awe.

“I love you too.”

Hyungwon smiled brightly. His gaze wandered over Minhyuk's face from the boy's eyes down to his lips. They hadn't kissed since yesterday at the church. Both of them but especially Hyungwon had been too tired to do much. So after they had arrived here they had fallen asleep almost instantly. Now after a couple hours of sleep Hyungwon felt well rested and wanted to do nothing more than to express his love for Minhyuk in all the ways that had been denied to him before. He propped himself up on his elbows to either side of Minhyuk's head, hovering over the boy while twisting strands of the white hair around his fingers. The older boy's lips were slightly parted and the pink and plump form made them look so invitingly soft. Hyungwon bit down on his own lower lip. He was still just staring at Minhyuk when the older boy got tired of waiting, slung a hand around the younger boy's neck and pulled him down. Their lips connected and Hyungwon couldn't help but think that it felt perfect. The way their lips were molding into each other's and moved in a perfect rhythm, making it seem like they hadn't shared their first kiss just yesterday but a long time ago. Their eyes were still closed when they broke away and Hyungwon rubbed his nose against Minhyuk's again before placing a peck on the boy's swollen lips.

“I”, he mumbled and pecked Minhyuk's lips again.

“Love”, he whispered followed by another peck.

“You.” This time it took a little bit longer before he disconnected their lips again and raised his head, opening his eyes so that he could look at Minhyuk's face. The older boy was smiling at him with his eyes still closed, reliving every moment of the kisses once more before storing the memory and finally opening his eyes.

“I love you”, Hyungwon murmured but before he could lean down for another kiss a groan from the other side of the room interrupted them.

“And don't forget to tell him that you love him”, Jooheon said and pulled his blanket over his head. He had slept on a mattress on the floor across the room from the couch.

“Let us have our moment”, Hyungwon said and pouted.

Jooheon pulled the blanket down and looked at them. “You guys were talking in your sleep last night. You've had a very long moment. And I was forced to listen to it.”

Minhyuk laughed. “muah, muah, MUAH”, he kissed Hyungwon's arm where he could reach him, making extra loud sounds.

Jooheon groaned again and pulled the blanket back over his head. When he heard the other two giggle, he put his pillow over his head too, trying to protect his ears from the sounds but only found that this made it a lot harder to breathe. Sighting he admitted defeat and sat up.

“I'll go into the kitchen and make some breakfast, I guess”, he mumbled and rubbed some sleep out of his eyes before basically sleepwalking into the kitchen.

“Make us something too, please”, Hyungwon shouted after him.

“Yeah. Pancakes in the shape of a heart, please”, Minhyuk added.

“Hm-hm”, Jooheon made from halfway down the hallway, “I'll poison them for you.”



“Hyung, how can you not even be mad at Hyungwon for punching you?”, Changkyun asked while carefully wiping off the dried blood from Kihyun's lip with a wet towel. He had cleaned the wound last night too, but apparently it had broken up again overnight. The skin around the wound had turned blue and purple and Kihyun flinched when Changkyun put a little too much pressure on it.

“I'm sorry”, the maknae apologized immediately. He was sitting in front of the older boy on the bed with crossed legs and while taking care of the hurt skin he had leaned in so close that he could feel Kihyun's breath on his face. And he enjoyed it.

The older boy sighted. “I deserved this. After what I did in the Magic World I can be happy that he didn't hit me any harder.”

Changkyun cupped his boyfriend's cheeks, lifting his head so Kihyun was forced to look him in the eyes. “It wasn't you who was acting. It was the curse that was influencing you.”

“No”, Kihyun said, grabbing Changkyun's wrist and pulled them away from his face. He looked down at his fingers that were wrapped around them and he seemed to be ashamed of himself. “That's no excuse for what I did. Hyungwon warned us that this would happen but I didn't have myself under control anyway.”

Changkyun looked at him in worry. He hated the fact that Kihyun was blaming himself and that he thought he deserved to be punched.

“Kihyun-ah”, he said and pouted at him, “It's really not your fault. It's okay.”

“Okay? Okay? How can you even say that?”, Kihyun pushed his boyfriend back and stood up from the bed, pacing through the room in anger, “Hoseok could have died because of how I acted.”

“But he didn't”, Changkyun interrupted him while coming back to his sitting position again, “and even if he had, we know now that he wouldn't have died in this world anyway.”

Kihyun snorted. “That doesn't make it right”, he said.

“No, it doesn't make it right”, the maknae agreed, “but it makes it forgiveable.”

The older boy stopped in his step and turned around to Changkyun on the bed. “Do you really think so?”, he asked and even though his expression was strong his voice gave away how scared he was that Hoseok might be holding a grudge against him.

Changkyun nodded. “Just talk to him about it and apologize.”

“How on earth am I supposed to apologize for something like this? It's not exactly like I had 'just' broken his favourite toy or something like that.”

The maknae shrugged. “Just say that you are sorry for what happened and maybe ask him how to make it up to him. But I don't think that Hoseok looked upset with you at all yesterday, so I guess he doesn't blame you for it.”

Kihyun considered the words while walking back to the bed stopping in front of it.

“Changkyun?”, he asked while looking down at the floor.

“Hyung?”, Changkyun answered and waited patiently for Kihyun to speak again.

The older boy fidgeted with his fingers. “Do you still love me?”

Somehow the maknae wasn't surprised by that question at all.

“Hm hm”, he said and nodded, grabbing Kihyun's hands and pulling him back onto the bed, “Of course I still love you.”

Finally Kihyun looked at him again, but there was still a sad expression darkening the shy smile on his face. He lifted his hand to tuck a strand of Changkyun's hair behind the boy's ear and trailed his fingers along the side of his face, stopping at the chin from where he caressed his lips with his thumb. Changkyun used the opportunity to kiss the fingertip before his boyfriend could pull it away.

“I'm sorry that I pushed you.”

It took Changkyun a while to remember that Kihyun had pushed him a few minutes ago and when he did remember he chuckled. “That's okay”, he assured and hugged the older boy, nuzzling his face into the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

Kihyun finally smiled brightly again at the familiar feeling of the maknae's hair tickling his chin.

“How did I deserve someone like you?”

“Because you make me breakfast every morning”, Changkyun said and looked at his hyung with pleading eyes.

Kihyun laughed. “Okay”, he said and pulled Changkyun off the bed with him as he stood up, “I will feed the hungry maknae.”



When Kihyun and Changkyun arrived in the kitchen everybody else was already there and the smell of freshly baked pancakes lingered in the air, greeting them.

“You are cooking, Jooheon?”, Kihyun asked and sceptically looked at the pile of pancakes on the table.

“He is trying to poison me and Hyungwon”, Minhyuk said, Hyungwon's hair with one hand while feeding him pancakes with the other.

Hoseok chuckled. “Apparently they have been saying I love you a lot and Jooheon just can't stand these two love-birds any longer”, he explained for the two newcomers who stood in the door and looked utterly confused, “So he threatened to poison their pancakes. Luckily he didn't. Or we are all immune to the poison.”

“Where is the poison? I'll help you”, Changkyun offered and was on his way through the kitchen to Jooheon but Kihyun pulled him back.

“Eat a lot”, Jooheon proclaimed from the stove and while Changkyun didn't waste any time to sit down and stuff himself with the food, Kihyun walked over to Jooheon and took the frying pan from him.

“Yours are very dark around the edges”, he said and motioned for Jooheon to take a seat, “also I am in charge of cooking. Don't steal my work from me.”

Jooheon laughed, did as his hyung told him and sat down next to Changkyun. He did have to admit, his own pancakes weren't as good as Kihyun's.

He looked around at the others. Three happy couples and him caught up in the middle. With everything that had been going on he hadn't exactly gotten a chance to let any one of them in on the developments in his love life. And he probably wouldn't get that chance now either.

“Guys? I think I need to go shopping today”, Hyungwon announced and they all looked at him a little surprised.

“You have just survived a fire, encountered your father in the Magic World, lost Minhyuk for a few minutes and now you want to go shopping?”, Jooheon asked, curious for the answer.

Hyungwon nodded. “Yeah, I mean I don't really have any clothes at the moment. They all burnt in the fire and I don't want to wear Minhyuk's for the rest of my life”, he explained and his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Minhyuk pouted.

“But you look so good in my clothes”, he said and ruffled Hyungwon's hair lovingly, pulling the younger boy's head closer so that he could kiss him.



“I love you.”

Jooheon seriously considered throwing something at them.

“I love you too”, Minhyuk said and hugged Hyungwon, burying his face in the younger boy's shoulder. Jooheon reached for a bag of tissues to throw.

“I will happily buy you new clothes”, Minhyuk admitted.

Hyungwon stirred in his arms. “But…”, he protested.

“Don't talk back”, the older one interrupted him, “it's not like you had any money right now to buy stuff yourself.”

Hyungwon nodded. It was the truth. He had lost pretty much everything by escaping from the sect and burning the building down. The reality of that hit him hard and he pulled his boyfriend a little closer.

“I will pay you back”, he promised and Minhyuk nodded.

“If you insist on that.”

“We should buy some more food too”, Kihyun mentioned as he sat down at the table with the last pancakes and started piling them up on Changkyun's plate who protested but shut up and ate after seeing slight disappointment in Kihyun's eyes.

“I'll join you hyung. Provided that I can still walk after eating all of this.”

They all finished eating their breakfast and then helped Kihyun who had offered to clean the kitchen, before Minhyuk and Hyungwon got their jackets and left, closely followed by Jooheon who said that someone had to keep an eye on them as long as Hyungwon's father was still after his son.

“Hoseok?”, Kihyun asked hesitantly when the three had left the kitchen.

“Hm?”, Hoseok answered, still leaning his head against Hyunwoo's shoulder.

“Can I talk to you for a second? In private?”, he asked and the older one nodded.

“Now?”, Hoseok wanted to know and stuffed the last piece of pancake into his mouth.

Kihyun nodded. “Yeah.”

Hoseok got up, sighting as he had to let go of Hyunwoo and followed Kihyun out of the kitchen and into the living room where he sat down on the couch waiting for Kihyun to speak.

“So? What is it?”, he asked when Kihyun just stood in front of him unsure of what to say.

“Uhm, I'm really sorry for what I did in the Magic World”, he finally said and fidgeted with his fingers, looking everywhere to avoid Hoseok's eyes.

“Oh that”, Hoseok muttered, “Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it.”

Kihyun shook his head. “No Hoseok, I really mean it. I'm sorry. I was so consumed by the emotions that the curse made me feel that I didn't realize that… you were about to… get killed. Uhm, and I remember that I was smiling when the wolf bit you and you were screaming and I'm so sorry. I feel awful and I'm so ashamed of myself. And I can't even ask you for forgiveness but uhm, please Hoseok, I'm really sorry. Please believe me!”

“Calm down, Kihyun”, Hoseok said and smiled reassuringly, “I told you: It's fine. I know that it was the curse that made you act like that. You don't have to apologize. But if you need my forgiveness to feel better then I'll forgive you. Under one condition…”


“You have to admit that I am the iest man around here”, Hoseok stated and grinned widely. Kihyun rolled his eyes.

“In that case I think I'm good without your forgiveness”, he laughed and turned around. Hoseok stretched out on the couch for a moment.

“One day I will get you all to admit that I'm the best looking out of all of us”, he murmured before he got up again and hurried back to the kitchen to find Hyunwoo. He stood at the fridge and was helping Kihyun to make a shopping list.

“Are we all going to buy food now?”, he asked and sat down next to Changkyun, ruffling the maknae's hair who in turn tried to kill him with his gaze.

“If you want to come too, then yes, we'll all be going”, Hyunwoo said and turned around to smile at Hoseok.

It still took them some time to get ready to actually leave the house and even more time to decide over who had to drive and who got to make out wit their boyfriend in the backseat of the car but since it was Hyunwoo's car he ended up in the driver's seat, Hoseok on the passenger side and Kihyun and Changkyun were cuddled up together behind them. The maknae had his head buried in the crook of Kihyun's neck and slung his arms tightly around his boyfriend's waist while Kihyun Changkyun's hair gently and pressed soft kisses onto his forehead.

“I love you”, he whispered and Changkyun cuddled a little closer in response.

They arrived at the shops and Hyunwoo parked the car close enough to the entrance so that none of them would complain about having to walk a long way with grocery bags.

“Let's be quick and don't buy any unnecessary stuff that we don't need”, Kihyun said as he got out of the car, closely followed by Changkyun, “I'm looking at you Hoseok!”

“Yeah yeah”, the older boy mumbled and closed the door of the car, waiting for Hyunwoo to get out as well and join him. The other two were already at the entrance of the store when the oldest had locked it and came to Hoseok's side. He smiled at him shyly and blushed furiously when Hoseok returned the expression and laced his fingers through Hyunwoo's, squeezing them gently. They started walking towards the store when suddenly Hoseok's step wavered and his grip on Hyunwoo's hand became tighter. His legs gave in and Hyunwoo moved quickly to catch him, letting him down to the ground gently.

“Hoseok, are you okay? What's going on?”, he said in a worried voice and knelt beside the boy, who was squeezing his hand almost painfully now while cringing in pain on the pavement.

“My… leg”, he moaned, grabbing his calf desperately as if that could make the pain stop.

Hyunwoo pulled up the fabric of the jeans and ran his fingers over the boy's skin.

“There is no

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I'm sorry for taking so long to update. But the next chapter will probably be ready today or tomorrow.


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minjaja113 #1
Chapter 14: omg!please update 😭
rimika319 #2
Really liking the story. Very much interesting~
Chapter 14: Thank you for updating! Can't wait for the next one :D
Chapter 13: I can't wait to see where this goes I'm excited for the next chapter^^
Good luck with your studies!
Chapter 13: Will wait patiently. Take your time.
KatsuPhoenix #6
Chapter 13: Hey hey, take your time and study well~~~ I'll wait as much as it needs.
Chapter 13: Im still readinggg ~~ i love this fic. i hope you all best with your studies and stay healthy!! <3
ohx9sehun #8
Chapter 11: my poor minwon
this b r o k e me
Desmae #9