It's All Lies, Baby


What happens when you can't tell a lie?

Minseok has never, nor will ever tell a lie.

Luhan enjoys telling lies, it the only thing he's good at. 


Minseok watches as a man brings the forth woman to library. All different women, and he kisses them both with a smile on his face. It's as if he he has no conscience at all. 

Minseok can't help but sigh behind his desk and learns back in his chair. He doesn't know how long he's been the library, but he knows his shift ends soon. He's been observing this man and how he intereacts with each woman and Minseok can't help but feel bad for them.

How many lies has he told to them? 



A/N : i figured that i should start another xiuhan story. hope you'll enjoy~

tumblr: gravitao


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Can't wait for the stories :D
Yasss. Xiuhan and krisho. XD