Paper Planes

Garden Fairy

Mingyu makes his way down stairs and anxiousness started to fill him. It wasn’t the fact that he was about to see his newly discovered crush, but the felt as though there was a sign on him, screaming out that he had a massive crush on Wonwoo. He really did not want to make it obvious, because if Wonwoo were to find out then maybe they would go back to how they used to be, but this time Wonwoo would have a reason to hate him.

He made his way outside and a cool breeze welcomed him. He tried to pace himself and not seem too eager to see Wonwoo, but he already knew he looked a bit too happy because there was a grin plastered to his face.

He pressed his legs against the small fence, it giving a little creaking warning that he was putting too much pressure on it.

“Wonwooooooo” Mingyu howled his name and let out a little laugh. The anxiousness had reached a peak but now that he was standing here facing Wonwoo, it had completely disappeared.

“Mingyu” His voice was deep and rich, and the sound made Mingyu feel like hot chocolate had just run down his throat.

“My mum gave me your little letter, it was very cute” Mingyu felt natural again, as though he was speaking to someone he had known his entire life.

“And the vegetables look really good too; I’ll use them while they’re fresh. I’ll bring you some dinner tonight”

Wonwoo continued to stare at his book. The sun was shining down on his head, making his raven hair give out a dark brown glow. He had not said anything nor even move since Mingyu had made his way there.

“I have plans tonight” He answered after a slight pause, his monotone words hitting Mingyu.

“Oh how romantic. Sorry to waste your time. Because reading is so much fun and you’re not wasting anytime now by just lying in the sun their being oh so perfect like some mystical prince”

His words spilled out so fast that Mingyu nor Wonwoo could properly understand it. Which at that very moment, Mingyu was so happy about.

Realisation occurred to Mingyu that the girl he saw earlier was probably the person he had plans with and that they were probably going on a cute dinner date and Wonwoo was probably going to make her feel like a princess because he was already a total prince.

Suddenly Mingyu felt like jumping over the fence and shaking some sense into Wonwoo, making him realise that maybe they could work.

Mingyu was brought back to the real world when he saw Wonwoo sit up to lean back against one arm. His head was titled backwards but his eyes were looking directly at Mingyu.

He took off his glasses and as he did the sun rays bounced off them and hit Mingyu’s eyes. When he focused back on Wonwoo, the dark haired boy was smirking slightly at him.

“Your mother is really young, she’s quite beautiful” The way Wonwoo spoke made it seem like he was recalling the memories of seeing his mother, and he felt sick at the mesmerised look on his face.

“Don’t hit on my mum” His words came out sharp, a tang of jealousy hiding his words as he just wanted to hear Wonwoo call him beautiful.

Wonwoo chuckled at Mingyu’s outburst, and slowly stood up moving over to the younger boy.

“Your mum is beautiful, but she’s not my type. Your sister and her look just alike, I’m guessing you take on your father more”

Mingyu wanted to suddenly just run back into the house, he felt so embarrassed, he knew Wonwoo was just trying to have a conversation but Mingyu started to get pissed off.

“Yeah I do” His words were short and hard, and Wonwoo just stood there slightly taken back at his sudden change in tone.

“Ahhh Mingyu” Wonwoo just said his name over and over, getting quitter as he went, slightly bobbing his head. After a while of them standing across from each other with just the small fence in between them, Wonwoo finally spoke up.

“Are you busy right now?” His words smoothed Mingyu’s mood a bit, but as Mingyu opened his mouth he knew he was going to regret it.

“Yes. I have plans” Without saying anything Mingyu stepped back and walked inside, feeling absolutely childish as he knew all he was going to do now was sit in his room and peep through his window.

He didn’t even glance back at Wonwoo, but he knew he would have left him confused because of his childish actions.

As he made his way inside, he went over to his mum who was sitting down on the couch and reading a magazine. He realised he did not get much time to spend with his mum these days so he took the opportunity and sat down with her.

He lay down on the couch and rested his head in her lap. She automatically started his hair which immediately brought comfort to him.

He thought about Wonwoo and the plans he may have tonight. He was also curious about what his type was. His mum wasn’t his type so maybe his type was quite the opposite.

He rolled on to his back and stared at his mother. She had definitely aged because of the stress of job, but she still looked a lot younger than her actual age.

He took in her features and thought of the opposite, trying to put together Wonwoo’s type.

All he concluded that his type was basic the opposite of Mingyu, a female with light features. He thought back to the girl he saw leaving Wonwoo’s house and pieced together he was probably right.

He stubbornly turned back onto his side, and he felt as though he was a child again. Laying here on his mother’s lap all due to stubborn feelings. Before he knew it, he was drifting off into a deep sleep.


When he wakes up again, he can hear his mother in the kitchen and the smell of food in the air. A pleasant feeling spread through him as he realised he was finally going to have a proper meal with his mum and not worry about the boy next door.

He quickly popped into the kitchen to let her know he’d be in his room for a bit.

When he got back upstairs, he made his way other to his desk and opened his laptop. As he started it up, he noticed it was almost late afternoon and Wonwoo was still laying in the garden reading.

Mingyu felt kind of guilty because of the way he acted. Also at the fact he had passed up an opportunity to spend time with Wonwoo.

He let out a loud groan and focused on his laptop.

He automatically opened youtube and found a way to distract himself.

He spent about 40 minutes just clicking through various reaction videos and found himself to be in another world.

Something on his recommendations caught his eye, and he was almost hesitant to click it.

It was two young boyfriends, talking about how they had met. Mingyu could see the clear admiration they had for each other. He was completely glued to the story and he had not realised he was grinning the whole way through until his cheeks started to hurt.

After the video finished, Mingyu started to go through their channel and soon found himself watching all their videos.

His laptop suddenly died and he was forced to leave his little reality he had just discovered.

Mingyu wanted to have a relationship like that. Something innocent and pure, yet so passionate.

Glancing around on his desk, he had spotted a paper plane he was making a while back out of boredom. He grabbed the paper and an idea came to him.

Before he could think about what he is doing, Mingyu grabs a pen and starts drawing a little garden and fairy in it. He stand by his window and sees Wonwoo still reading in the garden. Mingyu started to question how the green haired boy could read for so long.

Positioning himself carefully, Mingyu tried his best to throw the paper plane but it was a failure as it hit the ground on his side of the fence.

Groaning he tried again…

This time he wrote a small little message to Wonwoo, hoping that this time it would make it over.

This time it flew higher but it didn’t make it over as the wind blew it into a tree that shadowed both of their backyards.

The tall boy tried several times over, creating new messages and picture for the older boy. But was unsuccessful at all attempts.

Contemplating whether he should just get Wonwoo’s attention and get him to get them, but then he realised how awkward it would be to explain why he was doing that in the first place.

Mingyu had started off doing it with such a hype that he could barely recall what he had actually wrote in the little paper planes nor why he had done so in the first place.

Mingyu mother called out to him, and his train of thought about the planes completely disappeared.

The wind started to get worse and worse, but Wonwoo refused to move. The sun was nice, and he really felt at peace on days like this.

Before Mingyu had come out, he was finding it so easy to just read and take in all the words. But something about their small interaction had shook him, and he found himself skimming over words but not taking them in.

Wonwoo’s mind was wondering off to Mingyu and what he was doing. The dark haired boy realised that when he told him he had plans he had probably said it a bit too bluntly. Granted Mingyu’s reaction was a bit overdone, but he also felt like there was something else about the way he responded.

Finally Wonwoo decided to sit up, his back cracking with each movement. He put his book down next to him and he turned around to glance up at Mingyu’s window.

For some reason he was half hoping he was going to be there, but then again why would Mingyu just stand there watching Wonwoo.

Mingyu was a special kid, so honestly, Wonwoo wouldn’t have been surprised if he was.

Turning around completely, Wonwoo tucked his legs in so his chin rested on top and he stared up at the window.

Drifting off into thought, Wonwoo had not noticed a small white paper plane falling out of the tree next to the fence.

But as more continued to fall, they caught Wonwoo’s curiosity. He got up and found a few scattered in his garden.

Picking them all up, he realised it was probably Mingyu’s doing.

He glanced up to see more stuck in the tree and as he made his way over to the little fence, he saw a couple laying on the ground there too.

Checking no one was watching, he quickly hoped over and gathered them all and made his way back over to his garden.

Once he had collected them all, Wonwoo made his way inside and was about to throw them out until he noticed there was writing inside of them.

He sat down on his couch and scattered them next to him. He opened them carefully, noticing little drawings and texts within them.

He started laughing at the and picture Mingyu making them all.

There was one drawing a of a stick figure wearing glasses reading who had wings and was in a garden. These stick figures were in various other paper planes but were doing different things.

Some of the paper planes contained messages by itself.

As he read through them, he felt something tug at his heart and made him want to call out to Mingyu and to just cuddle him close.

‘Even though it’s sunny please stay warm, the wind will make you sick’

‘What type of sun cream does a vampire like you use?’

‘Wonwoo… You should model, you look perfect right now’

‘I’m sorry about how I left’

‘Have a good night’

‘Let’s spend more time together’

Wonwoo felt his heart flustering. Even though he knew Mingyu jokingly flirted with him, he started to warm up to his words.

Sighing he folded some of the paper planes into each other, then tried to look for a space where he could keep them.

He spotted a small cabinet where he had a few pictures of himself and his best friend as well as photos of him and his brother. He rearranged them and carefully placed down the stacks of paper planes.

He smiled at them, they suddenly felt like the greatest thing in the whole world. And there was no way he ever wanted them to go away.

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banacarat #1
Chapter 11: Oohhhh em geeeeee!! You're back! Istg I've been missing this cute story for so long that I had to reread the precious chapters to remember what happened. Honestly this update may have been short but it's funny seeing Wonwoo getting all jelly (it also high key hurts mah heart, mah soul). Anyways keep up the great work! Hopefully life isn't too hard on you, I know sometimes it can be hectic but just take it one day at a time!
banacarat #2
Chapter 10: Oh snap! Wonwoo walked in on their conversation at the wrong time ahh!!wonder how Mingyu will be able to approach this (if he can even understand why won's mad lol)
Gayana #3
Chapter 9: I love this story soo much ..can't wait for the next chapter
gemini_94 #4
Chapter 8: I love jeongcheol and meanie...please don't separate the ship..*hides in blanket*
asianmomo #5
Chapter 8: i'm a hardcore meanie and i just can't let any ship ruin my meanie ship..sound so selfish huu(*_*) but no harm intended.i comment in peace (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
koreanspn #6
Chapter 8: omgomgmf
Chapter 7: the lowkey fluffeh in this chapter get me uuugghh.. and whining puppy Mingyu is my weakness.. >< somehow I think the Angel must be Jeonghan.. pfftt Angel in disguise if I can say.. can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 7: Eyyyyyy i cant help byt to feel like the Angel is Jeoenghan hahahahah i enjoy this fic a lot tho xD
Omg i love this please update soon!!!
Chapter 7: The devil in angel's suiy, ohoho~~